How to quickly germinate carrot seeds

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Early carrots are a storehouse of vitamins, so necessary in the spring. But the seeds of this culture sprout slowly and can produce weak shoots. To carrots quickly sprouted and gave a good harvest, you need to presow seed treatment. There are several options for preparing to plant carrots.

Sprouting carrot seeds in a canvas bag

This method can not be called the fastest, but it gives less trouble. When patches appear, dig into the ground a linen bag with seeds. Mark this place with something and cover it with snow. After 12-14 days germinated seeds are ready for planting. This method helps not only to accelerate the germination of carrot seeds, but also to harden them.

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How to germinate in aerated water

This will require:

  • 3-liter bank;
  • aquarium aerator.

Seeds fill with water in the can and place the aerator (aquarium compressor). Continuous air access promotes the rapid germination of carrot seeds. Change the water every 12-14 hours. As soon as the seeds come on, strain the contents of the jar through the cheesecloth.

This procedure can be simplified if the inoculum is covered in a gauze sac and placed in front of the compressor nozzle that pumps oxygen.

After 3-4 days, the seed is ready for planting. In case of bad weather, the seeds can be wrapped in wet gauze and a plastic bag. In the refrigerator they will be stored for several days.

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Sprouting in a humid environment

Bottom of a wide dish is lined with toilet paper or gauze. Above is a denser fabric. Sprinkle seeds with a thin layer. Cover them with another layer of cloth and moisten abundantly. Do not fill the seed with water. Excess moisture is very harmful, as it blocks the access of oxygen necessary for the life of plants.

Cover the bowl with glass and put in a warm place (20-25 ° C). Humidity and heat will accelerate the germination process. Carefully turn the inoculum every 10-12 hours. This will provide access to oxygen. After 2-4 days, the seeds can be sown in the soil.

Accelerated germination of carrot seeds requires observation and attention to the appearance of the first shoots. As soon as the embryo breaks through, piercing the shell, roots appear. Young roots are very tender, they are easy to damage when sown. Watch out for the seeds and sowing at once, as soon as they are done. If the weather does not allow sowing immediately, the seed can be stored in the refrigerator as described above.


Application of growth stimulants

A good effect gives presowing soaking of seeds in solutions of microelements. You can buy a ready-made universal kit, which includes boron, magnesium, molybdenum, copper, iron, zinc, cobalt. For example, Kemira-wagon. Such a solution is bred in warm water, soaked seeds in it. For ease of seeding, the seeds should be dried to a loose state.

An ancient folk remedy that teaches how to quickly germinate carrot seeds: put 1 tbsp of warm water on 1 l of warm water. wood ash and insist for two days. Carefully drain the infusion, so as not to rise from the bottom of the sediment. Seeds of carrots or onions put in a gauze pouch and put in infusion. To withstand 8-10 hours. You can sow.

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Modern agronomy offers a wide range of drugs that promote the accelerated germination of carrot seeds and other crops. Some of them:

  • Energener. Dilute 10 drops per liter of water. Seeds are placed in a linen bag and in a container with a solution.
  • Bioglobin. Saturates plants with protein and vitamins, speeding up germination and fruiting.
  • Pennant. Accelerates seed germination and germination efficiency by 15-20%.
  • Gibberellin, Ecost, Thiourea, EPINand other similar drugs.
  • Leaders in the presowing treatment of many agronomists believeZirconandAlbite. These drugs contribute to a sharp increase in the energy of seed germination and the percentage of their germination.

If special drugs are not available to you or you do not have the opportunity to pay enough attention to presowing treatment, you can accelerate the germination of carrots in more rapid ways.

How to accelerate the germination of carrots simple means

Fill with hot water.

It is best to use a thermos for this. If it is not there, pour the seeds in a glass jar and wrap it well to preserve heat. The water temperature should be from 45 to 55 ° C. The duration of such treatment is 30 minutes.

Steam treatment.

This is a simple folk way. In a plastic bucket, make a wire frame on the legs (stand). Tighten it with nylon (old tights). You can just use a tea strainer, inventing a stand for it. In a strainer, seed the seeds, place it in a bucket. Then pour hot water so that it does not reach the seeds. Close the lid tightly and leave it overnight. The germination rate of seeds increases several times.

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Soak overnight.

This is the most common and affordable way of preparing seeds. Seeds of carrots before planting can be filled with water and left in a warm place. For a day they should swell well. The next day you can sow. In this case, for rapid germination of seeds should be abundantly watered beds every day for several days.

Use the vodka.

To accelerate the germination, it is necessary to soak the carrot seeds in vodka before planting. Seeds of this vegetable culture contain a large number of essential oils, which slow down germination. Alcohol promotes the evaporation of these oils. For the purification of seeds, it is sufficient to hold them in vodka for 10-15 minutes. After that, gauze sack with seeds thoroughly rinse under running water.

Hydrogen peroxide or potassium humate.

Soaking the inoculum for 20 minutes significantly increases the germination rate of the seeds and a third the percentage of germinating carrots. The humate of sodium is diluted in terms of color. The intensity of the solution should be similar to black tea (if you brew a glass of tea with one sachet). Hydrogen peroxide for soaking is used in concentration,%.

Three-year-old aloe juice stimulates growth

Aloe aloe juice activates the plants well. Leaf, from which you squeeze out the juice, pre-soak in the refrigerator for several days. Note that the aloe tree must be at least three years old. For accelerated germination of seeds, prepare a solution of 10-15 drops of this juice and, l of water. The same solution can be used for watering indoor plants.

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