What you need to know about weaving baskets from willow: materials, technology, manufacturing process

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In the old days, wicker items from vines were widely used in subsistence farming. Today weaving baskets from willow is an art, a hobby, and a business. An experienced master has made the process of making baskets to perfection, and the product itself costs a lot of money. Colorful, bright, very different forms of baskets are used as decor elements. But there are also such models that are used in everyday life.

Lozopletenie - a very simple craft, which can be fully mastered by yourself. Manufactured baskets, vases, boxes will take a worthy place in the interior, and, most importantly, will be in a single copy. Made by hand, they will delight the eye, warm the soul and store the warmth of human hands.

Required material for weaving baskets from vines

For weaving baskets of willow use long and straight rods without knots and outgrowths. The best branches are not more than one centimeter in thickness, which are well bent and do not crack on the folds. Wicker branches with bark of orange, red or purple hue are suitable for the craft.

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Masters who master the skill of spinning, prepare the material themselves. The best time to collect willow basket is recognized as the winter season or early spring. To work, the bars are soaked and then dried.

For the craft use untreated and cleaned rods. From unpeeled branches weave simple baskets for domestic use, fences, arbors. Purified material is used for decoration items: vases, boxes, trays, furniture. Over time, peeled branches acquire a golden hue, which will give the future product a special charm.

The following tools are used in the work:

  • secateurs;
  • awl;
  • sharp knife;
  • cheesy;
  • the cleavers.

Weaving basket process from willow

For the convenience of weaving wares from wicker rods, you should familiarize yourself with the terminology:

  • knitting needles - the straight bars diverging from the center in the form of rays, from which the bottom of the basket is padded;
  • Racks - bent up spokes, necessary for the formation of walls;
  • knitting or weaving - rods that braid spokes and struts.

The classic process of weaving a basket of willow starts from the bottom. Then the spokes bend upwards and create walls. At the final stage, the edge of the product is formed, and finally the handle.

When weaving the bottom, you need to tighten the branches that wrap around the knitting needles as tightly as possible. It is not advisable to move the knitting needle up or down. This will ensure the quality and reliability of the basket.

We begin to weave baskets from willow to beginners expediently with round-shaped products, using the simple weaving method.

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Types and ways of weaving basket from willow by own hands

The standard scheme of basket weaving is circular in one direction (from left to right). The working rod is the left rod. But before weaving baskets of willow, we should study the methods of weaving.

There are basic techniques of loosening:

  1. Simple weaving. With this technique, one branch is used. After forming the bottom of the spokes, this rod is stretched alternately through the spokes. New rows are laid in a spiral. After the working rod is finished, a new branch is attached to it. This method can be used for weaving products of both round and oval shape.

If the basket is woven in a closed loop, you must use an odd number of racks. This is due to the fact that on one turn the rod wraps the rack outside, and on the next - from the inside. Otherwise, the circle will not close.

  1. A rope in 2 (3, 4, 5) rods. This technique involves the use of two (three, four, five) branches of the vine, which round the posts and intertwine. This method of weaving a basket of willow with its own hands is aimed at increasing the reliability and giving the product rigidity.
  2. Layered weaving. With this method weaving is carried out by several rods. Their number is taken as much as the racks are used. Work begins at the same time with all the rods. Each branch, skirting one rack from the outside, then the next one from the inside, is pulled out. Then the process repeats with each free end of the rod. When finished, all the rods will be inside the product.

This technique involves the use of twigs of the same length and thickness. This will create the same number of rows, which will affect the even walls of the basket.

Ways of weaving abound, but in all of them basic techniques of spinning are used. Beginners who have never engaged in such a craft, it is worth looking at the Internet video how to weave a basket of willow. And that the products turned out smooth and beautiful, it is better to practice on making simple objects - souvenirs, pots, boxes.

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