Cuhaya carpet cleaning: dry cleaning carpets in the home agent, carpet dry cleaning at home

Undoubtedly, carpeted living room makes a lot more comfortable, and walk on it is much nicer than on the cold floor. On the market there is a large selection of carpets both natural and made of synthetic material. However, they all tend to get dusty and dirty and require periodic cleaning. Of course, you can take the coat to the dry cleaners, but it is much cheaper to clean it yourself using inexpensive means, so to speak, dry cleaning at home.

Dry Carpet Cleaning

What tools to choose

The content of the article

  • What tools to choose
  • Dry carpet cleaning at home

Dry cleaning is a very convenient and versatile. It is not always convenient to wash the carpet, and not all of the coatings transferred to wet cleaning.

REFERENCE. Dry cleaning is not suitable for heavy soiling.

To remove existing contamination, you can use the store means. At the household chemicals market a large number of them present. They may be in the form of a shampoo, a gel, a powder or a spray. Some of them have additional features. For example, to protect from dirt and have antibacterial properties.

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They are very easy to use, but not very suitable if in the family there are people with allergies and small children. In this case, you can use home remedies. These include:

  • Baking soda.
  • Cooking coarse salt.
  • Strong tea leaves.
  • Pure snow.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • 9% vinegar.

In folk remedies have several advantages:

  • They are safe. This only expensive professional products can compete with them.
  • Price. Their cost is often less than 50 rubles.
  • Quality. For example, excellent cleaning ability soda are well known to every housewife, because it helps to cope even with strong contaminants, it does not harm the surface.

Most of them always at hand, so we can only choose a more convenient and proceed to clean the carpet.

Dry carpet cleaning at home

Carpet Cleaning house means as follows:

  • Soda. Approximately 100 grams of soda should be diluted in a small amount of water. The water should be warm, so soda dissolve much better. The solution was poured into a spray bottle and applied evenly to the surface to be cleaned. After drying, the carpet is enough to vacuum or sweep up carefully.
  • Dry Carpet CleaningSalt. Salt requires a lot. It is necessary to put a thick layer and leave for some time. It absorbs dirt. After that it will sweep away. Together with the dirt also remove any debris and wool.
  • Welding. First you need to cook the tea leaves, and then drained, and themselves tea leaves scattered on the carpet. Then welding is removed. Option is effective only ate dirt stains are fresh and not very strong.
  • Snow. Antiquated method, existing for decades. Ideally, if a family has young children and people with allergies.
  • Cabbage. It takes just sauerkraut, not marinated. It must be thoroughly overcome by excess moisture and apply to pollution, then leave to dry. When the cabbage is dry, sweep it with a broom. Together with her to remove and mote with wool.
  • Vinegar. First a solution is made 2 tablespoons vinegar to mix with 1 liter of water. Then with a spray it thoroughly applied to the carpet and clean the brush.

REFERENCE. Brushes used to clean any carpet should have a soft fleece, or carpet is damaged.

If cleaning is carried out with the help of store assets, it is necessary to follow the instructions as given on the packaging. With proper and timely care for the floor covering can be achieved not only that it is clean and pleasant to the touch, but also significantly prolong its life.

Dry Carpet Cleaning
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