DIY knitting machine table: drawings, assembly

Why such a question arises as making a table for a knitting machine with your own hands? Firstly, those cars that are on sale do not have comfortable tables. Secondly, each knitter has her favorite anthropometric sizes, and therefore comfortable furniture for each of them will be different.

And finally, the knitting machine itself and all the accessories and accessories associated with it must be stored somewhere, so the table or a chest of drawers for this tool will be exactly that element of furniture that organically fits into the atmosphere of the apartment.

Features of the choice of drawings for creating a table for a do-it-yourself knitting machine

The content of the article

  • Features of the choice of drawings for creating a table for a do-it-yourself knitting machine
  • How to create a drawing yourself
  • How to assemble a table for a knitting machine

drawings for creating a table for a knitting machineThere are many options for tables for a knitting machine with your own hands, their drawings can be found on the Internet.

ATimportant to remember!

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Each knitter independently chooses what and where should be in her field of vision. Therefore, before giving a gift to a homewomen, it would be nice to ask her which of the models would suit her best.

How to create a drawing yourself

drawings for creating a table for a knitting machineOf course, you can develop your own drawing. But for this it is necessary to have at least minimal design skills. It would also be nice if the hostess herself sketched a sketch of what she would like to see.

In addition, furniture must be designed for a specific knitting machine. Since their sizes may differ from each other.

How to assemble a table for a knitting machine

assembly table for knitting machineBefore you start assembling a table for a knitting machine, it is advisable to once again familiarize yourself with its drawing and draw up a sequence of assembly of nodes. It is also necessary to choose not only the material from which the table will be made, but also the color of this material. The table should harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment.

As a rule, the tool required to assemble the product is standard, as is the assembly of any furniture. But, this is if all the parts have been pre-ordered according to the drawing. For better and faster assembly it is better to use a small screwdriver with various nozzles.

Assembly usually begins with the frame. After assembling the frame, the back wall is installed.

Important withstand the right angles of the sides of the frame as accurately as possible. Since after fixing the back wall, it will be impossible to change the angles.

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