How to grow seedlings seedlings?

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Strawberries are the favorite berry of many. How to grow seedlings so that in the beginning of summer they can eat delicious and fragrant berries? You can grow with seeds. This method and method is now very popular among gardeners. Having sown a seed in the winter of a house, in the beginning of the summer the first berries already appear, which do not disappear from the bush to the coldest.

Strawberries are a berry that captivates with taste and unusual aroma, even the leaves of strawberries have a curative effect. Throughout the world, this berry is gaining popularity. Breeders of many countries have brought out different varieties of strawberries, so among strawberry growers it becomes popular. You can grow a favorite plant with the help of seeds. After all, not always bought seedlings of garden strawberries can give the desired result. Therefore, we will grow seedlings seedlings from seeds, to get a healthy plant and a good harvest.

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Growing seedlings from seed is very easy and interesting. So let's figure out what you can sow?

  • Repaired strawberry - is very popular. For the price of seeds are available. It differs from ordinary and garden strawberries in that this species blooms and fruits continuously. On a small plant bush you can observe flowers, green berries and red fruits. Repaired strawberries are used in flower gardens, landscape design and simply as a home balcony plant. Also now a very large selection of varieties that bear fruit until late autumn.
  • Garden or pineapple strawberries - a variety, too, popular, but quite expensive.
  • And of course you can use your own seeds, which are collected from the best varieties of strawberries, but be careful not to collect hybrids.

Cultivation of seedlings of strawberries can be divided conditionally into three stages:

  1. Seeding of seeds.
  2. Timely and proper care of seedlings.
  3. Planting seedlings in the ground.
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When and how to plant strawberries on seedlings?

From the beginning, select the seeds from which you want to get the seedlings. It is better to plant a strawberry for seedlings of different varieties. Seedlings of remontant strawberries and seedlings of garden strawberries do not differ in sowing, nursing. Therefore, let's start with the first stage of cultivation of strawberry seedlings.

You can start planting in early February or March, in order to get as early as possible fruits. Of course, you can sow in May and June, but you need to be more careful and with greater attention to the seedlings. Late seedlings do not have time to land in the ground, that is, to a permanent place, so she will have to spend the winter in boxes on the windowsill.

Therefore, we will start growing seedlings as early as possible. Seeds of garden and remontant strawberries are small, so you need a light and loose soil, which must contain sand, humus, peat. You can prepare the mixture yourself or buy ready-made soil mixtures. Suitable mixture, such as for "Begonia "For violets as well as a universal mixture. Before planting the seed, the land must be steamed or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.


Also need a shallow container (about 5 centimeters) with drainage holes. You can use both individual pots and large boxes. If you plant in separate pots, then in the future you release yourself from diving, because the seedlings are very tender and fragile.

Planting seed strawberries on seedlings is a very delicate process. The soil should be prepared a few days before sowing, it should be moist and at room temperature. If you plant different varieties of strawberries, be sure to sign or leave a recognition flag with the inscription of the variety.

Plant one seed in the ground at a distance of about a couple of centimeters from each other. On top of the seeds do not need to be covered with earth, it will be enough to sprinkle the earth with water from the atomizer so that the seeds sink densely into the ground. Be sure to cover the seedlings with a film and put in a warm place, but not near the battery. Overheat the soil, and neither of which will not work.
You need to open the film every day, in order to ventilate or moisten the soil. The first shoots will appear in about a few weeks.

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Second phase. Seedlings will appear small, fragile, grow slowly enough. Therefore, you need to monitor the watering. Overmoisture can not be done, since such a disease as a "black leg" can appear. Spread the seedlings on a light warm place, you do not need to remove the film. Twice a day ventilate the ground. As soon as the shoots have the first leaves, increase the number of airings, thereby accustom young shoots to room conditions.

Sharply to remove a film it is impossible, as the plant can perish from temperature and humidity drop. If the plant is slightly strengthened, it's time to start the pick, it's about that seedling, which was sown in a common box.

Watering should be moderate. In individual small pots, the strawberry seedlings are located until a leaf rosette is formed up to 7 cm in diameter. If the size is larger, then transplant the seedlings into a pot of larger diameter.

To feed young and only sprouted seedlings is not worth it, since all the nutrients the plant takes from the soil. That's when the real five leaves appear, you can gradually accustom the plant to the daily watering of fertilizers.

The third stage- preparation and planting of strawberry seedlings in the open ground. This stage is very important, as it is necessary to prepare seedlings, that is, to harden a young plant. Begin to accustom the plant to sunlight, wind, rain, take out the seedlings on the balcony, veranda. Do this hardening gradually and carefully, so as not to destroy the work that has been done. Each time increase the time spent in the open air and by the end of May, you can leave small strawberries on the street all night. Planting bushes in the ground can only be after they have got stronger. Choose a sunny, fertile place in the summer-resort and you can plant it.

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The distance between the bushes should be about 30 centimeters, between rows about 50 centimeters. Proper care and watering, will bear the first fruits by mid-July.

Free Technology

This is a new technology, which is not cheap. The essence of the method is as follows.

A bush of strawberries (strawberries) is excavated in the fall, before the first frosts come. It is during this period that the plant is at rest. Cropped leaves so that the stem remains about 3 centimeters. Of course, such seedlings look a bit strange, but the most important thing here is the root system. Seedlings must be treated with special solutions, thus it is prepared for hermetic storage in a refrigerating chamber. There is constantly maintained a certain temperature, which allows you to store seedlings for a long time before selling or planting.

Advantages of the freeze technology:

  • This type of strawberry should not hibernate on beds, thereby eliminating the influence of unfavorable factors.
  • It turns out a good harvest.
  • You can plant the seedlings of frego at different times in order to create a permanent cycle of fruiting.
  • Seedlings can be transported over long distances, thanks to the fact that it is compact.
  • Quick survival, thanks to a good root system.
  • After rooting on the seedling, the freeze does not affect the dry and hot weather, thanks to a good root system.

There are, of course, disadvantages in such seedlings. These include:

  • Difficulty of guarding at home, because seedlings need a temperature of 0 to + 1 C with an air humidity of at least 90%. If the temperature is at least half a degree higher, then the growth process will start.
  • Also, the difficulty lies in the precise timing of the excavation of the plant.

But if you are a real gardener, then no difficulties for you, at all.

Video: growing strawberry from seeds

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