Interesting commodity on AliExpress - timer-watch from China


Baking is an interesting and complex process. However, it is necessary to observe the accuracy during cooking. Not only that you need to add ingredients only in the amount specified in the recipe, so also you need to monitor the time that the dish spends in the oven. If it is overexposed - the dish will turn out to be dry, and if not enough - it will be damp and viscid. That's why every timer owner's kitchen should have a clock with a timer.

A clock with a timer is a convenient device. With its help you can accurately track time. The device includes a clock, a timer and a stopwatch.

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The use of a timer is very simple. After the dish has gone to the oven, it is necessary to press the button, set the time and start the timer. After the end of the set time, the device will emit a loud signal that can be heard even in another room.

Advantages of a clock with a timer:

  1. Simplicity. Put the time, press the button, wait for the signal - what could be easier?
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  3. Versatility. The timer can be used not only during cooking, but also for reminders of other important events.
  4. Accuracy. Time can be set up to a second.
  5. Compactness. This device combines a stopwatch, a timer and a clock. Separately, these devices take up a lot of space.
  6. Convenient location. Clock with a timer can be put on the table, hang on the hook, on the refrigerator and so on.
  7. Original design. A few buttons, a large display, small dimensions - this versatile device will look great in any kitchen.
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The clock from the timers must be in every kitchen. But how much do they cost? In Ukrainian and Russian online stores this device is sold for 300 rubles. Quite a good price for such a device.

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But on the website of AliExpress, exactly the same clock with a timer costs only 161 rubles. For this price is really worth buying this universal product, which is always useful in any kitchen.

Characteristics of a clock with a timer:

  • material - plastic;
  • works with a small battery;
  • includes a stopwatch, a clock and a timer;
  • color - black and white.

As you can see, a clock with a timer is worth buying only from a Chinese manufacturer. After all, its price is almost two times lower than the amount that the domestic producer indicated.

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