Review of washing machines Daewoo

The assortment of washing machines Daewoo (Daewoo) in the Russian market is so wide that each buyer can choose a model of a suitable size and design. We will present the most popular washing machines, tell you what users think about them.

If you decide to stop your choice on the technique of this brand, then you need to read our review.

Review of washing machines Daewoo

Content of the material:

  • 1Where do the washing machines "Daewoo"
  • 2How is the washing machine
  • 3Which model of Daewoo to choose: customer reviews
    • 3.1Daewoo Electronics DWD-CV701 PC
    • 3.2Daewoo DW-501MPS
    • 3.3Daewoo Electronics DWD-UD2413K

Where do the washing machines "Daewoo"

The brand originated in Korea. In 1967, Kim Woo Chung founded a clothing company. The products were popular, so soon the company expanded production and since 1974 started to use household appliances.

In recent years, "Daewoo" produces technological novelties and beats records. In 2015, the wall-mounted washing machine ranked first in popularity in China. In 2016, there were already five million washing-machines with front loading.

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The country-manufacturer of equipment can be identified by marking on the body.

How is the washing machine

The device of washing machines "Daewoo" is different. Type of loading for any taste - vertical and frontal; suitable for different rooms. The model range is represented by full-sized, narrow, wall-mounted and embeddable stylals.

The operation of Daewoo machines is simple. The control panel is equipped with a program selector and keys, the modes are signed. In the latest models, the panel with the large display is located on top to choose modes was convenient.

Features of washing machines Daewoo:

  • Air Bubble. The function generates air bubbles during washing. They completely dissolve the granules of the powder, improve the quality of washing. Underwear with Air Bubble is better rinsed. This function is effective even in cold water, which saves energy significantly.

How is the washing machine

  • The drum has stellate holes. Therefore, things do not get stuck and do not break when washed.

How is the washing machine

  • Inverter motor. In the SMA "Daewoo" a direct-drive motor is used, which operates noiselessly, provides high spinning power. Due to the attachment to the drum, less vibration is created, the engine rarely fails. Manufacturers issue a warranty for the operation of such an engine to 10 years.
  • Technology Dispenser - detergent dispenser. Now there is no need to fill them in the tray each time. You refuel only one time, and the machine automatically carries out the dosage. In this mode, 25 cycles are performed.

We will analyze the features of individual models of Daewoo washing machines.

Which model of Daewoo to choose: customer reviews

We made a rating of the styaroks, which are more popular, according to buyers' feedback.

Daewoo Electronics DWD-CV701 PC

Wall-mounted washing machine is a chip of the brand "Daewoo". Its dimensions are 55x29x60 cm. The model is ideal for those users who appreciate free space and stylish technology. Electronic control with a digital screen organically fits into the overall stylistics.

The drum DWD-CV701 PC has stellate holes, so it takes care of your things.

Daewoo Electronics DWD-CV701 PC

The load of the machine is 3 kg. The system includes 6 basic washing programs. Among them, washing delicate and children's clothes, super-rinsing for the effective removal of detergents.

The machine belongs to the energy efficiency class A, consumes 8 kW per hour. The water consumption is 36 liters. The maximum spin speed is 700 rpm.

The body is protected from leaks, and the control panel is blocked from accidental pressing. Controlling the imbalance allows you not to worry about whether the machine is securely installed.

User Reviews

Semenov Ivan

Took as an addition to the main stylalka. It helps very much when you need to stretch or refresh a few things. It seems to be in a large car the load does not hold, and in a pendant for 3 kilos - just. Works quickly and quietly. The energy and water consumption of the machine is small. Therefore, for daily washing I recommend.

What drawbacks noticed by users:

  • Difficulties with installation. Instruction in small print, plainly it is not clear how to install.
  • The compartments for the powder are small.
  • Tight hatch cover.
  • Weak spin.
  • High price.

Daewoo DW-501MPS

Activator machine with vertical loading. Simple mechanical control, two compartments for washing and squeezing laundry. Small capacity - only 3 kg of linen. The overall dimensions of the model are 68х41х86 cm. The water flow per cycle is 37 liters.

Daewoo DW-501MPS

The spinning power in the DW-501MPS is also not particularly happy - 500 rpm, but the speed can be adjusted.

Of the features - technology Nano Silver, which consists in the arrangement of silver plates. When exposed to electricity, positive ions are released, which, together with water, enter the drum. These ions penetrate the fibers and remove the bacteria. As a result, you get protection from exposure to harmful bacteria for 30 days.

The wash timer allows you to determine the time until the end of the mode. Additional protection from leaks is not provided.

User Reviews

Yarmak Maxim

I bought this machine more than 7 years ago, never broke down. The case is compact, standing close to the wall. If it interferes, I easily move to another place. Management is ridiculously simple. For a bachelor, it's just right, there's enough boot. It is important that the price of the stylalk is low, the quality is quite satisfactory.

Fomin Alexander

"Deushka" saved me during the times of rented apartments. Then my family and I often moved, and the weight of the machine is small, so it was not difficult to transport. The main thing is that the connection is as simple as possible. When they moved to their house, the machine was standing on the street in the summer. The water was poured into the tank by hand. In general, an excellent workhorse. Although delicate products in it do not wash.

Daewoo Electronics DWD-UD2413K

The front-loading front loader can hold 10 kg of laundry. Clear intelligent control, among useful functions, bubble washing is highlighted. The panel is located on the surface of the case, equipped with a large display.

The overall dimensions are 63x79x98 cm. The body of the stylalk is made in silver color.

Daewoo Electronics DWD-UD2413K

Energy efficiency class - A +. The drum accelerates at a speed of 1200 revolutions per minute. It is possible to adjust the speed or completely turn off the spin. A wide choice of programs for the care of any things. Realized care for the top, children's, sportswear. The water heating temperature can be adjusted.

Built-in technology Nano Silver with silver ions. Self-cleaning the drum will save your time. A direct-drive inverter produces a minimum of noise, has a long warranty. The housing is protected from leaks. The panel is blocked from accidental pressing, the system controls imbalance and foaming.

Customer Reviews

Kastrykina Natalia

Already half a year I use air-bubble model. Excellent washing clothes. Before that, there was a Bosch machine, so the quality of washing was lower. Loading the laundry is just super! That is necessary for a large family. Two sets of bed linen washed at a time. He even presses heavy things well. I like the program of sports washing. You can wash and school backpack, and travel bags. The panel lock perfectly saves when there are children in the house. The cost of the styralka is expensive (almost 3, 00 rubles), but it's worth it. I recommend all families!

The "Daewoo" model range is represented by vertical, front-end machines. Among them you will find mini-stilalki for comfortable placement, full-size models with a large load. Users trust Korean quality. Therefore, you can easily choose models Daewoo.

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