Is it possible to wash ugg boots: in a washing machine or manually

Boots Uggi for several years as prescribed in the wardrobe of every second woman in Russia. Shoes marking, so the question of washing rises often. About whether you can erase uggs in the typewriter or need to clean them manually, you will find out below.

Is it possible to wash ugg boots: in a washing machine or manually

Content of the material:

  • 1Which way to care to choose
    • 1.1How to wash in a typewriter
    • 1.2How to clean the ugg boots
  • 2Cleaning products

Which way to care to choose

On our market uggs came from Australia and New Zealand. This footwear found there a spread in agriculture, which explains their not too pretentious appearance. Despite the unpretentiousness, the boots are soft, comfortable, warm, without locks, laces or lightning. Those who invented them used natural materials. Today they are mainly synthetic - it reduces the cost of production and opens up opportunities for easy maintenance. Is it possible to wash the ugg boots in the washing machine? The answer to the question consists of three factors:

  1. If the boots are made of genuine leather, suede or fur - do not throw them into the machine. These boots should be cleaned by hand.
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  2. Uggi from synthetics can be washed in automatic mode under two conditions: shoes are sewn qualitatively, you follow the rules and recommendations for washing.
  3. Suede options can be washed, but not in the SMA, but with your hands.

How to wash in a typewriter

To properly wash the uggs in the stylalk, first rinse the dirt from the soles and proceed in this order:

  • Put the shoes in a special case or wrap them in an old pillow case.
  • Pour shampoo for shoes into the detergent drawer.

Important! Do not use powders - they are very difficult to rinse out.

  • Set the mode to "Shoes" or "Delicate washing". Temperature - not more than 30 degrees.
  • Turn off the spinning and drying.
  • Start the washing and wait until the end of the cycle.

How to wash in a typewriter

No less important stage of care is drying. Do not twist or place your shoes on the battery, so you will only spoil it. First put the boots in the basin, so that the glasses are superfluous. Then crumple several sheets of white paper or take an old waffle towel and stuff it with a sock boot, then do the same with the bootleg. You can put an empty plastic bottle in the top of the boot instead of paper. Choose a warm place for drying - not far from batteries, but not on them. When paper or towels absorb moisture, you need to replace the "stuffing" - so the boots will dry faster.

How to wash in a typewriter

How to clean the ugg boots

How to wash in a typewriter, we figured out, let's move on to the subtleties of manual cleaning. If you arrange a daily cleaning, then the ugg boots will remain beautiful and tidy for a long time. Do this:

  1. When you come home, fill your shoes with newspapers to dry it.
  2. Take a shoe brush for suede and handle the stains.
  3. If this is not enough, you can use a soapy solution (better to do from shampoo, dishwashing detergent, etc.).
  4. Wipe with a suede cloth stain, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the product with water, and arrange drying.
  6. If the boots are suede, do not wet them strongly - clean in two stages: a damp and dry cloth.

How to clean the ugg boots

Important! If you decide to wash the boots in the AGR, first clean them manually - this can bring results no worse than machine wash.

Cleaning products

To facilitate and increase the effectiveness of manual cleaning, pay attention to special shampoos and sprays. Choose how to clean the ugly, from our rating:

  • Sole Fresh - a product with a natural composition, and suitable for natural materials. In the kit there is a soft brush for comfortable removal and dirt, and residue of cleaning agent.

Cleaning products

  • Hatch. This is a budget shampoo that will cope even with old stains. Bonus: the product perfectly softens the material.

Cleaning products

Important! Before cleaning, test the tool inside the shaft to check how the paint reacts on your boots.

In addition to shampoos, there are means for daily care. For example, these are:

  • Collonil Classic- a spray for daily use, which repels dirt and dust, neutralizes unpleasant odors. In order for the spray to work, you need to sprinkle your boots abundantly before going out.

Cleaning products

  • ViloSpray paint that restores color. Simultaneously, tinted ugly and repels dirt, however, not as good as the previous remedy. Regular use is recommended.

Cleaning products

  • Kokubo- kills the smell of sweat and other "scents". The remedy will begin to act as soon as you load the bags inside the shoe. It is recommended to leave it overnight.

Cleaning productsNow you know everything about caring for ugg boots - how to wash and clean them. Using our recommendations, you will be able to retain the attractiveness of comfortable winter shoes for a long time.

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