Washing time in a washing machine

In modern machines, all the actions are performed automatically, just choose the washing mode. However, there are situations when the user needs to find out how long the cycle lasts, and which program is better to choose.

How much time does the washing machine wash?

This information is useful to you, if the instruction to the styralke is lost, or you buy a model without a display.

Content of the material:

  • 1What affects the washing time
  • 2Selecting modes and their duration
    • 2.1Express mode
    • 2.2Delicate program
    • 2.3Intensive or preliminary
    • 2.4Cotton
    • 2.5The Eco Program

What affects the washing time

Washing machine, performing a full cycle, goes through certain stages:

  • Preliminary and main wash.
  • Rinsing.
  • Spin.

On what does the cycle time of each stage depend? Let's understand:

  1. Choice of temperature. If you select the option with a high temperature, the heating element will take longer to warm up the water.
    Washing time in a washing machine
    This increases the waiting time. To shorten the cycle, choose a quick wash at 30 degrees or in cold water.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. How long does it take to rinse in a washing machine? Depends on the choice of options. When you select an additional rinse, the cycle can be increased to 20-30 minutes.
    Washing time in a washing machine
  4. Spin speed. Do you want to get out of the tank almost dry clothes, so choose high spin speeds? This choice at a speed of 800 turns will cost you 10 minutes of waiting. And if you put 1000, then not less than 15 minutes.
    Washing time in a washing machine
  5. When heavily soiled items users choose an additional (preliminary) mode, or soak. How long does the prewash take? It will take 25-30 additional minutes.
    Washing time in a washing machine
  6. Dear SMA, equipped with intelligent sensors, independently determine the weight and degree of soiling of laundry. So, the machine selects the optimal time mode for high-quality washing.
    Washing time in a washing machine

Selecting modes and their duration

Let's consider what the washing time is in different modes. We will find out the embedded parameters in the most popular programs, as well as the relevance of their use.

Express mode

How long does an intensive (quick) wash last? Depends on the type of machine.

On older CM program "Express" can last 40 minutes. While new expensive models have reduced it to 15-20 minutes.

The regime is convenient for daily washing of laundry with light soiling, and it is also irreplaceable for mothers who have to cope with mountains of children's things every day.

Optimum selection of the heating temperature is not more than 40 degrees. How long does it take to spin in the washing machine, depends on the number of revolutions. It is recommended to choose 800-1000 rpm.

Washing time in a washing machine

Delicate program

How long does it take to delicate or hand wash in a washing machine? From 50 to 90 minutes. The delicate program is equated to manual, because carefully cleans things, does not stretch, clothes do not shed.

Manual mode in different models can last from 56 to 60 minutes. For this, water is heated to 30 degrees, spin does not exceed 400 revolutions.

Washing time in a washing machine

Intensive or preliminary

This is the longest program, which in some models can be combined. The fact is that the intensive program already provides for a high heating temperature (up to 90 ° C), as well as a long rinse. Then the process can last from, to 4 hours.

Preliminary washing is followed by soaking for 120 minutes at 30 degrees. Then the process goes into the main wash. Therefore, if you are only going to buy a washing machine, pay attention to the functional, where these programs are combined.


There are different modes for cotton and flax.

So, the time for washing cotton in water at 40 degrees will be 1 hour 30 minutes. Not much more - 1 hour 50 minutes - the mode will last when heated to 60 degrees. At a temperature of 95 degrees and a spin of 1200 revolutions, the waiting time will increase to 2 hours.

Washing time in a washing machine

The Eco Program

Washing time in a washing machine

The program "Eco-washing" is also called "Bio-care". The programs are suitable for all types of laundry with old dirt, so the process lasts 2 hours. At the beginning, the water temperature is 30-40 ° C. Then the heating rises and normal washing begins.

The program can be installed for children's things, washing which takes 2 hours and 20 minutes. And also for synthetics, the mode of which takes 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Choose the correct mode for each type of fabric. Then your underwear will always be clean and bright.

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