Aphids on the currant - what to do?

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Garden plots of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, abound with currant bushes. The mass of nutrients contained in the fruits of this shrub brought him immense popularity. Currant fruits have curative properties, are widely used in folk medicine. However, the currant is loved not only by people, but also by pests, the main one being aphids. How to get rid of aphids on currants? What are the methods of fighting against aphids, you can find out by reading this article.

Aphids are well-known pests, up to 7 mm in size, green or black. These small parasites reproduce on young currant shoots and feed on their juice.

To notice the presence of aphids on the currant is very simple. Carefully looking narrowly at the bush and noticing ants scurrying everywhere, we can safely assume that there is a colony of aphids.

After all, aphids and ants are a single whole. Ants feed on honey-dew, which aphids secrete, in the process of digestion. In itself, the aphids are slow and slow, so the ants carry it on themselves to the most delicious areas of the plant. Therefore, to start the fight against aphids, it is necessary with the destruction of ants. Carefully inspecting the vicinity of the bush in search of an anthill, you can certainly find it near the currant, or even in its roots. Now it was left in the early spring to pour a bucket of boiling water into the anthill. The ants will die, and then you can start destroying the aphids.

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The aphids are found inside the unblown kidneys, which are easily identified by appearance. The kidneys with aphids inside are larger and have a rounded shape. All such kidneys are collected and burned.

How to get rid of aphids on currant leaves?

Often on the red currant, red bulges can be seen. The leaves are swollen and have a very unhealthy appearance. This means that the leaves were affected by red-throaty aphids. The eggs laid by her hibernate on the branches of the bush, and with the onset of spring, larvae emerge from them and settle on the reverse side of young currant leaves. In places of accumulation of aphids, leaves swell and acquire a reddish hue.

Leaves of black currant are more often affected by gooseberry shoot aphids. It appears on the tops of shoots, sucks the juice out of them, the leaves twist and curl.

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Measures to control aphids in the currant

We must immediately understand for ourselves that getting rid of aphids is impossible for ever. But competently to build and apply a line of defense is necessary.

There are two ways to control aphids, namely:

  1. organic;
  2. chemical.

The organic method of aphids includes a variety of methods associated with natural remedies, without the use of pesticides. Such methods are particularly effective for preventing disease or at an early stage in hitting a plant aphids.

To prevent the spread of aphids, cut out excess shoots, tops, in which aphids multiply freely. Next, you should regularly water, feed and mulch the plant. On a healthy bush with stiff dark leaves aphids will feel uncomfortable. It is necessary to clean the bark in places of its detachment, where oviposition of aphids has hibernated, which contributes to its considerable decrease.


If aphids still appeared on the currant, then it is necessary to prepare an infusion of wood water 1 kg per 10 liters. boiling water and spray the bush. Very effective is the infusion of red pepper, garlic, celandine, tomato tops. Sprinkle the currant with a solution of liquid soap and powder the leaves with ashes. Covered with a soap film, the leaves will be protected from sucking out the juice from them by parasites.

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We can not forget about natural predators of aphids - ladybirds. To attract these useful insects, you need to plant currant, tansy, mallow, cosme, calendula around the currant. The fragrances of these flowers attract the ladybirds and promote their reproduction.

Do not rush to remove all the weeds under the currant bites. It is advisable to leave one or two bushes of quinoa, which is a treat for aphids. The amazed bush of the quinoa can easily be torn out and destroyed when it performs its function, taking the fire upon itself.

Chemical methods are used when natural remedies do not help or when time is limited.

Chemical preparations for the control of aphids are:

  • contact;
  • intestinal;
  • system.

Contact preparations "Fufan "Fury "Carbophos" instantly rid the plant of aphids, as penetrating through its cover, immediately kill it.

Intestinal enter the digestive system during the absorption of leaves treated with chemicals "Confidor "BI-58 New".

The effect of systemic drugs is stretched in time for 15-20 days. Handling the bush with such drugs makes the juice poisonous for a very long time. Such a drug can be "Aktara".

Video: How to protect the red currant from aphids

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