Lawn mower for dachas from China


One of the secrets of an ideal country house is a well-groomed lawn. To grass near the house looked perfect, it must be regularly cut with the help of specialized equipment. Typically, for this task, special lawn mowers or trimmers are used. They allow you to quickly process a large area and do not require the cost of user effort.

The most successful choice is a lawn mower with built-in motor. A good device can last many years without serious repair. Also, the lawnmower does not need to be refueled at all (if it is electric). Devices that run on gasoline require it very little.

How to choose a good mower?

First of all, pay attention to the construction of the mower. It should be user-friendly. The handle must be made of strong materials. It is necessary that the user can easily deploy the mower.

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The greater the width of the mowing, the better. Choose such mowers, in which this parameter is equal to 34-40 centimeters - the most optimal option for comfortable work.

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Power. It is believed that the good power of the mower is 13 000 - 15 000 Wt. With this indicator, you can quickly cut the lawn and will not need several times to go through the same place.

Noisiness. This parameter depends solely on the interests of the consumer. If you do not want the mower to be very noisy, buy a model that works on an electrician. If you are important power and speed, choose more noisy options, running on gasoline. Also, gasoline mowers are autonomous. You will not need to think about where to plug in the socket while working with the lawn.

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Where it is more profitable to buy the goods?

Consider where today you can buy a mower on the most favorable terms. Dimensional mowers are sold not only in retail stores. You can order the device on the Internet.

Website Roset - the largest Ukrainian online store of technology, which delivers goods throughout the CIS. Let's see prices and current offers for electric lawn mowers from Roset.

As you can see, the average cost of similar devices is 11 200 hryvnia, which is 30 200 rubles.

Another option for online shopping is to order a mower from the manufacturer directly from China. As a rule, most of the machinery for lawn care is produced there.

The presented model of the mower is one of the most popular on the site.


As the manufacturer claims, with this mower you can effortlessly mow down to 500 square meters at a time. Then the motor should be switched off to avoid breakage or overheating of individual components.

Read also:How to choose a lawnmower for a summer residence

The weight of the mower is 12 kilograms. The device emits a minimum amount of noise. The seller has all the necessary quality certificates, as well as instructions in Russian and a warranty for one year after purchase. In the future, after the warranty expires, you can purchase original parts for the mower in the seller's store at Alyexpress.

The delivery is absolutely free. Cost - 28 637 rubles - a little cheaper than similar devices in our stores. If you consider that the delivery in Russia will be quite expensive, the purchase option directly from China is much more profitable.

Video about purchasing a lawnmower in one of the online stores:

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