Despite the fact that in modern times, the operation of such a product as a carpet is less and less common, in this article we will consider the varieties, and also try to find out what are the improved models.

Carpet - what is it
The content of the article
- Carpet - what is it
- Carpet Types
- A bit of history
- Modern technologies
Before directly delving into the topic, you need to understand the definition of the subject. Thus, the carpet is a kind of woven fabric, the density of which is quite high. If we talk about the material, then its role can be played by various kinds of yarn, which is also used most often in the manufacture of flooring or walls.
The object itself is used not only for space insulation, but also for decorating any premises. This is because the product often has an attractive appearance as the presence of patterned and multi-color components.

Carpet Types
Since the item itself was identified long ago, during this time, mankind managed to conditionally divide it into several varieties. Each of them will be considered separately below:
- Mats, the so-called lint-free carpets. The name, in principle, speaks for itself. This category can also be divided into several aspects. The first embodiment is kilims. Initially manufactured with features such as maximum durability, reliability and a long service life. With regard to appearance, they resemble two-sided products due to the fact that both the back side and the front depict an identical pattern. The next model is sumacs. Invented specifically for long-term heat storage due to long threads.
Another category that has more sophisticated technology is pile. They are made on the basis of nodular technique, that is, one thread is tied, respectively, around another. The nodes themselves may be different. Most often you can find such a performance as symmetrical and asymmetric. Due to this, the strength of the product is much increased and remains in an updated state for long times.
- Self made. In this paragraph, it can be precisely noted that self-production is felting, and the material is sheep wool. Due to this, practicality and durability are reduced.
- There is a thin line between manual manufacturing and where a special machine is used. Such carpets are called tufted.
A bit of history
From the very beginning of its application, mankind exploited carpets as a decoration for its home. Thus, it was possible to understand the owners of material support. In addition, manually connected pieces served as a source of heat retention in the room. If we talk about the first date when they just started to knit, then it is worth mentioning the interval between the 16th and 19th centuries BC. Therefore, this fact is based on finding the image in the tomb. The oldest carpet has been preserved to this day, it was made in the fifth century BC. e. Archaeologists have discovered it in Altai. At the moment he can be seen in the Hermitage.
ATTENTION. There are many versions, the exact one is missing. Another assumption is the Scythian origin. According to some experts, the very first product was created in Iran.
Modern technologies
As you can see, every year all things are modernized, and sometimes beyond recognition. Thus, today a huge assortment is provided to customers, which consists of products that differ not only in shape, color, but also in material.
If we talk directly about the twentieth century, then we must definitely mention that they began to use synthetics. Thanks to it, ultimately, the cost is significantly reduced, and the technical characteristics are practically not inferior to the original specifics of the material. Of course, you should not be afraid of such products with supreme, viscose and other additives. This is because these carpets are much easier to clean, have less weight and other advantages. Of course, until now, manufacturers are trying to experiment on the basis of changes in texture, despite the fact that the same millennium-old principles of work are used.