How to make sandy soil suitable for growing garden and garden crops?

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I have sandy soil on the site. How to prepare it for growing vegetables and garden crops?

Sandy soil is one of the poorest in nutrients. Cultivate plants on it, even with the use of fertilizers rather difficult work. Sand is not able to retain moisture, because of what quickly dries up, and the introduced preparations also quickly wash out or go far into the depths, from where the root system of plants is difficult to get them.

In order to make sandstones suitable for gardening and gardening, first of all, it is necessary to improve the soil structure. It's not enough just to apply fertilizers, first of all, you need to "heavier" the earth, adding other components to the soil. And then periodically make reserves of nutrients, using mostly organic.

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In other words, it is necessary to carry out a complex of measures, which includes:

  • introduction of clay, chernozem, peat into the site;
  • periodic fertilization of soil organic;
  • use of mineral fertilizers.

How to change the structure of sandy soil?

To keep the moisture in the sand longer, the site should be filled with clay and dig it. After digging, clay should remain at a depth of 5 cm. Gradually it will be blurred by rain, and close the pores in the ground, not allowing the water to drain quickly.

When planting perennial crops, for example, fruit trees and shrubs, lay a layer of clay on the bottom of the landing pit, and then pour on top of the fertile soil.

If possible, it is desirable to dilute the sandy soil with chernozem or peat compost. The latter must be brought in a large enough quantity - up to 800 kg per hundred square meters. Not bad is the moisture and the peat itself. Of course, all this requires significant financial investments, and the maximum effect will be manifested only the next year.

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Use of organic matter on sandy soil

The introduction of organic fertilizers is one of the most accessible ways, and their regular use will significantly improve the composition of the soil. Best in this business has proven to be a normal compost. It should be sprinkled every spring around perennials or on future beds and mixed with sandy soil. The compost layer must be made at least 2 cm.

Autumn composting will not yield positive results, since most nutrients will be washed with water by spring.

It is good to improve the structure of sandstones and enrich them with microelements of the plant-siderata - lupine, seradella and leguminous crops. The skewed green mass of the siderates is dug together with the earth for the winter. For this purpose, you can also use ordinary mown grass, but without seeds.


Use of mineral fertilizers

Light sandy soils often have an acute shortage of potassium, magnesium and many other elements. Without mineral preparations here not to manage, however to apply them it is necessary extremely accurately. After all, through the sand, the nutrient solution will pass faster, which can cause root burn and even plant death. The recommended dose is better divided into several receptions.

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