Agrotechnics of cultivation of carrots

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Carrots are a low herbaceous plant that refers to a two-year-old. In the first year, the root system of the carrot develops, its vegetative part, forming a thickening, in which most of the nutrients are stored - the root that we eat. In the second year, the generative part develops, which is responsible for the reproduction, and these are the leaves and stem, seeds are formed on it.

Correct agrotechnics for growing carrots will provide you with a high yield. Since carrots, this plant with high profitability, then in the case of using the rules of agricultural machinery, the harvest can reach up to 250 tons per hectare of seeding.

Which soil is most suitable for growing carrots?

In order to understand how to grow carrots and get a quality crop, it should be planted in the right place, correctly selecting the type of soil and the place of sowing. Basic principles of choosing a place for planting carrot seeds:

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  • Do not plant carrots for 3 years in those places where plants of the family of celery, cumin, parsley grew earlier.
  • Do not plant carrots for several years in a row in the same place. Must pass at least 4 years since the carrots grew there.
  • It is advisable to sow carrots in the part of the infield where legumes and potatoes grew in the past season.
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Basic principles in the technology of growing carrots

Carrots, as a vegetable culture, can be found very often. It is grown in vegetable gardens in private houses, cottages, fields of various farms and state farms. If you do not know and do not understand the basic principles of growing carrots, we recommend you see the video at the end of the article. The technology of growing carrots is extremely important. Knowing it, you can ensure high yield of this vegetable culture with minimal soil deterioration.

Agrotechnics of carrots on the plot is different from that in large farms. Various technologies of sowing and harvesting are applied. For example, sowing on large in length fields is produced by broadband method, and on personal plots - single row or beds with narrow spacing between rows.

Choosing the soil and landing site

First you need to choose the right type of soil for growing carrots. Suitable sandy loams, as well as loamy soils, in which a high content of humus. The earth should also be loose enough to provide oxygen to the root crop. It is better to use soil with a pH shift in the acidic side, somewhere from, to 7. Also, a good carrot grows on plowed land in places where there were previously swamps. Peat soils grow more nutritious carrots with a high content of vitamin A precursors - carotenoids.

The experience of using agrotechnics for growing carrots shows that this root crop loves sunlight and heat, so it should be grown in open areas with good lighting. There are three terms in which the carrots are sown. The choice of the term depends on the purpose for which you will use the root crop. If you sow a small amount of carrots, immediately after harvesting to consume it in food, then you need to sow in the fall. If you are going to store it or sell it, realizing that it should be stored, then you need to sow produce or after the descent of the snow in the spring, or in June, when the main pest of carrots disappears - carrot fly.

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After the harvest is harvested, the land is plowed, fertilized and leveled with a rake or harrow. Before sow carrots in the open ground, it should be fertilized with humus, nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizers and superphosphate and again loosen.

Seed preparation and planting in the ground

Preparation for sowing includes:

  • Sorting of seeds.
  • Treatment with their preparations against pests (for example, tyram).
  • Washing with disinfectants.
  • Soaking in a solution of boric acid or potassium permanganate. For 3 days, the seeds are left at room temperature, and then still essentially refrigerated
  • Dry the seeds immediately before planting.

The sowing is done in one row or in a bed, so that the distance between the rows is 30-40 centimeters. There is also a technology for broadband sowing. At the same time, the distance between the centers of the bands should be not less than 45 centimeters, and the width of the bands themselves - 10-12 centimeters. If the soil is light, for example, as sandy loam, then the depth of seeding is 3-4 centimeters, if heavier, like clay, then 2-3 centimeters. After the soil is pressed down.

Care of plants and harvesting

Before the first shoots appeared, it is necessary to destroy the crust of the stray ground or to cover the bed with the carrot film. After emergence, weeding is carried out. To better identify the places of sowing to the seeds of carrots mix a salad or radish, they rise earlier and show the place where the carrots will soon rise. If necessary, you can pour carrots and sprouts. In general, carrots do not like very abundant, but frequent watering. If there is an excess of moisture, then the root crops will burst.

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When the young carrot can already be identified 2 sheets, it is time to weed, as well as loosening the soil. They are carried out to protect carrots from weeds, as well as to ensure the flow of air to the roots.

One of the rules of the technology of growing carrots - 30 days before the day when carrots are cleaned, stop watering.

It is important not only to know how to grow carrots, but also to know the rules for collecting it. The agrotechnics of carrots on the plot of land distinguishes 2 terms of harvesting. They depend on the purpose for which the carrots are actually going. If you need carrots for early eating, then cleaning can begin as early as August. But if you plan to store root crops, then you need to collect in September. And most importantly - do not shake the earth with carrots, but carefully clean it, so the root will be stored much longer, since in the last 2 months the amount of nutrients is increasing and the amount of water in the fruit.

How to grow a good crop of carrots on the plot - video

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