How to connect a tablet to a printer: can I connect a printer to a tablet

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Printer Today, not only young people, but also older people are increasingly using tablets. They can be instructed to perform all those tasks as a stationary computer. We’ll tell you how to make your gadget even more mobile - we will help you connect a printer to it. Since most users use Android-based hardware, we’ll talk about them. So, there are several ways to “make friends” with a printer and a mobile device - wireless, using a wire. Let's consider each in more detail.

USB cable

The content of the article

  • USB cable
  • Wifi
  • Bluetooth
  • Software

Almost every device has a USB connector on its case or, in extreme cases, micro USB. Just physically connect them with a cable. A few important points:

  • CableIf your gadget supports the OTG function (from the English. OnTheGO), you can successfully pair with any peripherals - a printer, a mouse, a modem. How do I know if your device supports this mode? You need to turn to the technical description or special forums.
  • If the mobile device does not have a full USB connector, then you have to buy an additional adapter. If you need to connect multiple devices, buy a USB-HUB.
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IMPORTANT. When you connect multiple devices, the load on the gadget increases, it discharges faster. Take care of the availability of a power outlet or Poverbank.

  • Printing is possible if the appropriate driver is installed on the device. Searching for a program for a specific device is problematic and long, so install a proven application, for example, PrinterShare. More about it below.

This method is simple and reliable, but it has a significant drawback - the gadget loses mobility. This disadvantage is not found in the wireless connection methods discussed below.


Not always there is a USB cable at hand and the ability to physically connect to a printing device. Then WiFi comes to the rescue - finding a network in a big city today is not a problem. With it, you can always quickly print the desired picture or document. But if most tablets have a built-in module, then with printers it is more difficult - only modern models are equipped with it.

IMPORTANT. Before trying this connection method, make sure that they both have a WiFi module. Additional settings may be required.

via wifiThere is another way - to connect to the local (global) network where the network device is connected. The printer must have special software, it must have a dedicated IP address. From the tablet, enter the network, through the browser you get to the printer page. Select the file you want to print, follow the instructions.

This method is quite complicated and time-consuming, but with it you can print a document anywhere in the world into the network of which you were able to access. It’s easier to send the file to a computer, then print from it. But if you want, it’s worth a try.


Connecting via Bluetooth is practically no different from the previous method. You also need to make sure that both devices support this protocol, activate the modules on both, and wait for the tablet to find the printer. As software, consider the previously mentioned PrinterShare application.

  1. Run the program, in the window that opens, click "Select."
  2. A window opens. Choose a Bluetooth printer.
  3. Search for all active devices, select a printer, pair with it.
  4. Open the menu, select the file that you want to print, send it to the printer.

After pairing is completed, then printing is reduced to pressing a few keys. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to remember - the maximum removal of two devices should be no more than 10 meters.



The most popular PrinterShare software. It is universal. Presented by the test (free), full version. On specialized sites you can find a pirated copy of this popular program. It attracts the attention of users:

  • A Russian-language friendly interface, a set of drivers that are suitable for most models of printing devices.
  • The ability to "link" the device in any of the above ways.
  • Compatible with Gmail, Google Docs email programs.
  • Printing preferences in the program itself (page orientation, margins, indent size).
  • Access on your mobile device to messages, contact list.

Another program similar to the first is PrintHand. It has similar functions, ease of use, is also presented in two versions.

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