What to do if the ink in the printer is dry: how to restore its condition

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Inkjet printers are quite widespread. Often they are used at home by ordinary users. But sometimes, if you do not use such a device for a long time, its cartridges dry out. This results in the printer being unable to print anything.

How to Recover a Dry Inkjet Printer Cartridge

The content of the article

  • How to Recover a Dry Inkjet Printer Cartridge
    • Soaking treatment
    • Steaming
    • The use of special tools

What to do if the ink in the printer is dryOf course, it is best to prevent the cartridge from drying out. To do this, it is enough to print at least 1-2 pages once a few days. If the seal was not conducted within 1-2 weeks, then it can be reanimated at home. If about a month or more has passed, then you will most likely have to contact a specialized service.

Soaking treatment

1In order to soak the paint that has dried in the nozzles, it is necessary to act on it with either water or alcohol, or with a special solvent. To do this, pour water (or one of the liquids listed above) into the container into which the cartridge will fit. Immerse in nozzles and leave to soak.

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IMPORTANT! The volume of water or other liquid should be so that only nozzles plunge into it - no more. Completely the entire box of the printing device does not need to be immersed in it.

Soaking time depends on how dry the paint is. Sometimes 2-3 hours is enough. If it has dried sufficiently strong, then soaking can last a day.

When the nozzles are placed in a liquid, you need to monitor the water level so that it does not dry.

Then ink is poured. And to make sure that they will freely exit through the nozzles, it is better to pump them with a syringe. Do not use excessive force.

If this method did not help, then you can use the “falling jet” method. To do this, substitute the cartridge in the bathtub under the pressure of hot water. In this case, the jet must be powerful and fall as high as possible. Holding it a little under water so you need to stick it out and shake it. Then put it under pressure again and hold it a little longer. After that, you can still blow the nozzle with a syringe. Wipe off any remaining water and ink, refill the cartridge and print it.

IMPORTANT! This method can help after a long period of inactivity if the cartridge has stayed for 2 to 4 weeks in an unused condition.


What to do if the ink in the printer is dryThe dried cartridge can be soaked with steam. To do this, pour water and boil it. It is advisable to do this in a bowl in which you can then dip the product.

After the desired pressure of the steam jet is formed, first substitute nozzles under it. Then put the product directly in boiling water, but only with nozzles. Therefore, the amount of water should be small. Pull out, hold for a certain amount of time in the air. Then repeat soaking several times.

IMPORTANT! Before you lower the cartridge in boiling water, you must definitely remove the top cellophane sticker. This must be done, since the swollen paint can overflow through the holes.

This method is suitable in order to bring to life even a tightly dried cartridge brands Canon, HP, Lexmark.

After steaming, the nozzles are wiped and installed in the printer, put on the best print quality of a solid image. Then change the settings. It is best to set up a monotonously colored page of each of the four colors of the cartridge and print. After that, set the usual print of the photo - the image should turn out to be quite clear and qualitatively printed.

The use of special tools

What to do if the ink in the printer is dry

The use of bathtubs in which a solution of water and Fairy is made with additional exposure to ultrasound can restore any cartridge. Even the one that spent a long time without use.

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