Growing cyclamen at home: important nuances of planting and caring for the demanding handsome man

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Among the variety of indoor plants, there are such flowers that are often used as a gift. Get a pot with a beautiful blooming bush cyclamen, violets or anthurium is pleasantly doubly: such flowers do not compare with the bouquet, because it will quickly wither, and the bush will gladden the eye for a long time, besides it can even give "Offspring".

Cyclamen is a herbaceous perennial of the Mersin family with very bright and abundant flowering. Its original colorful inflorescences in the form of butterflies with raised wings proudly rise above the foliage on long legs and form a magnificent flower cap, past which it is simply impossible to pass. Yes, and the leaves themselves with their rounded shapes and a light pattern on a dark background are also very decorative. Thanks to the spectacular appearance and long (more than 3 months) flowering cyclamen has long been a place in the hearts of lovers of domestic plants.

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Planting and caring for Cyclamen only at first glance seem difficult, in fact, this flower is quite comfortable on the windowsills and can decorate them with their flowering more than once. The main thing is to know some of the nuances of cultivation and create favorable conditions for it. How to do it right, about this and talk today.

Features of planting cyclamen

The root system of the plant differs significantly from the roots of most of the representatives of room that plays one of the main roles not only at his landing, but also in further care for flower. Cyclamen somewhat resembles bulbous cultures: its root is a large, flattened, round-shaped corm. Its diameter is about 15 cm on average, with only one growth point.

When planting an adult cyclamen, the tuber can not be completely buried in the ground: at least 1/3 its part should remain on the surface. The exception is the European type of plant, in which the roots grow not only in the lower part of the bulb, but also across its surface.

The soil for the flower needs to be chosen light and nutritious. The store sells ready-made substrates for this plant. It also suited soil mixture for senpolia.

If desired, suitable for cyclamen soil can be compiled independently, mixed in equal parts:

  • leaf ground;
  • sand;
  • sod land;
  • humus.

There is one more nuance, on which both development and future flowering of the plant directly depends. A pot for cyclamen should choose a small volume (of course, given the size of the corms).

When choosing a flowerpot, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that from the tuber itself to the walls of the landing tank should be no more than 3 cm. Only in such "close conditions" cyclamen will soon be able to blossom.

What does cyclamen like and what is he afraid of?

When planning to grow a plant, it is worth considering that it prefers:

  • coolness;
  • Fresh air;
  • sufficiently high humidity of air;
  • diffused lighting.
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The most comfortable temperature for a flower is up to 20 degrees of heat, but not below 10 degrees. That it blossomed in winter, you need even less - up to 14 degrees of heat. Frequent airing allows cyclamen to provide fresh air, especially during the heating season. You can also refresh the bush with regular spraying, in addition, they will raise the humidity and lower the temperature in the room.

During the ventilation of the premises it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a draft - it is disastrous for a flower.

Another important point in caring for cyclamens at home is watering. Humidify the soil in a pot best by the method of lower watering, lowering the pot in a bowl with water. Keep it there until the substrate is completely saturated with moisture, and the top layer will not become wet. Then, remove the cyclamen and drain excess water. The liquid from the pallet must necessarily be drained, so that it does not stagnate.

Lower watering cyclamen will exclude the possibility of moisture on the top of the corms, as well as directly on flowers and leaves. If you pour a bush directly into the pot, there is a risk of pouring a growth point, and this usually results in the rotting of the tuber and, consequently, the loss of the entire plant.

Cyclamen can still be poured directly into the pallet, without forgetting then to drain excess water from it.

Concerning the application of fertilizers, the cyclamen refers to those houseplants, which it is better to underfeed than overfeed.The flower responds well to complex preparations for flowering plants, especially in liquid form, but to cook The working solution follows strictly following the recommendations for its use, sometimes even reducing it concentration.

The purchased plant does not need any additional fertilizing for 2-3 months: usually, the shop soil contains a large The amount of nutrients that the plant "refills" so that it is abundantly blooming and beautiful "marketable condition.

How often should I transplant a plant?

Cyclamen does not grow very fast, and the young corms can sit in a pot for about two years. During this time, it will increase the volume and it will be possible to transplant the cyclamen into a more spacious vase, at the same time and changing the substrate to fresh one. It is better to transplant the transhipment method, without completely cleaning the old soil from the tuber, so as not to damage it. The first fertilizing after such a procedure is done in a month.

Cyclamen should be transhipped at the end of the dormancy period, until it has started to grow, and it is not necessary to take a very large container, otherwise one can not see the next flowering.

Gifted or purchased in the store flowering plant (even if it is quite clear that transportation pot for him is small) can not be transplanted - we must wait until it fades and will rest.


How does cyclamen rest?

When the bush finishes its flowering and the inflorescences fade, yellow leaves and leaves begin to turn after them, and eventually only one tuber remains in the pot. Many growers think that the plant is lost, and often even throw it away. However, this is completely in vain, because it is so cyclamen to prepare for the rest period.

Withering leaves can be carefully removed without waiting for them to dry out completely. For this, the petioles are simply twisted clockwise without using scissors.

Care for the cyclamen in the rest period is simple:

  • with the onset of yellowing, the foliage begins to reduce the frequency of irrigation;
  • The pot with the "naked" round tuber remaining in it is rearranged to a darker place, where it will get less light, but it will not be hot;
  • dormant cyclamen occasionally watered to prevent complete drying of the soil and corms.

Most plants fall into a hibernation in winter, when the room is too warm and dry for them, because it is known that Cyclamens abundantly bloom only in cool and humid conditions, although the spring-summer break for them also is characteristic.

Have a rest for three months. This time they are quite enough to recover and gain strength before the next plentiful flowering.After the specified time, the pot with corms is returned to a bright place and watering is resumed. Soon, from the bulb will appear leaves, then the buds will be tied and everything will be repeated again.

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Primary mode of reproduction

As already mentioned, the cyclamen corms have only one growth point. True, sometimes there are instances in which they are formed a little, but this happens very rarely. For this reason, it is almost impossible to obtain a new plant by dividing the tuber, especially since even if there is an opportunity to implement such a procedure, the delineations take root extremely reluctantly and in most cases perish.

The seed method is the most real and yielding method of cyclamen reproduction.

Sowing seeds can be at any time of the year, but it is better to start working in early spring. Then the light day is long enough that it allows to provide the seedlings with good lighting and avoiding their stretching.

Before sowing the seed is better etched for disinfection purposes, soaking them in a solution of potassium permanganate. Instead, you can use any growth stimulant.

Seeding capacity should be filled with nutrient soil, make shallow grooves in it and spray them well from the spray gun. Lay the prepared seeds, leaving a distance of at least 2 cm between the seeds. Lightly sprinkle the crops with earth and cover with film or glass on top to create greenhouse conditions. In this form they will stay for 12 months until they germinate. At this time, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the youngsters and spray the soil, and not to allow too high temperature values, otherwise the seeds will "fall asleep" instead of germinating.

If the sprouts have not yet sprouted after a month, do not rush them: the seeds of individual cyclamen varieties can "sit" in the ground for more than 5 months.

When the seeds germinate, the film is removed and the seedlings are grown already without it. After the formation of the growths of a pair of real leaves and their own little nodules, they are dived into individual cups. It is noteworthy that it is possible to plant in pairs and even 3 pieces, since there will not be much need for each young bulb on the ground.

When picking plants, young corms are covered with soil completely, unlike adult cyclamens.

Such small groups they will "sit" and grow up for about six months, after which the bushes are already individually transplanted into vazonchiki volume of not more than 7 cm. The first flowering of young cyclamen can be seen not earlier than 18 months after seeding, and some specimens are prepared for this for three whole years. They can blossom in summer or even in winter, depending on the time of sowing and growing conditions.

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As you can see, the cyclamen can not be called a simple flower, but you can also say that it is very whimsical, too. Just need to know exactly what the plant needs and respond in time to its requests.And then beautiful bright cyclamen butterflies will settle on your windowsill and attract attention to it to envy all neighbors. Cultivate it and multiply it to share your joy with loved ones. Good luck!

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