Hot gas gun do it yourself: assembly instructions

The profile market presents a variety of heat guns. They differ in brand, fuel, which is used for the functioning of the unit, dimensions, design and price. However, the cost of branded heat guns often repels buyers.

If you have the skills of metal processing, you can build a budget unit yourself. After all, a gas-fired gas gun is assembled from inexpensive materials. Such a unit is able to heat a small garage or provide a proper microclimate in the greenhouse.

Doubt your own strength? We will help you in the implementation of our plans. The article describes in detail the design features, operating principles and nuances of operating different gas guns. And also provides step-by-step instructions for the manufacture and launch of the device.

The content of the article:

  • Scope and principle of operation
  • Varieties of heat guns
    • Heating classification
    • Dividing by fuel type
  • Features of gas heat guns
  • Making a gas heat gun with your own hands
    • List of tools and materials
    • Step-by-step instructions for making the device
    • How is a trial run
  • instagram viewer
  • Popular models of factory gas heaters
  • Safety rules during operation
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Scope and principle of operation

The principle of operation of this unit can be compared with the functioning of the fan, but the heat gun releases into the room not cold, but warm air.

The air functioning inside the case is heated by heating elements or burners operating on different types of fuel.

Heat gas gun

The name "gun" is caused by both the external similarity of the device with the artillery gun and the powerful jet of heated air, which the unit "shoots"

Heat guns of various modifications find a wide range of applications.

They are successfully used:

  • in industry for heating extensive production and storage facilities;
  • in agriculture to maintain comfortable air temperature in greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • in construction for the quick drying of plastered, painted or otherwise finished rooms;
  • in everyday life for heating and drying of utility rooms and garages;
  • for heating houses in case of emergency (for example, accidents on heating routes).

There are other ways to use such devices, for example, gas units are widely used when installing suspended ceilings.

Varieties of heat guns

There are several types of classification of heat heaters.

Most often they are distinguished:

  • on the device of the heating element - the method of heating;
  • by type of fuel that is used as a source of heat.

In addition, devices can also be divided according to the purpose of use for industrial and domestic.

Heating classification

Although all heat guns are used to increase the temperature in the room, depending on the design of the model, the process can be carried out in different ways.

Devices with direct (direct) heating

In such devices, a powerful fan draws air from the environment. Due to the direct contact with the heating element, the air mass acquires a high temperature, after which it is “thrown” into the room through a special opening.

Direct heating gun

The diagram shows a schematic arrangement of modern heat guns with open and indirect heating, with the designation of the main structural elements (+)

Such units are relatively low cost and have a solid efficiency, but they lack of environmental friendliness. All the formed products of combustion are released into the atmosphere, which can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for people in the room.

To prevent this from happening, the premises where such devices are used must be regularly ventilated or, much better, organized in them forced ventilation.

Heat guns with indirect heating

Such devices have a more complex structure, in which a heat exchanger is provided, where heat is separated from harmful products of combustion. The latter are sent to a special pipe connected to the chimney through which the exhaust is removed from the room to the street.

Indirect Heated Gun Model

In devices with indirect heating, a ring heat exchanger serves as a heating element. The presence of the chimney complicates the movement of such units, so most often they are used as stationary heat sources (+)

Although such devices are more expensive, and their efficiency is somewhat lower than for devices with open burner, they are still in great demand due to environmental friendliness and safety in using.

The specific model of the heat gun should be selected based on the intended use. Direct heating options are suitable for heating vast, deserted spaces (basements, warehouses).

If the device is supposed to be used in the premises where people are, for example, in production workshops, it is better to dwell on models with indirect heating.

Dividing by fuel type

Taking into account the fuel on which the devices operate, the following types of heat guns can be distinguished:

  • Electric. Such units are environmentally friendly, they do not burn oxygen and do not emit harmful substances into the air, so that they can be safely used for heating living rooms. Minus one - a fairly high price for electricity.
  • Multifueldiesel guns or units to work. Such devices operate on used motor and hydraulic oils that cannot be cleaned or used for other purposes. These devices are very economical, but they are not recommended to be installed in crowded areas, as well as in spaces where ventilation is not easy.
  • Water. The main structural elements of such devices are a heater, a fan and a container with water. The space is heated with a powerful steam flow. Such units are often used in agriculture, for example, to maintain a comfortable air temperature in greenhouses or greenhouses; they can also be used in residential areas.
  • Infrared. Complicated devices, the emission of heat in which is carried out using infrared radiation. Such designs are perfect for heating open spaces: they can be installed on the terraces of a restaurant, festive venues, and recreation areas.
  • Gas. These models, which we will discuss in more detail below, have become widespread due to the optimal combination of quality and price.

Often you can find the division of the heat guns on industrial and domestic models. The first ones are distinguished by high power, size and high price, while the second ones are small in size, have less heat emission and an affordable price.

Criteria for choosing a gas gun

The main criteria for choosing a heat gun is its power, which should correspond to the area of ​​the room where the device will be used. It is also important to pay attention to other factors: design features (direct, indirect heating), mobility, dimensions

Choosing a model, it is important to take into account the cost of the device itself, the price of fuel, as well as environmental safety.

Features of gas heat guns

Gas cannons are often used not only in industry, but also in everyday life, for example, for heating of country houses or garages. Such devices are inferior in electric mobility, but are more economical. In addition, these devices have high enough power, the rate of which can reach 140 kW.

Heaters may run on natural or liquefied gas, but they also need access to electricity networks, since the operation of a fan, thermostat and other components without electricity is impossible.

Various modifications of natural gas can be used for the operation of gas heat guns:

  • blue fuel passing on highways;
  • butane or propane in specialized cylinders.

Models with high power can be connected to the gas pipeline with a special hose, which ensures their continuous operation. It should be noted that such units are usually stationary, since their movement is somewhat difficult.

Compact fuel devices operate on balloon fuel. In some cases, the gun is connected with a hose to a large cylinder, which stands still. In others, a small gas tank is an element of the unit design.

Gas bottles for heat gun

For operation of portable gas devices (made independently or in factory conditions) gas is used in cylinders of various types.

In many modern models of gas heat guns, additional functions are provided, for example, protection of the case against overheating, automatic shutdown of the device, and flame control.

Additional information on the device and various modifications of gas guns is given in this article.

Making a gas heat gun with your own hands

First of all, we emphasize that only craftsmen with extensive experience and proper qualifications can take on the independent production of gas heat guns.

Detailed drawing of a gas gun

Detailed scheme, which can be used in the manufacture of their own hands gas heat gun. Such a device is suitable for heating a garage or other spaces (+)

If you are confident in your abilities, you can start working with the selection of the necessary devices and materials.

List of tools and materials

For self-production gas heat trap will need:

  • a metal pipe through which fuel will be fed into the system;
  • Bulgarian;
  • steel sheet;
  • drill with drills for metal work;
  • metal strips (thickness 2 mm);
  • 8 mm steel tube under the heat exchanger;
  • fittings for the stand on which the gun will be placed;
  • fan with a minimum power of 12 volts.

You may also need other tools, such as a welding machine for welding pipes.

Step-by-step instructions for making the device

First of all, you should do the hull. It can be made from a conventional pipe or a casing can be made from a sheet of steel of medium thickness. The metal must be cut off, giving it the necessary parameters, and then rolled up into a pipe. The edges are fastened by the method of connecting lock or conventional bolts.

Then it is necessary to cut the grinder tube, intended for wiring gas into the system. It is necessary to further extend this element by welding the same part with the same diameter to it.

Next, you need to slightly expand the hole through which the flow of gas will be carried out, bringing it to 5 mm.

To increase heat transfer, it is also desirable to lengthen the body with a metal disk with a diameter of 8 cm, which is fixed under the burner. It should be drilled eight holes with a diameter of 1 cm, thereby ensuring easy access of air.

After that, you should start making a clamp with which the heat exchanger will be fixed.

Device to improve heat transfer

Two thin metal plates two millimeters thick, firmly welded in a crosswise manner, further improve the process of heat release and distribution.

Then you can begin to manufacture the heat exchanger. To do this, take an iron pipe with a diameter of 8 cm, which has not too thick walls. Weld the butt to the wall, where you also need to drill a hole.

An extension from the burner is passed through this part, while the clamp at the end is additionally fastened with bolts.

Gas outlet

To release hot air into the room, a pipe is welded to the pipe with a hole made, the length of which is approximately 80 mm.

You should also assemble all parts of the burner, and install a switch for the fan in the heat exchanger housing.

With the help of the grinder, it is necessary to make a hole in the body of the heat exchanger to which the cut off part of the 80-mm tube is attached. It will serve to exit the heated air.

Fan for gas gun

An important detail of the gas heat gun is a fan. You can use a car or home appliance. It is desirable that it has a round shape, but it is possible to use a square model

After that you can proceed to the installation of the fan at the second end of the heat exchanger. This part will transfer the heated air to the cold space. It is also necessary to think about the energy source for the fan. As a rule, it is connected to the mains, but it is possible to use a battery.

The final stage of making a homemade gun is drilling holes that are necessary for convenient ignition of the gas.

It is also important to think over the construction on which the gas gun body will be installed. You can take a ready-made suitable stand or use iron reinforcement from which the frame is made.

For accurate regulation of the air flow on the heat gun, it is desirable to put a limiter. You can use the gate located between the fan or mounting flanges.

How is a trial run

After assembling the structure, it should be connected to a gas cylinder prepared in advance using a tube.

Connecting the gun to the gas canister

the pressure in the cylinder or in the pipe must meet the requirements of this model of heating device: what the more powerful the device, the more pressure it needs (for a 10 kW unit, the pressure should exceed 0.5 bars)

In order to check the assembled structure, it should be tested:

  • a lit lighter is brought to the ignition hole;
  • the valve opens to provide gas access;
  • immediately after the fire appears, the lighter hides;
  • the device turns on the fan.

With proper assembly, there will be a steady burning gas burner and an immediate release of heat. A similar algorithm of actions should be applied during the subsequent switching on of the device.

Popular models of factory gas heaters

If there is no possibility to independently make a gas heater, you can explore the modern market of thermal devices and choose the best option.

Among the most popular companies involved in the production of gas heaters are such companies as:

  • Ballu;
  • Fubag;
  • Neoclima;
  • Master;
  • Resanta;
  • Interskol.

According to a survey conducted among users of specialized forums, the top models include the following models: MASTER BLP 17M, Neoclima IPG 15, Interskol TPG-15.

Gun master

All gas heaters of the famous American company MASTER are distinguished by high-quality assembly, reliability, efficient operation, and excellent design.

MASTER BLP 17M. The unit has an adjustable power of 10-16 kW, which makes it possible to maintain a comfortable temperature in a room up to 655 m3.

Power is supplied by connecting to a gas cylinder through a reducer and connecting to a household electrical network. Some inconvenience causes mechanical ignition.

Neoclima IPG 15. A device with a power of 18 kW is able to heat a 400 m room3, while fuel consumption is 1.4 kg / h. The model also includes a hose and a gas reducer.

Gas gun Fubag

Model Fubag Brise 15 has a power of 18 kW. It differs in a minimum level of fuel consumption. For heating a room of 500 cubic meters will require only 1-1.2 kilograms of fuel per hour. The heat gun has a device to control the flame, as well as a high-quality protection system

Interskol TPG-15. Unit with a capacity of 300 m3 per hour, the power of which can be changed within 3-15 kW, while the fuel consumption will vary from 0.73 to 1.3 kg / h. Such a device can operate on both propane and butane.

Safety rules during operation

Thermal devices, including gas, relate to fire hazardous equipment requiring strict adherence to safety regulations.

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents relating to the regulations for working with gas equipment, namely GOST R ISO 11439-2010 for working with gas cylinders and GOST 17356-89 (burners on gaseous fuel).

Requirements for the use of devices:

  1. Do not leave gas heat guns unattended, especially with devices made with their own hands. Factory models often have an emergency shutdown function, for example, when the outer shell is heated.
  2. It is undesirable to keep highly inflammable substances in a room heated with such devices. In extreme cases, they should be stored at the maximum distance from the device.
  3. During operation of devices with open heating, it is necessary to ensure proper ventilation of the room. When working with a device with indirect heating, it is imperative that you check the chimney for proper operation and make sure that noxious emissions come out.
  4. During the work of the gas heat gun it is forbidden to use aerosol barrels.
  5. It is not recommended to use such devices if the finest sawdust or other easily combustible fibers are present in the air. Such a device is also not suitable for heating a room in which vapor vapor of gasoline, acetone or other combustible substances is sprayed.
  6. The operating device must be on a flat surface, which ensures its stable position.
  7. It is not allowed to connect any hoses to the inlet or outlet: this may weaken the air flow, leading to a concentration of carbon monoxide and / or other harmful substances.
  8. The gas gun can not be used in rooms with a high content of vapors, for example, in the pool, bath, sauna. It is not recommended to use it also in the open air, especially in conditions of rain and snow.
  9. Do not cover the gas device with anything, or close the opening of the device.

Before connecting to the grid, make sure that the socket is grounded, also during the work it is impossible to close the hole of the gun and cover the device itself.

The ends of the gas gun, it is desirable to cover the metal mesh. This will allow to dissipate a powerful stream of hot air, the temperature of which can exceed + 250 °WITH.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The posted video clearly shows the process of creating a gas heating device with your own hands.

Gas heat trap is a powerful device that can heat even a vast room in the shortest possible time. Such units can be purchased in specialized stores or do it yourself.

In the latter case, the complexity and responsibility of this task should be understood, since the handling of gas appliances requires careful work and strict adherence to safety rules.

Have experience building a heat gun? Or have questions on the topic? Please add comments, participate in discussions to the article and attach photos of your homemade products. The communication unit is located below.

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