What can be done from plastic bottles with their own hands for a summer residence, a garden and a kitchen garden

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The trend of rational use of household waste has recently become more popular, especially for plastic containers. From plastic bottles it is possible to make by own hands practically all dacha interior and not only. One of the main advantages of this material is a long service life, besides it is very elastic. Do not forget that plastic bottles are an affordable material, which is always available in every owner or hostess.

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Having shown ingenuity and a little imagination, you can not only make necessary and useful things that will decorate the site, but also free it from unnecessary trash without harming nature. It is known that the plastic is very decomposed for a long time, and when it is released, it releases hazardous substances. Therefore, it is better not to throw the bottles in a fire or take them to a landfill - they can still serve as a variety of homemade products, some of which are presented in the article.

Cheap and angry - we make flower beds from bottles

Plastic packaging is an ideal option for flower beds, because it has a great advantage over wood and even metal. The wooden fence on flower beds or flower beds will eventually dry up or rot away under the influence of moisture and sun. Even metal curbs are prone to corrosion and require periodic maintenance, such as regular staining.

And what about plastic? He has not lost his form for a long time and is not being destroyed. This means that such a flowerbed will last more than one season and even more than one year, besides it does not require any care at all. Even if there is a "breakdown the necessary "element" can always be found in the pantry and can easily be replaced without resorting to long tedious shopping trips in order to find the right fragment.

So, what can you do with plastic bottles yourself?

Bottle Curbs

If it is necessary to protect the flower garden, a container of plastic of different volume will perfectly cope with this. Such a curb will not only restrict space and prevent the growth of perennial plants, but will still retain moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The shape and size of the flower bed depends only on the imagination of the summer resident: it can be either equilateral or in the form of some animal or plant. Also, bottles can be broken into segments of the flower bed itself.

Even a child can build a bottle curb (with the help of adults, of course):

  1. The first thing on the site should be drawn with a sharp object or pour the contours of the flowerbed with sand.
  2. Bottles to release from labels, wash, pour sand in them and screw the lid. If there is not one, you can use ordinary land or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty containers quickly fall out of the fence.
  3. On the intended contour, dig out the groove in such a way that it can be deepened by about 1/3 of the bottle.
  4. Place the filled bottles in the groove with the neck pointing down, as close as possible to each other, and cover with earth.

For a visual effect, you can use bottles of different colors of plastic (green, white, brown).

Some summer residents do not even have to dig in bottles. For example, bottles without a bottom are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. The ready design can be "put on" on a bush or take in a ring a tree trunk of a tree. To fix the curb, it must be pressed tightly to the ground by arcs.

Multi-tiered flower bed

If you really want to have a flower garden, and places are catastrophically small, you can make a multi-tiered flower bed from plastic bottles. The principle is the same as when building a curb, only after laying the first tier you need to fill it with nutrient soil, and then lay out the next floor.

When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to pick up moisture-loving specimens, since when watering the water will drain down.

Mini-flower beds

Beautiful and useful handicrafts for giving can be made from 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve as miniature and pretty flower beds, for example, in the form of all the beloved piglets.

Equally impressive are the group compositions in the form of trains with flowers.

And if instead of flowers to sow lawn grass, a large bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green thorns. It remains only to attach the eyes and nose.

Those who are not afraid of small rodents, like cutie-mouse from small (liter) bottles. They are good for planting petunias.

Flower pots and flower pots

Having shown a little imagination, plastic bottles can easily be transformed into small decorative pots under flowers or spicy greens. You can make them even or cut into a marker in the shape of a face. Such vazonchiki will look great not only in the garden gazebo, but also in the house on the windowsill.

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But if you put a cloth cover on the cut off bottle and attach the ropes, you will get elegant pots for the summer veranda.

The easiest way to make hanging pots is to cut out fragments of walls on both sides of the bottle, and fasten the tourniquet under the neck to hang them. In such pots you can plant compact, low-growing plants.

We make a beautiful garden path

Especially popular among gardeners enjoy the tracks from plastic containers. The strength of such a path depends on the way of laying and what part of the plastic container serves as a building material:

  1. Stacking in the sand cut off bottoms. Dig out the trench along the width of the passage, fill it with construction debris first, and then with sand. Moisten it. Trim the bottoms of the bottoms (leaving a ½ part) and densely lay them, ramming them into the sand. To the bottoms do not move, you can fill the space with small gravel.
  2. Stacking in the cement slurry. Prepare a trench with a mortar (for 1 part of cement 4 parts of sand and a little bit of construction glue) and deepen the lids in it, laying out by color or patterns.

Tracks from plastic bottles in winter become very slippery.

A merry playground - we decorate a place for children's games

Careful parents always try to take their children to the country house for games, where children could pass the time while adults are hung up in the garden. Of course, it should not only be safe, but also colorful, so that the kids will like it. With the help of plastic bottles it is easy to decorate a children's playground, making a variety of plants and animals. To give them brightness will help ordinary paint.

In the shadows under the palm tree

What kind of playground without a sandbox? And where there is sand, the palm tree must necessarily grow. For the tropic, you will need bottles of green and brown for the stem and leaves, respectively.

Before you begin to build, you need to take care of a solid foundation. For example, fix a metal pin in the concrete screed, and it should be quite long to make the tree tall, and children could walk freely under it.

When the base is fixed, you can begin to "grow" a palm tree:

  • cut off half of the bottle (the top with a neck is not needed) and form a jagged edge;
  • in the center of the bottom make a hole, thread the workpieces on the base pin, bending at the same time denticles to the side for a more natural look;
  • at the green bottle, cut off the bottom and make straight cuts along the entire contour to the point where the wall goes into the neck (if desired, the branches can be made curly - cut into 4 parts and in each place denticles);
  • fragments of a branch thread on the base;
  • firmly fasten the finished branches to the top of the stem (by welding or building bundles).

If after the assembly of the palm remains a lot of green bottles, from them you can make a small (or large) herringbone. At the bottle, remove the bottom and cut it into long narrow strips right up to the very neck. Cut the edges of the strips figuratively to resemble spines. String the leaves on the base.

This Christmas tree will look great on the site in the winter, especially under the snow, and also help those on the New Year's Eve who did not have time to buy a live tree in a hurry.

Guests from the fairy tale - funny animals

And of course, there must be toys on the children's playground. Often, children take to the streets their old favorites. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the "zoo creating real masterpieces - from the fabulous Frog Princess and Goldfish to modern cartoon characters.

Take at least a handsome cat, painted with black and white paint. And you can use brown beer bottles, and you will get a brown cat, also beautiful.

From the two bottoms of the bottle form the head (connect them), while the bends on the bottoms and really will look like a real head. On one of them, paint with white paint eyes, brow and mustache, and red - a neat tongue. Top cut small ears. For the trunk the same circumcised shortly bottomed thread on the base, the last one to close the trunk. Cut the edges of the bottom. By the fused contour of the ears and fragments of the trunk, walk through the white paint, and on the front bottom make a white speck on the breast.

To stick a head and legs - for them the top parts from bottles with the extended neck will be useful. Cut them to the point where the bottle expands, cut the edges with sharp denticles and build legs of 4-5 parts, putting them on the wire-base. On the upper neck screw the plugs, they attach the paws to the body. For the tail, take a long wire and thread on it the narrowest parts of the neck, but without plugs. To make the tail fluffy, cut the edges into thin strips.

Beautiful animals from plastic bottles are also obtained from large 5-liter containers. With the right combination of bottles of different sizes and with the help of bright coloring on the site, you can settle a zebra, a horse, a cow, a donkey and even a giraffe.

Flowers for the daughter

In the sandbox, children not only mold kulichiki. Little girls are very fond of flowers and often collect on the lawn dandelions (or roses from my mother in the flowerbed) to plant them in their sandy garden. But from bottles you can make a whole greenhouse of flowers, while the girls will be happy to take part in making the simplest options. Daisies, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flower growers can repeatedly "transplant" them from the garden to the garden without harming plants and mother's nerves.

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For colors you will need:

  • wire for the stem;
  • even parts of bottles for cutting leaves out of them;
  • neck or bottom for the most inflorescences;
  • paint.

More complex options can make adults. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also the flowerbeds.

Plastic design for the garden

Crafts for villas from plastic bottles have an extensive field of application. So, if small animals and birds are appropriately looked at flower beds and playgrounds, then animals of a larger scale can be placed in a garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique look and revive it.

Amazing garden sculptures

Almost alive are representatives of large birds, made of plastic. With the help of multi-colored inks, you can achieve an amazing realistic effect. To produce them, you just need to master the technique of cutting feathers from the sides of bottles and prepare a frame on which they will be fixed.

Very spectacular in the garden will look like:

  • peacock;
  • flamingo;
  • eagle.

In the garden, you can settle sculptures not only birds, but also animals large enough that they are not lost on the background of tall trees.

Among the greenery, a bright spot will be a white sheep, which is quite easy to do if there are bottles of 2 liters and a few l in the pantry:

  1. Cut the neck of two bottles with a capacity of 2 liters and put them on top of each other - this will be an elongated head. From the third bottle cut out the long ears, slightly fold them with a tube and attach to the head in appropriate places with wire (or glue). Eyes can draw or glue two plugs.
  2. For the trunk, insert the whole bottle into the top of the bottle cut from above. Make 3 more of these blanks and attach them to the first on each side and from above, giving, thus, the lamb the necessary volume of the "waist".
  3. The neck will serve as a two-liter bottle, which should be strengthened on the body at an angle of approximately 120 degrees so that the cork is on top.
  4. To the neck (on the cork) set the head.
  5. For the legs, cut off the top of the two-liter bottle and insert a whole bottle of smaller volume (, l) into it. Make three more such blanks and attach the legs to the trunk in a wide part upward.
  6. From the cut off bottoms of two-liter bottles make a fleece, fastening them among themselves, and put on the trunk. Under the belly of the edge of the fur coat knit.
  7. To paint the sheep with white paint and draw black eyes.

Bird Care

Apply plastic bottles can not only for decorative purposes, but also with the benefit of the garden. After all, it is always inhabited by small helpers of the summer resident - a variety of birds that collect pests from the trees. In the warm summer they have something to eat, but in winter it is more difficult to get food. That's when the feeders hung in the garden will come in handy. And if you involve the children in the process, you get a double benefit: for the children - an interesting activity and pleasure, and for the birds - a cozy house with grains.

The simplest feeders can be made from large 5 liter plastic bottles, simply by cutting out on both sides large holes in the shape of an arch.

To prevent birds from injuring their paws on the sharp edges of the bottle, they must be pre-melted or covered with electrical tape.

For those who happen rarely in the summer cottage area, a feeder that fills automatically is useful.

You can make it from a bottle and two wooden spoons:

  • do two holes in the bottle against each other, while the second should be located slightly lower;
  • unfold the bottle and repeat the procedure on the reverse side;
  • insert into the holes of the spoon criss-cross.

After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured into the spoons through the holes as they are emptied.

A cozy place to relax from improvised means

Not only the birds, but the owners themselves must have their own secluded corner among the greenery, where on warm summer evenings you can enjoy a cup of tea, breathing in the scents of nature. Many people prefer to put wooden gazebos in the garden. They are very beautiful, you can not argue with this, but they require certain financial investments. But from plastic cheap and angry not only create a recreation area, but also fully equip it.

Alcove? Easily!

The gazebo is one of the most large-scale handicrafts for giving out plastic bottles. But the plastic gazebo has two big advantages:

  • it is easy to assemble;
  • will last more than one year without damaging the material.

Perhaps the only drawback of the construction is the presence of a large number of bottles, which in the collection should be stored somewhere.

How will the gazebo look, depends only on the desire of the owner, and, accordingly, on the availability of "building material

  1. If the bottles are not too much, they can be put on the walls, and the roof made of profile or metal.
  2. But if you make not only the walls, but also the roof of bottles, you will get a real summer house, which, by the way, will be warm until the end of autumn, because the plastic is very good at keeping the temperature.
  3. The simplest version of the recreation area is a common canopy, which will cover from the sun and rain. Those who consider plastic crafts to be coarse and ugly, simply need to make a canopy of transparent containers and paint bottoms (only in the form of a flower) in colorful colors. Immediately creates a sense of weightlessness, it seems that overhead hanging clouds of butterflies-flowers. One awkward wave of his hand - and they immediately flew away.
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Practical curtains in the gazebo

In summer pavilions there is a lot of fresh air, but unfortunately, dust too. Regular tulle requires frequent washing, whereas a plastic curtain does not collect as much dust, and "Wash" it can even without taking off - just water with a hose (of course, if such a curtain does not hang in home).

For dreamy and romantic hostesses, gentle curtains of bottoms of plastic bottles, threaded on the base, will suit.

To energetic people who love bright colors, cork curtains, collected according to the same principle, will do.

garden furniture

A table, an ottoman, an armchair and even a sofa in the pergola can also be made from plastic bottles. Old furniture from home is also quite suitable for outdoor recreation, but it, like curtains, will eventually become a bunch of dust. In addition, to make a wooden sofa on the street is quite difficult, because such furniture is quite bulky and heavy. But rearrange the plastic chair is not difficult.

Collecting furniture is not difficult - just need to tighten the bottles and connect with each other with adhesive tape, giving the desired shape. For padded stitches to tie or sew a cloak - from the side no one will guess what they actually made of.

For the sofa is more suitable cases of dermatitis.

Unbreakable garden chandeliers

If evening tea is planned, it is necessary to carry out lighting in the arbor. To ennoble a light bulb, you can cut the bottle into two parts and make a simple plafond from the upper half and paint it or cover it with a colored thread.

In plastic chandeliers it is better to use economical light bulbs - they do not so heat up, and will not melt the material.

In more complex versions, chandeliers are assembled from fragments of leaves or flowers carved from multi-colored bottles.

Garden accessories for working in the garden

To the suburban area looked beautiful and neat, it is necessary to take care of it all the time - weed the weeds, collect the fallen leaves and small debris. For this you need tools. Of course, it will not be possible to make a hoe or rake from plastic, but more simple specimens are quite possible.

Folk craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles with the benefit for themselves and with savings for the family budget. After all, if a scoop suddenly broke, no more need to run to the store for a new one. From household waste, which is in every house, you get a lot of useful things without extra costs:

  1. Scoops.
  2. Broom.
  3. Bucket.
  4. Washbasin.

Gardening care

From plastic bottles you can make useful things not only for the garden, but for the garden. This can be both small crafts in the form of scarers, as well as more large-scale constructions such as greenhouses.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Most dacha farmers grow their own vegetable garden seedlings. Some do it in the apartment, but more quality seedlings are obtained from greenhouses - there is heat and light is enough.

You can not even talk about the cost, but as for strength, greenhouses made of plastic bottles will certainly last longer than film shelters or glass structures.

To increase the life of the greenhouse from plastic bottles it is desirable to put on the foundation, and for the frame to use a metal profile.

The simplest version of the greenhouse involves the construction of walls of whole bottles, which are put on each other.

A little longer will have to tinker with a greenhouse of plates, but it will get warmer. In this case, it is necessary to cut out even parts from bottles and to fasten (sew) them among themselves in the form of a cloth. From the finished canvases to mount a greenhouse.

Watering "systems"

For gardeners watering is no less urgent than the presence of a greenhouse. Instead of finished watering systems in the garden you can use plastic bottles. They need to either hang over the bush, having made holes in the lower part beforehand, or dig into the ground.

In addition, a good sprinkler is produced from the bottle - you just need to make small holes in it and connect it to the watering hose.

We get rid of pests

A repeller from a plastic bottle will help to drive the molehammer from the site of the worst enemy. He not only plows the beds, digging his tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants as he moves, depriving farmers of the future harvest.

If you cut the side walls in the bottle, bend them and put the container on the steel rod, with wind gusts the bottle will rotate and make noise. Sound through the rod will go to the ground and deprive the mole of desire to manage in this noisy place.

The list of what can be done from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few handicrafts that make life easier for summer residents. Agree - it is better to get the most out of bottles than to pollute the environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!

21 idea of ​​using plastic bottles - video

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