DIY laptop bag: pattern, step by step instructions

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A laptop bag is an important accessory, as it has both functional and aesthetic value. After investing a lot of money in the purchase of a laptop, you must do everything possible to prevent breakage and extend the operating time. Bag in this case will come in handy very handy. A mobile computer user will certainly appreciate the importance of this reliable, durable protection for his laptop.

DIY laptop bag

What can I make a laptop bag

The content of the article

  • What can I make a laptop bag
  • Tools necessary for work
  • How to make measurements and pattern
  • Laptop bag: step by step instructions

In order to decide on a future product, it is necessary to take into account some points, in particular, material for manufacturing:

  1. Genuine Leather. Easy to maintain, characterized by increased wear resistance. The material is quite expensive, but with proper use, this product will last at least 5 years. The only thing you need is to wipe off dirt and periodically treat with a special protective agent.
  2. A leather substitute is not the best option for making a bag, since the product’s operating time is not such a long, but low cost compensates for this drawback, you can make this accessory at least every month. From genuine leather you get a durable product.
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  3. Suede is a beautiful, but moody material that requires special care. Having decided to make a bag out of suede, you need to immediately buy a special care brush.
  4. Cotton is one of the most durable materials. From this fabric, not only beautiful laptop bags are sewn, but also used for the manufacture of household or sports products. These accessories are easy to care for and are hardly felt by weight.
  5. Nylon - canvases of this material are most often used for the manufacture of women and travel bags. Backpacks and laptop carrying products are also made from nylon. Nylon is quite reliable and easy to maintain. Nylon products are pleasant to the touch, because they have great tactile sensations.
  6. Polyester - this material has a different texture. It can resemble both silk fabric and be similar to synthetics. The density of polyester also differs - from very dense to the thinnest material, almost airy, with the intricacies of light fibers. At the same time, the fibers of this fabric have increased strength. Despite the advantages, polyester has an important drawback; it consists in the fact that the material practically does not “breathe”. For this reason, products must be washed very often.
  7. Bologna is either nylon or nylon, which is coated with silicone or acrylates. A product made of such a material has a beautiful appearance, it is nice to hold this bag, and at the same time get safely under the rain, as the fabric does not let water through, just like air. Therefore, making a Bologna bag, it is better to choose patterns in which there are a minimum of fasteners and zippers.
Laptop bag

Tools necessary for work

To make a bag with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Approximately 50 cm of any dense fabric. The size of the material may vary depending on the dimensions of the laptop.
  2. Zipper, Velcro.
  3. Lining fabric.
  4. Sealant.

Sewing tools: needles, threads, tape measure, pins, sewing machine, scissors.

Laptop bag

How to make measurements and pattern

For sewing the product, you can use ready-made patterns that are on the Internet.

Attention! It is necessary to compare the size of the pattern and add your own adjustments. Patterns of all elements of the bag must be done already with allowances. Seam allowances are made within 1.8-2.2 cm.

Using a pattern, you can add originality to the product. So, if there is no zipper, you can cut one of the canvases more and use additional fabric as a cover. To fix it, you can fix the buttons, buttons, Velcro, while they will be an additional decor.

Pockets can also be useful. In addition to the inside, you can sew several external pockets. If the bag is made of unnecessary jeans, you can use the pocket that is on them.

Laptop bag

Laptop bag: step by step instructions

You can sew the simplest version of the bag, and even dispense with the pattern, since measurements are made on the material itself:

  1. First you need to lay the laptop on a cloth to take measurements. It will be necessary to trim part of the material wider by 1.8-2.2 cm than a PC.
  2. Cut two parts for the outside of the bag, then cut the workpieces from the seal and the lining.
  3. Taking into account the required length of the handles, cut for each two strips 4-6 cm wide.
  4. After stitching the internal elements, try on the laptop.
  5. If an inner pocket is required, it must be sewn now before the side parts are sewn.
  6. Sew the outside.
  7. Connect the side elements.
  8. Install the zipper.
  9. Fasten the handles.
Laptop bag

This bag will perfectly protect your laptop from scratches and other mechanical damage, significantly increasing the working time of your mobile PC, and will also save some money on the accessory.

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