How to accelerate the germination of carrots

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Both beginning gardeners and summer residents with experience know that carrots belong to difficult-to-ascending crops. The first shoots above the garden bed usually appear not earlier than in three weeks, and their number is much less than the seeds embedded in the soil.

Indeed, the abundance of fine seeds in essential oils and a sufficiently strong shell prevent the sprouting of sprouts soon. And uneven ripening of seeds on an umbrella inflorescence affects the germination, which is no more than 60% in carrots.

Therefore, the reason for a poorly-produced crop often becomes the lack of knowledge of simple techniques, how to accelerate the germination of carrot seeds, and the neglect of pre-sorting of planting material. After all, if the quality of the seedlings does not suit the summer resident, then the transported carrots will yield a month later.

Selection of carrot seeds for sowing

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Today, summer residents have a choice between ordinary seeds and covered with a protective layer. After how many days does the carrot sprout in either case? As a rule, granulated seeds sprout in a friendly manner, but the waiting time for shoots can be delayed for a week.

During spring sowing, such seeds with a protective and, at the same time, containing nutrient shells show good results. If it is necessary to sow carrots at a later date, it is better to use ordinary seeds, pre-sorted and prepared for planting.

Taking care that the carrots grow faster, we must not forget that the quality of the seeds decreases as they are stored. The best germination of planting material collected last year.

Caution when soaking seeds before planting

Sources revealing the topic "How to plant carrots with seeds" often speak of accelerating germination after washing the seeds under running hot water. However, such a shower for carrots is better to use as a means of testing germination.

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Light dummy seeds are immediately visible and quickly removed. If, however, we leave under a stream full-weight seeds, then along with the essential oils that prevent the access of moisture to the embryo, the nutrients are washed out. As a result, seedlings will be obviously weak.

It is more efficient not to wash the seeds in hot water, but to fill them with room temperature water for 2 days and periodically change the liquid until the seeds swell. It is dangerous to wait for the spitting of a large number of sprouts, since it is unlikely to succeed in planting small seeds without damaging fragile shoots.

If the sprouts did appear, it is better to plant such seeds in the already warm soil. To delay the development of seedlings until planting, the seeds are sent to a refrigerator, where they are kept at a temperature of +4 degrees. Before sowing, dry sand is added to small carrot seeds.

How to speed up the germination of carrot seeds without soaking

There are several ways to quickly grow carrots. This helps not only to accelerate germination, but also to harden future plants. If dry seeds in a fabric bag are covered with cold, well-moistened soil, then after 10 days they will swell, and it will not be difficult to sow them. And knowing how long the carrots grow during dry planting, it’s also not at all burdensome to wait 4–5 days before sprouting.

One can do without soaking if, at home, we create for the seeds a kind of nutrient shell. Carry out the procedure should be 3-5 days before sowing seeds, while drazhirovanie using soil mixture:

  • helps carrots grow quickly;
  • seriously facilitates sowing;
  • reduces seed consumption per unit area;
  • makes it easier to take care of plantings, including weeding, thinning and hilling.

Such shoots of carrots in the photo are distinguished by bright green color, strength and uniformity.

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As components of the composition for the shell take:

  1. extract of mullein or compost;
  2. dry, ground through a peat sieve;
  3. humus.

Dry carrot seeds poured into a glass jar, which add the same amount of peat, humus and liquid mullein. The jar is tightly closed and shaken vigorously until a first layer of the shell is formed around the seeds. Then the components of the mixture are added and the procedure is repeated, and the grown dense lumps are laid out to dry on the paper.

The seed dressing takes time and patience, but this method is rightly considered extremely effective.

Hydrogel, so that carrots quickly rise

Instead of moisture, to prepare seeds for sowing today, they increasingly use hydrogel, which looks like transparent small balls or crystals.

  • Particles of synthetic material that absorbs water, increase in size, and the resulting medium due to heterogeneity is saturated with air.
  • Before planting carrots with seeds, they are laid out on a moistened hydrogel, covering them from above. In such an environment, the seeds get everything they need for swelling, but they do not run the risk of mold or rot.
  • Usually spitting begins in a week, after a few days sprouts appear in a transparent jar.

If we compare how many days carrots grow in the traditional approach, the benefit to the summer resident becomes obvious.

Soaking in

nutrient solution In addition to water for soaking seeds, it is useful to take fertilizer solutions. To facilitate the squeezing of carrot seeds, it is enough to add a teaspoon of potassium or sodium humate, Effekton-O, Energen or twice as much sifted wood ash per liter of warm water.

Seeds are placed in liquid for a day, after which they are washed and sent to cold. After 4 days, the dried seasoned seeds are ready for sowing.

Bubbling of seeds

Soaking with simultaneous transmission of air through water is considered one of the most effective to speed up the germination of carrot seeds.

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At home, the procedure is easier with a compressor for an aquarium or an automobile pump.

  • To achieve the desired result, carrot seeds are sprinkled for 18 to 24 hours.
  • Water is poured into the tank at room temperature and the air is permeated through all layers.
  • If the seed coat starts to burst earlier, the process is interrupted.
  • For the greatest effect, a solution of microelements or liquid fertilizer is added to water.
  • Prepared seeds are dried in air and sown. At the same time, the soil in the beds should not be over-wetted, otherwise the seedlings may rot.

To the question: “How many days does the carrot sprout after such a treatment?” The gardeners who tried the method answered that the time saved was at least a week.

Vernalization of carrot seeds

Vernalization has been successfully used to prepare carrots as one of the cold-resistant crops with a long germination period. This is a complex of measures aimed at obtaining early harvest and increasing plant resistance. As a result, seedlings are easier to acclimatize in the open field, the vegetation and the development of the root are more active.

The vernalization of carrot seeds includes:

  • soaking in melt water at room temperature;
  • aging for up to two weeks in the snow or in the refrigerator under a damp cloth, at a temperature of -1 to +1 degrees.

After the completion of the procedure, the seeds swell and begin to peck, although the sprouts themselves are not yet visible. If necessary, vernalization can be interrupted and sow the ready-to-grow carrot seeds in a moist, loose soil.

A film or covering material on the garden will help bring the appearance of sprouts.

If you look at the seedlings of carrots, you can immediately identify strong plants from prepared seeds from the photo. And so that the carrots continue to develop actively, the main thing is that the soil does not dry out, and on the surface of the garden the crust does not form.

How to process and check carrot seeds before sowing - video

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