Varieties of hammock models for bathing newborns

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To help the newly mum, manufacturers offer a special hammock for bathing newborns. It allows you to make this process as safe and comfortable for both. The probability of accidents is reduced to a minimum, because the body of crumbs is fixed on a special tissue support. The kid quietly lays on such an adaptation, receiving a lot of pleasure from gentle caresses of water and mother. To this thing was really in demand, you should consider the nuances of its choice.

The presence of such a support device does not guarantee absolute safety. Therefore, you can not leave babies unattended in the bath. In addition, you still need to support his head and back.

Read also our article: homemade hammock made of fabric!

Varieties of models

Hammocks for newborns differ both in form and texture of the canvas. Often they are made from hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly products. Very impressive look models of bright, rich colors. Particular attention is paid by manufacturers to the selection of materials:

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  1. As a basis choose a very strong fabric, but still quite soft and tender. Then when in contact with damp skin, it will not rub.
  2. Special inserts for fixing the head and the baby's butt are made of elastic, but airy materials. Polyurethane support elements without problems keep the helpless baby on the water.
  3. Fastening hooks or wide rubber bands can be from 3 to 6 pieces. The photo shows samples of a hammock for bathing newborns, which are attached over the side of the bath in various ways. At the same time it is worth noting that in some models the size of the tissue subsidence is adjustable. It is enough only to wind or untwist the necessary stock of material.
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Experts advise buying hammocks with a mesh base. The porous sheet passes the liquid and provides a full bath to the baby. During such water procedures, it is possible to loosen or even remove the underside of the product. This is done when the child grows up a little to develop legs and joints for him.

Very popular model in the form of a hammock-hammock for bathing newborns, which is made of a metal or plastic frame. It is covered with a dense fabric with a thin foam layer. In the area of ​​the head and pelvis there are special pads for ballast. This design is installed on the bottom, serving as the baby support. Moreover, it has a certain inclination angle simulating a descent.

Tissue products have the property of stretching with constant contact with water. Before use, it is important to check the degree of tension of the wet material. As a result, the crumb does not very deeply dive under the water.

Tips for choosing

In such a responsible case, special attention must be given to details. When buying products, you should check the reliability of the fasteners, as well as the strength of the fabric. From the canvas should not emit a sharp and unpleasant smell. Also check the quality of the joints. Sticking threads indicate a low quality of goods. When choosing it is important to consider:

  1. Degree of tension. The material sags easily and without the formation of large gaps on the sides. With the correct installation of a hammock in the bath, it will not reach the bottom, because it is extremely dangerous for newborns.
  2. Dimensions of the supporting device. You do not need to buy such things for growth. As a result, it will create discomfort for both mom and baby. Stock should be from 5 to 10 cm.
  3. The cloth. Rough seams, puffs and bulky items will rub the baby's delicate skin. The texture of the material should be soft but firm. Children with a small weight, suitable models with a mesh base. True bogatyrs should buy stronger samples from dense fabric, because the elastic mesh under the weight of the body strongly sags.
  4. Processing of fasteners. This part of the hammock for bathing the newborn should be performed very qualitatively. For this, manufacturers use additional inserts near the staples and thick threads. The edges are stitched in several lines.

After use, the thing must be washed. Before the next water procedures, it must dry thoroughly, so as not to become a hotbed of mold.

Since now the tubs are of non-standard sizes, you need to buy models with the possibility of adjusting the tension. This will allow the mother to fix the product taking into account the weight of the crumbs and the dimensions of the font.

Read also:Advantages of use and step-by-step instruction for making a hammock for legs

Hammock with own hands

Millions of mothers prefer homemade hammocks for the bath, because they consider them a more economical option for bathing their newborns. You can make such beauty in several stages:

  1. Choose a dense and high-quality fabric, as well as metal staples. Find strong multilayer yarn.
  2. Sketch the sketch of the future product. You can designate inserts from other materials.
  3. Calculate the dimensions. It depends on the dimensions of the bathtub. Add on, -2 cm on each seam.
  4. Make 2 patterns if this is a combined option. One will go to the inserts, and the other will go directly to the product.
  5. The allowance for fastening hooks is increased to 5 cm. When processing, this edge needs to be bent and stitched. Then attach the braces, bend back, and then make about 6 lines. This is for reliability.
  6. On the finished product, gently sew up the vstovochki. In the area of ​​the head, a layer of foam rubber or a sintepon can be applied.

The edges of the seams should be treated with an overlock. Hide these unsightly sections are advised with the help of an oblique bake made of waterproof fabric.

Sleight of hand combined with feminine intuition and a hammock for bathing newborns is ready. In the manufacture and selection of such things, scrupulousness and a responsible approach are important.

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