Magnesium fertilizers for tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes

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Help me, please, save my garden - the tomatoes turned leaves, and the potatoes with cucumbers turned yellow. A neighbor says that this phenomenon is due to a lack of magnesium. Tell me, what magnesium fertilizers for tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes can be used for feeding?

In modern truck farming without magnesium fertilizers simply can not do. They not only have a positive effect on the overall development of crops, so that they grow faster and more actively assimilate certain trace elements, but also are the key to a qualitative and timely harvest. It is magnesium responsible for the accumulation of ovaries and leaves of oils, fats and other substances that accelerate the ripening of fruits. In addition, magnesium fertilizers contribute to the accumulation of sugars and starch in the fruit, which is especially important when growing potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. With timely top dressing roots grow large, tomatoes - sweet, and cucumber - juicy.

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One of the advantages of using magnesium fertilizers is the complete elimination of magnesium overdose. Even with excessive application of the plant, only the required amount of trace element is absorbed, and excess remains in the ground, thanks to which good yields persist for several more seasons.

One of the most common and widely used magnesium fertilizers are:

  • magnesium sulphate;
  • Kalimagnesia (Kalimag);
  • magnesium nitrate (magnesium nitrate).
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Magnesium sulphate

The preparation contains about 17% of magnesium and 13% of sulfur. To plant potatoes grew faster, magnesium sulphate or magnesium sulfate is recommended to be used as the main top dressing with direct application of up to 20 g of the drug per 1 sq. Km. m. area for spring digging. As an additional food in the active growth phase, you need to water the bushes twice a month with a solution (35 g of magnesium sulfate per bucket of water). If there are signs of an acute shortage of magnesium, sprinkle the potatoes on the leaf (10 g of water 20 g of the drug).

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On a site for tomatoes and cucumbers under the digging, enough to make 10 g of magnesium sulphate per 1 square. m. For irrigation, a solution of 30 g of the drug per bucket of water should be used, and for spraying, a concentration of half the amount should be used.

After the direct introduction of magnesium sulphate into the dry soil, it must be poured in the next two days, so that the drug begins to work.


Contains 10% magnesium, potassium and sulfur. When planting potatoes in each hole, you must put it for 1 hour. l. preparation. A site for tomatoes and cucumbers in the spring before planting the crops, digging in with 10 grams of Kalimagnesia per 1 sq. Km. m. For sheet dressing, dissolve 20 g of the drug in a bucket of water.

Read also:Potato pests and control

Magnesium nitrate

Contains up to 16% magnesium and nitrogen in nitrate form. It is recommended to use for root (10 g per 10 liters of water) and foliar dressings (20 g per 10 liters of water) throughout the crop growing season. Between fertilizing should maintain an interval of 2 weeks.

Magnesium top dressing of cucumbers - video

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