Restoration of the old chest with your hands: the preparation, painting, decorating, repair

restoration of the old chest with his handsMany fans transform old things, breathing new life into them. With a little personal time and resources, you can manually restore the chest of drawers, making it more modern and suitable to the interior of the room.

Tell us how you can do it with your hands.

Materials and tools

The content of the article

  • Materials and tools
  • Preparation for the restoration of the chest
    • coloration
      • Operating procedure
      • Aging
    • additional decoration
    • repairs
  • helpful hints

Before the restoration work at home should prepare the necessary tools. In this case, the process will be faster.

Materials and tools that you need for the job.

  • Sandpaper is better to use fine-grained.
  • Sander.
  • Brush or roller for painting.
  • Paint tray.
  • Putty for wood.
  • Appliques and labels (in case additional dressing).
  • PVA glue.

And also it is recommended to prepare new mounts and drill to install them. With the new Connecting fittings chest of drawers will serve much longer.

reference. The list can vary depending on personal preference for furniture restoration.

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Preparation for the restoration of the chesttraining

From the preparatory process depends directly on the end result. Chest of drawers, which are restoring, you should thoroughly prepare for the transformation. This will speed up the restoration process and will help to extend the life of the product.

  • First, we should release all the boxes from other things and objects. The old handle and fastening must be released. If desired, they can leave, having processed the paint for a new, more attractive color.
  • The surface of the chest carefully wipe off dust and dirt. To do this, use a special detergent for cleaning wood furniture.
  • If the boxes are decorated with carved elements, dust may accumulate in the apertures and sections. For a more thorough cleansing, you can use a toothbrush.

Council. From modern alkaline cleaners should be abandoned. This may damage the surface of the chest. For cleaning solution suitable soap.

  • Using sander handle chest surface by gently removing the old coating. In remote locations connect to the sandpaper.
  • If the fasteners are loosened, they can be unscrewed and treat PVA glue for secure fixation. Reiki for moving boxes can also be changed to modern runners.
  • The surface of the furniture handle first primer layer. Reserve at least 12 hours to dry completely. After that impose a second layer, Leave for another 12 hours. The works in this case should be performed outdoors or in a well ventilated area.

Important! primer drying time can reach 24 hours. It depends on the composition. The required information is indicated on the packaging.

Preliminary work - rather long and laborious task. For high-quality and effective results should be carried out all the items one by one. Otherwise, the process will not have the desired effect and will be in vain.

Options for restoration work

In order to return the furniture attractive and bright appearance, there are several methods.


The most popular type of restoration - painting. Painting works - the most simple method of changing the image of the furniture. New paint will freshen dresser and fit it perfectly into the interior of a bedroom or living room.

A chest of drawers can be painted in a different color, use several combinations of paint applied on top of the main figures of another bright hue.

Important! All work is carried out exclusively in the fresh air.

Operating procedure

operating procedure

Prior to the staining is necessary to clean the surface of the chest of the old coating. Here, you can use acetone or special cleaner. Using a brush apply the cleaner to the surface. Skilled craftsmen use food film, which they cover the surface for 5-10 minutes. In conditions when the input air cleaner or acetone operate much faster.

Important! At work do not forget about a dust mask and gloves to avoid injury.

We remove the film after a desired time. After such "conservation" is easy to paint leaves from a tree. In remote places, you can use a spatula or a brush dipped in acetone.

The second step is to prepare the coloring dresser. To do this, use thestaining procedure grinder. With it easy to remove the remnants of the old coating and equalize all surfaces. In confined spaces use fine sandpaper. After the grinding process the dresser putty.

After preparation can proceed directly to staining. Pour the paint into the tray, suitable for a small roller or brush (optional). Treat the surface of the paint, give dry. two coats of paint applied is recommended to create a thicker shade. Result anchoring treatment varnish. The inner surface of the box can handle in white or beige shades.


Now very popular furniture, made in the technique of "aging". If desired, colored dresser can be arranged in the art simulate antiquity.

After treatment, the paint in some places washed with sandpaper. Upon reaching the desired result surfaces are covered with wax. You can use plain candle. Chest ready. It will be the main decoration of the room and will attract the attention of every visitor.

additional decoration

decoupage technique also is not inferior positions. You can use it to achieve complete renovation.


In this case used for decorating additional elements. It can be applications, labels, logos of various brands or popular musical artists. Drawings and applications are selected on their own.


The décor is also You can also apply collages of colored paper, clippings from newspapers and magazines or photos.

decoration examples

many craftsmen also used unnecessary rolls of wallpaper, lace or tissue grafts. When making additional accessories can fully reveal and express their imagination.

After the preparatory process and dyeing can begin to design hardware.

  • Cut decoration elementsAbout disposal of their position on the surface of the chest.
  • Wrong side images We treat PVA glueSimilar effect perform with dresser.
  • Placing the drawings on the surface, dry give.
  • In order to look more natural accessories, you must remove the maximum bonding edge. To do this, lightly rub the surface with sandpaper.
  • Large elements distinct look on crates on the sides or on the top shelf. Small details can decorate the corners.


Antique pieces of furniture need not only to update the look. To upgrade will need to perform various repairs.

Restoration of fixtures and fittings a positive impact on the appearance and significantly extend the life of use.

Another embodiment is remake. Chest can be transformed with a few auxiliary rails, boxes remake. With this approach, the product passes a thorough transformation that radically changes appearance.

Antique pens, in case of a dense installation and there is no damage, can be a little update. This will require only bright paint. Particularly impressive look of gold or silver. After staining accurately handle handles using a fine paint brush.

For a more comfortable use to be replace old rails with new rails. Older runners delete, mark the new location. By means of screws and screwdrivers anchoring runners on drawers surface.

helpful hintsadvice

  • In the repair and restoration must first hold shift fasteners, and then proceed to design appearance.
  • Removal of the old coating in the preparatory process must be. the restoration process can be wasted while ignoring this item.
  • Do not forget about protective measures. outdoor work gloves, dust mask to help protect from getting serious damage to health.
  • Apply primer, paint or varnish should be only after drying of the previous layer. Otherwise, may appear stains or cracks. Then the work will have to start anew.

Small but roomy dresser has become an integral part of the design of any room. However, many products do not differ attractive appearance or price. In this case, you can apply a bit of skill and restore the old chest of drawers. This piece of furniture will stand out for their uniqueness and originality.

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