Fertilizer magnesium sulphate: specific applications for tomatoes

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Tomatoes in our family are the most favorite vegetable, so I always plant a lot of them. However, last year a large crop could not be removed. I've heard that magnesium sulphate raises crop yields well. Tell me, how correctly to apply magnesium sulfate for fertilizing tomatoes?

Magnesium sulphate is a complex fertilizer that is used in the cultivation of all plant species. Especially well the drug has proved itself as a fertilizer for garden crops, in particular tomatoes. The composition of the fertilizer includes magnesium and sulfur, which are necessary for growth and good crop yield.

Signs of a lack of magnesium in tomatoes are light spots on the leaf plate, while the leaves are twisted upward. With a deficiency of sulfur, the veins on the leaves lighten and the stems become weaker.

Features of using the drug for a tomato

Magnesium sulphate can be used to fertilize tomatoes at different stages of cultivation:

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  1. When preparing the soil. At 1 square. m. site to make 10 g of the drug and well water the beds. Do this both in the fall, and just before planting tomatoes.
  2. During the vegetation period. For root feeding in 10 liters of water, dissolve 30 g of fertilizer. For spraying on a sheet, the proportion should be reduced by half. To carry out no more than 2 additional fertilizing per month.

Experienced gardists are advised to add urea (5 g) to the solution for foliar treatment, so as not to burn the leaves.

When fertilizing tomatoes with magnesium sulfate, you must strictly follow the instructions regarding the frequency of feeding and dosage of the application. Excess magnesium also contributes to the reduction of calcium, which adversely affects the growth of tomatoes.

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After the application of magnesium sulfate to the soil in dry form, it is absolutely necessary to water the area, since the preparation is not active in dry soil. In addition, the powder dissolves better in warm water and is fully absorbed by plants in this form.

The drug is well combined with other fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

Effect of the drug on garden crops

As a result of fertilizing tomatoes with magnesium sulfate:

  • plants absorb calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus better;
  • improve the taste of fruits;
  • yield increases;
  • growth is intensifying;
  • accelerates the maturation of tomatoes.
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The most effective use of magnesium sulfate on sandy soil. Sour soil before application of the drug must be limed, as increased acidity simply does not allow plants to metabolize magnesium.

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