How to change plastic in a 3D printer yourself?

3D printer Relatively recently, an invention has appeared in the field of printing that allows working in three-dimensional format. 3D printers have opened up new possibilities for users and have found application in all areas of human activity. To carry out their work, it is necessary to properly connect the equipment and configure it. At this stage, users may experience problems connecting and providing a workflow.

Instructions on how to change plastic

The content of the article

  • Instructions on how to change plastic
  • What is plastic for in a 3d printer for?

One of the most difficult tasks when printing three-dimensional elements is to refuel it. Unlike conventional printing, this option uses special polymeric materials. Periodically, they need to be replaced and refueled to continue the operation of the device. This must be done in a certain order:

  1. Connect the equipment to a power source. Warm the nozzles to working condition.
  2. Carefully remove the duct tube from the extruder by sliding the retaining clip.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. After that, remove the remaining plastic waste, then insert a new polymer thread.
  5. Pass it through the channel and insert it into the extruder.
  6. Print a small area to normalize the flow of plastic into the nozzle.

Important! If you doubt the correct execution, contact a specialist or service center for help.

What is plastic for in a 3d printer for?

material for 3d printerIf you have already used the printout of parts in volume on a 3D printer, then you probably know the main purpose of the plastic. When using for the first time, we recommend that you read the instructions and instruction manual that comes with the equipment you purchased. There you can find the information you are interested in and answers to questions arising during the operation.

In general, plastic means the generic name of all polymeric materials used in the printing of elements of different sizes, shapes and configurations. Under the action of high temperature, polymeric materials melt, and then are applied with a thin even layer on the surface of the working table, forming a part area.

Important! There are different types of polymers, choose them according to the quality that is required from the printed element.

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