When and how to transplant the currant?

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Today, perhaps, it is impossible to find a summer cottage where the currant would not grow. Black, red and white beauty has won the love of gardeners with delicious aromatic and healthy berries. To annually get a good harvest, behind the bushes in the berry, you need proper care and timely reproduction of the varieties you like.

In some cases, there is a need for a currant transplant:

  • if bushes are beginning to interfere with neighboring overgrown trees or shrubs;
  • If the bush is obsolete and requires rejuvenation;
  • if you want to transplant ingrained cuttings or shoots;
  • if the land under the adult bush is depleted and the plant suffers from a lack of nutrients.

In each of the above cases, the rules of the currant transplantation and the order of work are the same.

Currant transfer rules

Transplant currants are preceded by the choice of a place for a future bush or berry. Currant loves lighted warm areas and does not tolerate blackout, so bushes should be located away from trees, fences and outbuildings. The plot under the future berry is dug to remove weeds and roots of old plants.

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  • On the selected site, pits are prepared for 2-3 weeks at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. Fertile soil, humus (compost), potash, phosphate fertilizers or wood ash are filled in the pits. The prepared soil should be loose and nutritious. For red currant in the nutrient mixture it is desirable to add sand, and to the bottom of the pit to lay a small layer of rubble for drainage.
  • The size of the wells is desirable to withstand at least 50-60 cm in width and 30-40 cm in depth, but it is more advisable to focus on the size of the roots of currant bushes.
  • The transplanted shrub requires careful preparation. Cut off half of the young shoots and cut old branches to the ground. The currant is dug neatly and removed from the hole. For shoots, you do not need to pull a plant - you can damage the roots or branches. If you can not extract the currant from the first time, it is dug in a circle once again at 1.5-2 bayonet bayonet in depth.
  • If the bush is healthy, then it can be excavated with a clod of earth and transplanted. If the bush is sick, you need to carefully examine all the roots, remove the damaged or dry, remove the larvae of pests and insects living in the root system of plants. Process the roots of plants with a solution of potassium permanganate (manganese).
  • Pour enough water into the pit to make the fertile mixture a liquid substance. It is necessary to immerse the bush in the slime and, holding it by weight, sprinkle dry soil 5-8 cm above the root neck of the bush.
  • Pour the bush again, so that the earth is compacted around the roots.

Further, after the transplanted pet, regular care is organized: frequent watering, sprinkling and top dressing.

Autumn transplantation

All gardeners are tormented by the question: when is it better to transplant the currant to get a full crop as early as possible?
In the northern regions, it is advisable to transplant the currant in the spring, when the snow comes down and a plus temperature sets in. But if the bushes have already started to grow, then the transplantation to a new place should be postponed until the fall.

Autumn transplantation requires patience, since the bush must discard the leaves, and the sap flow will stop in the shoots.

For the middle zone of Russia the most favorable period is the mid-to-late October.
In the northern regions, the terms are shifted by 2-3 weeks. If you carry out the transfer of bushes too early, the currant can "mix up" the seasons and go on growth, throwing out the buds that will freeze in winter, weakening the bush. In warm and dry autumn, transplanted bushes require regular watering.

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Winter shelter in this case is mandatory. You can pour 2-3 buckets of old humus mixed with leaves of ornamental trees in the base of the bush. Then by spring around the bush a fertile layer of loose soil is formed, in which it is possible to build a watering bowl.

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Cobs of currant, planted in autumn, for the winter adapt in a new place and take root, in order to harvest in the summer.


Cobs of currant, transplanted in the spring, take root for a long time, adapt and yield only a year later. Around the bush in the autumn you can plant cloves of garlic. When it rises in the spring, every 3-4 days to cut feathers to 0.5-1cm, then the smell of garlic will scare off the pests.

Transplant in the spring

In spring, usually rooted cuttings, that is, they are transferred from the nursery trench to a permanent place in the berry. If the cuttings were planted in autumn, then in the spring they will be twigs with 2-3 leaves from the kidneys left above the ground.

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If the shrub cuttings last spring, a year ago, then by the time of transplantation full-bush bushes with 2-3 shoots should turn out. Such young bushes can be transplanted easily, according to the rules described above. But to dig a plant it is necessary with a clod of the earth, then there is a minimal risk of damage to the roots. Transplanted in the spring bushes require constant care and abundant watering throughout the summer.

Transplantation of adult currant bushes in spring is carried out as early as possible in the middle or end of March, as soon as the ground thawed.

Transplant in summer

Transplant currant in the summer is not desirable, but possible. After all, it happens that people acquire a new dacha and feel sorry for leaving their pets, in which they have invested so much heat and energy. In this case, adult bushes are excavated with a clod of earth, which should be as much as possible. To transport bushes to a new location, buckets, basins and boxes are used according to the size of the roots. Planting a bush in the prepared pit, carefully water it daily for several days.

Saplings of containers can be transplanted into the berry at any time of the year and even in the summer, providing them with copious watering and timely fertilizing. Immediately after planting, the place under the bush should be mulched with peat, compost, humus or sand, then moisture will last longer. If the planting holes are filled well, the fertilizing of planted shrubs will be required only after a year.

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