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Among decorative and deciduous crops grown on home window sills, asparagus occupy a special place. This hardy, fast-growing plants amaze not only the openwork greens, but also their amazing unpretentiousness. And yet, lovers of indoor plants have to see how recently green asparagus turns yellow, if the phyllocladia wither and fall.
What is the reason for this behavior of the plant, and what care for the diseased plant asparagus will restore its former beauty?
Care for asparagus, starting to turn yellow or crumble
First of all, no matter how deplorable the situation is, you should not part with your favorite pet. If you immediately find out the cause of wilting and make adjustments to care, you can revive an almost hopeless plant that has lost all the greens.
As practice shows, in most problems faults of asparagus care or forgetfulness of the owner are to blame. Even the most hardy plant, accustomed to dwelling in the dry air of an apartment, irregular or excessive watering, a tight pot and other inconveniences, early or requires human attention. Asparagus is not an exception, patient culture does not immediately, but reacts to discomfort, stopping growing and yellowing.
What if the asparagus dries up? Only by creating comfortable conditions for him, one can be sure of health and the invariable beauty of the pet. And even the plant that has begun to dry up again will thrive in growth. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the situation by analyzing the conditions of plant maintenance.
The reasons why asparagus turns yellow, and its "leaves" or phyllocladia crumble, maybe a few.
If the asparagus is showered due to a chronic lack of moisture, the dried stems are cut and begin to gradually moisten the soil in the pot. Dry soil is poorly impregnated with water, so it is better to make several approaches. Over and over again the substrate will soak deeper until the moisture soaks the entire volume of the pot, and its excess does not come out into the pan.
Having received the desired moisture, the plant will soon give new stems, and here, most importantly, do not violate the watering schedule.
Best of all, if between watering the soil under asparagus will dry up, but not turn into stone. The root system of the plant is arranged in such a way that enough nutrients of water "in reserve" accumulate in the nodules, but such accumulations also end. In addition, their exhaustion leads to the cessation of growth, which means that new leaves can not be expected.
Excessive moistening of the soil also adversely affects asparagus. In a constantly moist warm environment, insects, bacteria and fungi easily multiply, which threatens the invasion of pests and diseases of asparagus. Its powerful root system is rotting, and the fact that asparagus turns yellow turns out to be a consequence of the ailment.
Therefore, when leaving, it is extremely important to take into account the soil moisture at the time of watering, the temperature of the air in the room, because the plant less "drinks" in the cool, and season. As a rule, releasing new shoots, blossoming and fruit-bearing specimens have a great need for moisture and nutrition.
Do not leave water in the pan, because its contact with the roots is one of the causes of asparagus disease and its shedding.
Dry air in the room harms most indoor plants, including all types of asparagus. Even periods of drought in nature are not as destructive for a plant as operating heating appliances in an apartment. Therefore, asparagus standing on the windowsills or near the batteries turns yellow even with the remaining care and watering.
You can stop the process by moving the pot away from the rising flow of hot air, and also by all improvised means by moistening the air in the room. It will be useful not only for the flower, but also for people whose respiratory system and mucous membranes also dry up and cease to resist viral and cold diseases.
In search of a place for asparagus, it is worth remembering that this plant is harmful not only to hot air, but also draft. Therefore, wondering why the asparagus turns yellow, you need to check if it blows from it from the transom.
The optimal place for asparagus in the apartment is a penumbra or a sunny window sill where the flower is protected from direct light hit. If the created conditions suit the plant, its cladodies are compact, lush. In the shade, the shoots are lengthened, and the phyllocidia are diluted on them. When the lights are sorely lacking, for example, the pot is carried far from the window, even with proper care asparagus turns yellow and loses foliage.
But the bright sun is not the best friend of the plant. It leaves burns on the green, becoming the cause, because of which asparagus crumbles in a matter of days. The situation is corrected by rearranging the pot and adjusting if it is necessary to water your green pet.
In most cases, after watching the plant, you can easily determine why his state of health is changing, and what to do if asparagus dries up before the eyes of a flower grower.
Feeding and a new primer for the sick asparagus
But sometimes the cause of the disease is not so obvious. After all, even experienced flower growers do not always think that asparagus needs fertilizing, and about timely transplantation of culture is completely forgotten - so the plant is hardy and unpretentious.
The root system of asparagus is volumetric and rapidly expanding, so in early spring the plants are transplanted into fresh soil. At the same time, it is better to conduct the procedure for young specimens annually, and adult asparagus is transferred to a new container after 2-3 years. If the florist forgot about the transplantation of the pet, the roots and tubers come to the surface, the plant begins to experience an acute shortage of nutrients and moisture. The asparagus will not turn yellow and crumble soon, but it will not affect the appearance and condition of the flower in the best way.
The transplantation is also useful in that it helps to identify diseases and pests on the asparagus roots that have not yet made themselves known or have already caused the stems to dry.
Feeding is carried out in the spring and summer, and here it is necessary to take into account that asparagus like organic and nitrogen-containing mixtures, but the overabundance of this element can play a bad joke. Growth stimulator for green plants in the shade causes stretch shoots, and sometimes from excess fertilizer asparagus turns yellow. Therefore, it is useful for a pet to choose a fertilizer with a harmonious content of all food components and microelements.
What to do with drying asparagus?
When yellowness asparagus is not strong, it may be enough to restore watering, remove the plant from the shade or, alternatively, move it from the sun, moisten the air or feed it. But seriously needing a plant asparagus care is needed special, complex. With a drying asparagus cut off all the lifeless stems, and then well shedding earth, the plant is useful to get out of the pot and subject to a thorough examination.
If the roots are affected by rot, dried and no longer live, such areas should be removed, leaving only light dense nodules, still able to give new sprouts. If necessary, the root system can be carefully divided and obtained at once several young seedlings, which in a short time will grow and become an ornament of the house. Planted in a nutritious, loose substrate, the asparagus is watered, and the soil is mulched from above. The viability of the roots while observing the asparagus care rules will soon manifest themselves and give rise to growth.
Diseases and pests of asparagus
Often, the cause of asparagus disease is pests that deplete the plant. Although the number of insects able to cope with dense stems of the plant and its small phyllocladia is not so great, with a massive lesion asparagus turns yellow and may lose its decorative effect.
Shields on the stems of asparagus look like small convex plaques of brown or brownish hue. Eating juice plants, they deplete asparagus, which leads to yellowness phyllocladia. To cope with an uninvited tenant you can manually remove the scabbards or gently handled the accumulations with a solution of the actinic, in a liter of water diluting about 1-2 ml of the substance. In the future, caring for asparagus, it is useful to spray the stems with standing water.
This same remedy is effective against spider mite, which is rare, but it affects asparagus, which are long in a dry room. These pests can pass from other plants, but are more often found on ramifications of the stem or in the root zone. Weak asparagus turns yellow, and if there is a lack of care, it may dry up. A good preventive measure will be regular irrigation of the crown with warm water and a shower for phylloclades. True, the soil with this procedure is better to hide.
But excessive soil moisture in dry air provokes the development of thrips and fungal mosquitoes. In this case, as never before, it is important to arrange care for asparagus and carry out its treatment with phytophythm or other insecticide. A similar measure is necessary if asparagus is showered, taken to the garden for summer time. On this plant you can find aphids, also bleeding young stems.