Kensington lock in laptop

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in work Humanity has always been looking for ways to save information, format it and create databases. In order for information not to be lost, it is necessary to reliably protect it. At different times different technologies and devices were used. Since modern life is connected with computer technology, the main method of protection is the electronic format, but in addition to this, it is useful to know the options for protecting against theft of the device itself.

In this article, we will share useful information about one of the ways to prevent laptop theft. This article will be useful for both novice users and professionals in the field of computer technology, since the protection of technology is necessary for every person.

Important! This device protects against theft of equipment, but does not guarantee the safety of data. To do this, you need to use special programs and encodings to prevent hacking.

What is Kensington Castle?

The content of the article

  • What is Kensington Castle?
  • What are castles?
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kensington castleIf this is your first time encountering this device, you should understand its main purpose and design features. Kensington Castle is a special device for attaching appliances or other things to other elements (for example, to a fence or to interior designs). Outwardly, it looks like a metal cord that is inserted into a special hole in a flat shape at the other end. The algorithm for its application consists of the following steps:

  1. Install the laptop in a suitable place near the durable stationary elements that can be found in the house.
  2. Wrap the notebook around with a metal cord. If the length allows, you can use the cross overlay method.
  3. After that, fix the free end in a special hole. Depending on the version of the lock used, close it in one of the possible ways.
  4. Now your laptop will be protected from theft in a standard mechanical way.

Of course, this level of security is not the highest, if you wish, the cord can be cut in pieces or break the lock. But still the thief in this case will have to make an effort, you can react in time. For greater reliability, use strong fasteners, correctly fix the cord in the keyhole, and make sure that there is no free movement of the laptop in the formed loop. All this will help to increase the level of equipment protection.

What are castles?

connectorUsually, all locks are made in standard parameters, this is especially true for production in large volumes for large enterprises or offices. If you have free time and desire, you can additionally search for various models of devices to choose the best option. The main differences are in the following indicators and technical characteristics:

  • The quality of the materials used, the reliability and strength of the metal cord is the main indicator when choosing a lock.
  • Used lock closing mechanism: using a key or entering a combination.
  • Format and dimensions of the cord connector. There are flat, round, square versions.
  • The quality and reliability of the device of the lock itself, its resistance to breaking and the maximum load that it can withstand.
  • The manufacturer also matters. You should read the reviews in advance and find out more information about the castle you are buying.
  • The cost of production. Of course, more perfect models will cost more, you should choose the perfect combination of price and quality.

Important! Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. In general, they provide an adequate level of security. If desired, select the appropriate option according to personal preference.

The price largely depends on the choice of model, its quality and the level of protection against theft. To select and orient in price ranges, you should find out additional information from specialists or on the company's websites. On average, the price range varies greatly from 500 to 4500 rubles for a complete set of Kensington Castle. Choose a model depending on the importance of preserving the technique. It should also be understood that this device will not be able to protect equipment from professional thieves.

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