Cultivation of delphinium seedlings: when and how to sow seeds

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I have a long-standing delphinium at my dacha, I used to take it from my neighbor at a time. This year, I noticed that the bed became very rare, a lot of bushes disappeared. I want to update the planting, because these flowers are very beautiful, at the same time, and find new varieties, in our store I saw other colors than mine. Tell me, when it is possible to plant delphinium on seedlings from seeds and how to do it correctly?

Seedling is used to plant annual delphiniums, but even perennial species of this plant Periodically it is necessary to update, in fact in due course a lot of bushes dies off, especially if the autumn has appeared rainy and protracted. One of the ways of plant multiplication, which allows at the same time to acquire new types of perennials, is the cultivation of seedlings.

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When to plant the seeds of the delphinium on seedlings?

The time when it is possible to start growing dolphinium seedlings depends on climatic conditions. Before the establishment of a stable warm weather, when it is time to plant seedlings in the open ground, the seedlings must be in time to grow and grow stronger. In the area where the spring is early and warm, it is possible to start the sowing at the end of February. If the winter is protracted, it is better to postpone the sowing work for March or even April.

How to prepare the seeds?

Seeds of delphinium, especially if they were collected independently or received as a gift from friends, must necessarily be decontaminated. To do this, they must be placed in a tissue bag, and put it into a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. This procedure will help to destroy possible bacteria and protect planting material from diseases.

Granulated seeds, purchased in the store, do not need preliminary treatment - they can be sown immediately.

Which primer should I use?

In order for seedlings to receive adequate nutrition, the root system could breathe, and the bushes could easily be removed from the nursery without damaging the roots, the soil must be fertile and moderately friable.

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For cultivation of delphinium seedlings, the ready-made universal substrate can be purchased at the store or made independently, mixing in equal proportions such components:

  • garden land;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • a little perlite.

The garden primer must first be steamed on a steam bath to get rid of possible fungi.

How to sow seeds and care for seedlings?

In low containers pour prepared soil and one by one to lay the seeds of delphinium at a short distance from each other. Fill them with a thin layer of earth and sprinkle abundantly from the spray gun.

Before emergence of pots with seeds sown it is better to keep a dark film in a secluded place with a temperature of 10 to 16 degrees Celsius - in the dark and cool, the flowers come out better. But as soon as the sprouts come through, the tanks must be opened and put on a sunny place.

Care for seedlings is simple and consists in such activities:

  1. Regular watering
  2. Picks in separate pots, when a pair of real leaves is formed on the seedlings.
  3. Zakalyvanie for 2 weeks before landing in the ground.
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Hardened seedlings are ready for planting on a bed.


Video about cultivation of dolphinium seedlings

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