How to make a mini-greenhouse for seedlings?

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Virtually all truck farmers are confident that the harvest is not planted in the summer, when the plants are already planted on permanent places and bloom and grow and blossom, and long before this - even in early spring, when only grown seedling. To provide the family with tasty and useful products from their own site, many resort to help greenhouses that allow and grow early and strong seedlings, and extend the growing season of adults plants.

Experts say that home greenhouses and greenhouses can increase yields from household plots almost threefold. Needed for this very little: auxiliary materials, available in virtually any farm, and desire.

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Simple in execution of designs set. Depending on the needs and the number of grown seedlings, such greenhouses can be organized both in the garden itself, and near the house, on the balcony and even on the windowsill.

Requirements for home mini-greenhouses for seedlings

But whatever the hothouse, it should:

  • Create seedlings comfortable conditions, ensure optimal microclimate, temperature, humidity, nutrition and lighting;
  • Give easy access to plants for the care, watering and weeding of plants;
  • Worthy to look and fit into the surrounding interior or landscape;
  • Be strong and able to withstand more than one cycle of growing plants.

However, this means that it will be necessary to build a capital structure of brick, glass or the now popular polycarbonate, which requires large material and physical costs. But in many areas there will be enough small easily constructed construction from available materials.

Mini-greenhouse for seedlings with a frame of pipes

If a lot of seedlings are required, it is possible to build a greenhouse consisting of a wooden frame for the bed itself and plastic pipes, from which the upper part of the structure is made. The greenhouse is covered with a film, which will protect the plantings from cold, precipitation and wind, but will miss enough light.

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The photo of the mini-greenhouse for seedlings shows the entire process of its creation from the stage of marking the site, installing a wooden frame to the finished structure.


To prevent the film from passing through cold air, it is fixed to the frame using double-sided scotch tape or rails and wallpaper nails. The dimensions of the greenhouse can be completely different, but it is not worth making it longer than three meters.

The construction of a self-made mnitoplitsa for seedlings begins with the clearing and leveling of the place where the structure will be installed, and the area is covered with a net, film or agrofiber.

Inside the contour, a drainage layer is necessarily made, after which the bed is filled with fertile soil. This will enable large greenhouses to use in the summer to plant cucumbers, tomatoes or other crops that require shelter. And the film can later be replaced or supplemented with a grid, so that climbing plants are supported.

There are several variants of the upper, film part. This can be opening lids of different designs or a folding canopy made of film. Square mini greenhouses for seedlings do, crossing two plastic arcs, long buildings require a number of such arcs.

If plastic pipes are not available, the arc can be made from a strong steel wire. True, this skeleton should be more frequent than plastic.

Microplate film for seedlings

The simplest greenhouse without additional heating can be made from frames knocked down from wooden beams and covered with a thick film or sheet plastic. To warm up the air was sufficient, it is necessary to locate the structure from east to west and it is desirable to make a gable roof.

To install a greenhouse it is necessary to determine the dimensions and prepare materials:

  • Bar of different sections for frame and frame;
  • protective composition for wood,
  • wallpaper and usual nails,
  • hinges for fastening the frame to the frame;
  • film or thin sheet plastic.

Advantages of such a greenhouse:

  • Low construction cost;
  • Early planting of plants in the greenhouse;
  • Convenient storage and durability;
  • Quick installation and replacement of the film if necessary;
  • Watering with soil moisture after melting snow.

The sowing in a film greenhouse can be started already in the first decade of April, if the walls are insulated briquettes of straw or other material and use glazed frames, the plants can be planted and in March.

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Greenhouse near the wall of the house

Attached to the sunny side of the house or other construction, the greenhouse will be reliably protected from the wind and will receive the maximum amount of light, and hence heat.

The frame structure, as well as its coverage can be any. And on the main wall, you can strengthen additional shelving, which will not be superfluous when growing seedlings in a mini-plate.

Greenhouses for seedlings of plastic bottles

If after a hot summer there are enough plastic bottles, they can be used as a building material for the original mini greenhouse for seedlings. And the bottles can be cut as shown in the photo, and you can collect walls from whole vessels.

Hothouses from window frames

Old glazed frames can get a second, and very decent, life, if they are included in the design of mini-greenhouses for seedlings, which can be of different shapes and designs. And with some imagination and serve as a garden or balcony decoration.

Miniature greenhouses for seedlings

Gardeners under the seedlings take up any free piece of the square, so it's not a secret that in homes, often at such enthusiasts everything is fixed with boxes and pots with plants.

It is good to save space and order the green economy will help very miniature designs. It can be ready mini-greenhouses for seedlings with peat tablets, high-tech models with a special electric heating and automatic irrigation, but you can and not spend money on such innovations, and make a similar design itself here, in home conditions.

How to make a mini-teplichku from improvised funds?

The easiest way for such a hothouse is to use any plastic containers in which cakes and semi-finished products are sold today, and packaging from eggs with a transparent plastic lid is also suitable.

As a liner in a mini greenhouse for seedlings, peat tablets, and cardboard egg-filled cartons filled with nutrient soil, cut to the size of a container, can serve.

If the egg tray is plastic, then for the outflow of excess moisture before filling the soil in it should make small holes in the bottom.

Read also:How to make a reliable drainage system on the site with your own hands

Peat tablets can replace and nested, as in the photo, in cells empty shells, liners from rolls of toilet paper or improvised cups from a regular newspaper. These natural containers as the plant grows and the root system is destroyed and do not leave traces in the soil.

Mini-greenhouses made of plastic bottles

There are many ways to use plastic bottles, and from large tanks you can build a greenhouse for several seedlings.

The best option for such a mini greenhouse for seedlings is a transparent vessel that is cut as shown in the figure, filled with drainage mixture and soil, and where the seeds are planted. In order to avoid stagnation of moisture, each bottle should be made with holes on the bottom to supply such a hotbed with a tray.

Mini-greenhouse from the keg

A mini greenhouse for seedling, but a large volume, will come from a plastic keg, if in it to make lateral slots that do not affect the stiffeners. The curtain is cut out of a thick film and fastened with double-sided tape or with the help of furniture staples, and through the drain hole in the greenhouse you can bring light on the phyto-lamps.

Garden on the balcony

If the sills do not accommodate all the containers with seedlings, then you can use the balcony area to arrange the greenhouse. There are many constructions and variants of such a structure, and you can find original photos of mini-greenhouses for seedlings, even from a suitcase and from boxes from lost or unnecessary disks.

On the balcony will be appropriate mini-greenhouses, made in the form of a floor with film cases or cabinets with glass windows. A small greenhouse in the style of shebi-chic from old window frames will even decorate the interior of the balcony or veranda.

However, it should be remembered that there is not enough light either to the room or on the balcony to plants in the winter or spring period, therefore here it is necessary to arrange the illumination of greenhouses, so that the duration of the light day for the seedlings is not less than 12-14 hours. For the cultivation of seedlings in a mineral water, special non-burning or fluorescent lamps are best. And to ensure that plants do not get burned when the sun comes out, it is more correct to provide protective blinds in advance.

Video: homemade mini-greenhouse from arches

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