How and what is the currant feeding after harvesting?

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At first glance, completely unpretentious plant. Special conditions for their cultivation does not require. For a black currant there is enough a solar site, the friable fertile soil and enough moisture. It would seem that all. Every year brings large berries. But, if you are not very concerned about the care and feeding of currants, then over time there may be frustration.

Required dressing currant in spring

Before you decide to plant currant bushes on your plot, you will need to prepare the soil. Currant feels bad in acidic soil. It is necessary to make lime in the ground and dig.

Fertilizers that are applied before planting plants, will give the necessary elements and nutrition to him for about 2 years. After it is necessary to make additional portions of minerals and supplements.

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Top dressing of black currant begins in spring, when the leaves are just starting to bloom. Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied to the soil. If the plant is young enough 50 g of urea. It should be shallow to dig up the soil around the bush. This will give the necessary impetus for plant formation and fruiting. With currant age, the amount of fertilizer will need to be reduced.

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If your plant has anthracnose leaves( reddish bumps), treat them with a polychrome solution. Diluted in 10 liters of water 40 g.

What to feed the currants during the flowering period?

When the currant bush is blooming and the future berries are already beginning to grow, the plant needs plenty of watering. It is good during this period to produce a currant feed. For this purpose, bird droppings or mullein solution will be required.

  • Nitrogen supplements. Bird droppings 1 part diluted in 10 parts of water. After the infusion we bring in the plant in the following way: make a furrow to the depth of the chopper around the perimeter of the currant crown. To spill deepening in a circle and sprinkle with earth. It is better to carry out this manipulation after rain or after abundant watering.
    Nitrogen supplement allows currants to actively produce new shoots, the plant becomes strong, the leaves are large and the harvest is richer.
  • Complex fertilizers. After the currant has blossomed and the fruit has formed, it is necessary to feed the plant. The need for phosphorus and potassium increases. Complex fertilizers are well suited for this purpose.

Top dressing currants after harvesting

Before proceeding with top dressing currants, you should carefully inspect the plant. During this period, mites and aphids can settle on the shoots. If such is present, treat the bush with a solution of karbofos( 70 g per 10 liters of water).

The feeding of currants in autumn is extremely important, since it is during this period that the budding of the flower buds takes place.

In the fall, the plant must be fed and prepared for wintering. Under each bush make organic dressing. If you have rotted manure, you need to expand it within a radius of 50 cm from the center of the bush. Powder everything with ashes.200 g will be enough for one plant. And superphosphate about 100 g will be evenly distributed on the surface. Then everything should be carefully digged up, but not to damage the roots. From above you can mulch with humus.

If autumn promises to be dry, then currants must be watered abundantly, so that the soil is soaked to a depth of at least 50 cm.

The poorer the land, the more enrichment will be required.

Alternative dressing currants

Some plants themselves are fertilizer for others. In order not to look for bird droppings and not to make grooves, you can do this: in the spring, plant peas, vetch, and lupine between the beds and bushes. With the onset of autumn will need to dig all these plants to the ground, evenly distributing them under currant bushes.

Read also: For the preparation of organic fertilizer we prepare the compost pile

Experienced gardeners spend additional feeding on currants in a slightly different way. Prepare a solution: 5 g of potassium permanganate, 3 g of boric acid, 40 g of copper sulphate. All are mixed in 10 liters of water and spray the bush.

Gardener's Tips

  • Potato Peel. If you do not have animals for which they feed, the advice is simple. Soak the cleaning in water, and then put them in the furrow made near the currant bush. You can sprinkle on top of urea about 10 g. Be sure - the berries will be large and juicy.
  • Bread remnants. You can soak the bread in water with grass and make a bush in the earthen furrow. Pre-give the whole mass to stand and ferment. Yeast produces carbon dioxide, which is also essential for plants.

Caring for a currant on your site, you take a step towards your health. Currant - a source of vitamins. It doesn't matter if you eat it fresh, make jam, bake pies or drink tea brewed with fragrant leaves.

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