DIY milling table: do-it-yourself milling table with drawings, little table for manual milling drawings

The question of how to assemble a table for a household milling machine yourself arises before home craftsmen. This is quite logical. This is the installation on which the milling device is mounted stationary, and the workpiece is moved on a specially made table.

DIY milling table

Constructions and types

The content of the article

  • Constructions and types
    • Table type
  • Step-by-step algorithm
    • Determine the design, drawing
    • Necessary materials
    • Make a countertop
    • We build a solid foundation
    • We cut the working base

In practice, there are many options for the execution of milling trunks. Home craftsmen create unique designs with their own hands for their needs. But all options have one subtlety uniting them - the dimensions of the table. For example, a table with dimensions of 900 * 480 * 300 mm can be used.

Table type

Before performing work, you should understand what kind of table is needed. In practice, the following types of tables are used:

  • Permanent
  • portable;
  • aggregate.

DIY milling tableIf the plans of the home master are to work outside the home, then a portable product is quite suitable for him. It is permissible to install it on the chassis and quite calmly move around the workshop. For a workshop located in a small room, an aggregate option will be good, which is an extension of the table top of the saw table or its rotary design. The practicality of using a milling cutter mounted on a table is expressed in the improvement and reliability of working with wood and, of course, in the speed of manufacturing parts.

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The principle of operation of this device is as follows - the milling cutter is rigidly installed, and the workpiece moves relative to it. This design provides great opportunities for processing workpieces. As a result, the blanks are produced with a quality no less than in a production workshop equipped with appropriate equipment. When creating a milling table, it is advisable to consider the possibility of its modernization. It does not hurt to think about the design of auxiliary boxes, which will only add additional comfort to work.

Step-by-step algorithm

The use of home milling devices significantly expands the possibilities of a home craftsman regarding the processing of wood and soft materials. First of all, a foundation is required on which the countertop will be installed. To assemble the frame under the milling table, a metal profile of square or rectangular section is used. The use of such a profile will give the construction additional rigidity and reliability. To assemble the bed, it is advisable to use electric arc welding. A mounting plate will be installed at the designated location. The main requirement that is presented to this procedure is the provision of a qualitative countertop plane.

DIY milling tableThe seat for the plate should be rounded. This can be done using an ordinary file. After the mounting plate is fitted, using a router, holes are made in it in which the router itself will be installed. At the bottom of the countertop, it is necessary to make samples, subsequently a dust collector cover will be installed in them. If the master’s plans are to use additional devices, then it's time to make mounting holes or grooves for them. After the completed work, you can start assembling the table. The sequence of actions is as follows - the milling unit is started from the bottom and fixed on the countertop. It should be noted that the screw heads must be recessed. After installing the milling tool, you can fix the countertop to the skeleton. In the design of the countertops, the presence of a clamping device does not hurt. It is useful when processing large workpieces. To assemble such a device, rollers or ball bearings are required. It is strengthened in a holding mechanism, which is fixed at a certain distance from the countertop. The use of such a device will provide a tight hold on the semi-finished product with large dimensions when it is passed during processing. This will not only increase the accuracy of processing, but also increase the level of safety.

Determine the design, drawing

A home-made milling cutter is a simple, but still a technical device and it is desirable to manufacture it prepare drawings, if you have any difficulties with this, then working drawings can be found on the corresponding resources in the internet.

REFERENCE. It will be much easier to work with ready-made drawings.

If you wish, you can perform a milling table from an ordinary workbench. But, as practice shows, it makes sense to make a separate structure. This, incidentally, is easily explainable. During operation, the electric router creates a serious vibration load. Therefore, the countertop is resistant to external influences and durability. It must be remembered that this device is mounted from the bottom and therefore there must be a certain unoccupied volume under it. When mounting milling equipment on a newly created table, an installation plate is used that has the necessary reliability and rigidity. For the production of the mounting plate, it is desirable to use steel sheet, sheets, MDF, plywood or textolite.

Structurally, a milling machine is a skeleton with a worktop installed on it. In practice, many home craftsmen equip this design with tool boxes to preserve the technological devices required for productive work.

We must not forget about local lighting. To do this, it is permissible to mount a lighting device on the plane of the tool table, which provides sufficient visibility at the milling site.

On the basis of most modern devices, grooves have already been done, they are used to fix the tool to the mounting plate. If there are no such holes, then you will have to make them and thread them. When mounting the device on the machine, all safety measures must be observed.

Milling table drawing

Necessary materials

For the independent manufacture of countertops, the use of the following materials will be required - rolled metal or bars made of wood. Their processing will require the use of an angle grinder. The presence of a hacksaw for metal does not hurt, of course, all work should be carried out using a measuring tool - tape measure, steel angle and level.

The skeleton under the countertop is made of wooden bars or a metal profile. It should be noted that the wooden structure will have less rigidity and strength, unfortunately, the tree can dry out. We must not forget about the vibration that occurs during operation of the router.

To fix the countertop to the base, you will need to use threaded fasteners, when installing it in place, it is necessary to make the heads recessed into the body of the countertop.

Make a countertop

One of the key features of a milling table is its height above the floor. Modern ergonomics suggests that the optimal height of the tabletop from the floor lies in the range from 800 to 900 mm. Adjustable supports can be attached to table supports. They will allow you to adjust the height of the countertops.

To get the desktop milling device take the top cover from an unnecessary kitchen table. They are made of chipboard with a thickness of 26 or 36 mm. The surface of such a plate is covered with wear-resistant plastic. This coating ensures the normal sliding of the semi-finished product during processing. For the table, it is permissible to use MDF or chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm and above.

The hole for the exit of the cutter is difficult to make using a round cutting tool, so its refinement to the required dimensions will have to be done using a file.

Table top table

We build a solid foundation

The lower part of the skeleton should be designed and manufactured in such a way that nothing interferes with the worker. For the most part, the bed has the following dimensions 900x500x1500 mm. The base of the milling head must be resistant to external influences, in particular vibration. It is this component of the milling unit that accounts for the bulk of the load. Base - a skeleton made from rolled metal or wooden blocks. On this frame and set the desktop.

The multi-purpose table begins to be mounted with the installation of the countertops on the already assembled skeleton. An installation plate to the place where it should be installed in accordance with the requirements of the working documentation and outline its silhouette. Then, following the outline, you need to select a layer of material. For this, a manual milling machine with a mill of 6-10 mm is used. The size of the cavity should be such that the mounting plate lies flush with the plane of the desktop.

We cut the working base

Since the countertop has a significant thickness of 16 mm, the mounting plate should be slightly smaller. However, it should be durable, despite the fact that you make a table for manual use. For the manufacture of the plate, sheets of steel or textolite with a thickness of 4-8 mm are used. The dimensions of the mounting plate must correspond to the size of the base of the milling installation. The milling of the milling device itself and the mounting plate is done through the holes that are already in the base of the milling cutter. If they are not there, then they will have to be drilled and cut into threads.

The dimensions and placement of the eyes for joining the mounting plate and the housing must be proportionate to each other. To avoid errors in the manufacture of the mounting plate, it is advisable to make a sketch in advance, on which its dimensions are indicated, the location of the holes and the size of the thread are also indicated.

DIY milling table
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