Photo of diseases and pests of peas, measures of struggle

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If the plant is weakened, the requirements of agrotechnics are not met, the balance of nutrition and temperature is violated, pests will necessarily appear. To ensure that the garden does not suffer from invasion of uninvited guests, it is necessary to follow the rules of growing such a widespread culture as peas. Photos of the disease of peas, pests and control measures will try to present in this material.

Among the many causes of poor development or low yields of plants, one should single out the cause or the enemy that oppresses the plant. All factors can be divided:

  • insect pests;
  • bacterial and fungal diseases;
  • virus diseases.

Pests of peas

Pea fruit mothIt is a butterfly that begins its flight when the pea blooms. She lays 24 eggs on buds. Caterpillars will hatch from them, they will penetrate into the bean and will eat young green peas. Later, they will oukuplyatsya, and there will be a new generation of insects.

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Pest control measures include deep tillage, and early seed sowing, so that flowering begins earlier than the butterfly will regenerate. If the soil is loosened often under peas, you can destroy the pupae that are found near the bush. Processing peas powdered from celandine, ash or tobacco, too, will give its positive results.

Pea kernelis the larva of the Bruchus beetle. The larva hibernates in the grain, the same pupates in the same place and the next year a new beetle comes out. Protection measures include storage of grain at minus temperatures and pickling it with a 3% solution of common salt before sowing. The surplus seeds are removed, in them are the pupae of the beetles. The fight against this type of pea pest is in the early sowing of culture.

If the peas were kept in the cold, then the bugs come out later. The laying of eggs, produced on the coarsened surface of the pod not at the right time, perishes.

Nodule weevilbrings no less damage to peas. This is a small bug measuring half a centimeter. He eats young shoots. He hibernates on plant remains. Eating the top, it does not allow peas to even ascend, and lays the larvae, which will feed on roots and pea.

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A month later a new generation of pests will be released. Do not allow this beetle to peas to scare off formulations. Tobacco dust, ash, dust from plant remnants of marigold will become a protection.

Aphidcauses great damage to the large loss of pea yield in the dry year. The way to process peas from a pest depends on the population of the culture. Aphids relieves the plant, sucking out the juice and creating a wound on the surface, where spores of fungal diseases can enter. On its sugary isolates a sooty mushroom settles.

The fight against decay goes in conjunction with the rest of the pests. Most often on peas use preparations "Iskra "Fastak". Very effective is the phytoverm, which is allowed to be consumed in private farmsteads.

There are a lot of other insects that can harm the pea patch, they need to be combated by applying decoctions, infusions, spraying. But, most importantly, where the pests of the peas have divorced and the diseases will come after them.

Diseases of peas and measures to combat them

In order to protect the plant from fungal and bacterial diseases, prevention is required. It is aimed at reducing the factors of damage and consists of:

  • in literate crop rotation;
  • varietal purity of seeds and their cultivation with application of seed field treatment with fungicides and insecticides;
  • treatment of fields with peas from diseases, a fungicide for peas is a Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur;
  • use of zoned varieties of peas.
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Peas on the previous seeding site should be returned after 4 years. As a preventive measure, the grain should dry up to 13% moisture. Seed fields are treated with fungicides additionally, when the grain already reaches milky ripeness. Diseases caused by spores of fungi can be suppressed only by sulfur and copper preparations, called fungicides. Depending on the condition of the plant, you can determine why the peas turn yellow on the bed.

Ascochitis, fungal disease, which is manifested throughout the plant in the form of brown spots with fringing. In the center of each spot, there are points that are bags with spores. When the spores ripen, the pycnidia will burst and a new infection of the plant will occur. In order to sprout, requires certain conditions - wet weather, wound on the protective coating of the plant. As a result of the disease, the plant dies, the fruits become unfit for food. There are no stable varieties for this disease. For 5 years, mycelium is preserved in seeds.

Downy mildewis another formidable disease of pea, leading to his death. This disease develops in many cultures, and its manifestation at the beginning of vegetation is characteristic. Only buds appear, on the leaf blades there appear light spots, and spores develop from below the plate. At high humidity and cold snap it is necessary to wait for the outbreak of this disease. At the first signs, the licking of the beds with green leaves helps. Plants stop development, they look depressed, the crown is curly with a violet hue.

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Rust- a dangerous fungal disease of peas. The disease spreads with the milkweed and manifests itself on the plant as a change in the leaf blade. From above, a small yellow spot is visible, on the back side there are bright orange pads with spores. Rust consists of two kinds of mushrooms. One destroys the leaf blade, and the other destroys the entire plant. These two fungi work in pairs.

Root rot- formidable diseases. When the root stops feeding on the plant, the hugo of the leaves decreases, the bush droops and becomes lifeless. The first impression is that the bush is wilted because of a lack of moisture. In fact, the roots no longer feed the ground part of the juice, and additional watering of the plant will only increase the focus of the disease. Sick plants are easily pulled out of the ground.

The sign of the defeat of the plant may be the stimulation of the root part. Root rot can occur during summer dry hot weather.

Diseases and pests of peas are not listed all. But the control measures for a healthy garden are similar. There are systemic fungicides and insecticides, home remedies. The task of gardening is preventive measures in order to obtain a crop of a healthy vegetable without unnecessary treatment with poisonous preparations.

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