We study the medicinal properties of the scurf

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Medicinal properties are known to people for many years, therefore the plant is in great demand in medicine. This is a perennial herbaceous culture that grows in the kitchen gardens, near houses, in parks and in wastelands. In the people this plant is considered a weed. But, despite this, older people know what is useful to conceal and what it cures.

Description of the plant

Most dacha owners do not even know what it's like to know and how to use it. In fact, it is a herb that is very popular in Europe and Asia. The plant develops well both in the shade and in areas that are well illuminated by the sun.

Snyt - bushes, forming a thick thicket, which is difficult to extract. This is due to the fact that all shoots have a common rhizome. The average period of their life is about 50 years.

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The grass belongs to the umbellate family. Rhizome has a horizontal direction, creeping. The stem is straight. Its surface can be either bare or slightly pubescent. It grows to a height of one meter.

If you do not want to cut it, then you can collect the blanks in the middle of summer.

Blooming grass is very beautiful. Buds are collected in wide umbrellas. In each of them can be from 15 to 20 flowers. In plants that have been executed for more than a decade, there may be 300 to 500 buds open. Flowers are snow-white and they consist of 5 five petals. After the flowering, fruits are formed. They all have an elongated shape with pronounced ribs. Ripe grains of brown color.

The main types of snoot

We get acquainted with the widespread species:

  1. Ordinary. In the people this variety has other names. Many call it ordinary, whose photo is lower, like a marsh fry, a lamb or a stick. This is the most studied type of plant, which is most often used in folk and traditional medicine.
  2. Alpine. This variety of grass is snyt and its use is not very different from ordinary. Alpine is also used in medicine. The main difference of the plant is its size. The bushes grow so not high, but they branch well. They grow on fertile soils. The native land of the plant are the lands of Central Asia, Siberia, and the Caucasus.
  3. Broad-leaved. You can meet such grass only on the shores of Lake Baikal. Because of its capriciousness, it does not grow in other parts of the world. The stems are bare and covered with furrows. The leaves are large with pronounced notches.
  4. Kashmir. The smallest species. In comparison to other varieties, Kashmiri has no medicinal properties. Due to its unusual appearance, it is often used to create lawns.
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Among all of the above types, the medicinal properties of the common litter are the highest.

Healing properties

Anyone who prefers folk methods of treatment knows that this is the best plant. Hearing has many useful properties. This is a unique herb that is used to treat a number of diseases.

Particularly useful is the ground part. It is much less common for the preparation of mixtures of roots.

Snyt - a plant that is used for food. The green part is low-calorie. In 100 grams of fresh grass there is about 1, Kcal. According to the conducted studies it was proved that the structure of the lapping is very similar to the formula of human blood.


Heard apply as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • pain reliever;
  • antitoxic;
  • detoxifying agent.

The leaves and stems are rich in cinnamon and citric acid. Also in their composition is a large percentage of mineral salts. They are a good antioxidant. Infusions from this plant can neutralize free radicals, which increase the risk of developing neoplasms. Also, decoctions are often prescribed to raise immunity. Thanks to a large amount of vitamin C, the risk of colds decreases at times.

The root part is famous for the presence of essential oils, resins, saponins, and also starch. You should pay tribute to the grains that appear on the spot flowers. Seeds are rich in fats, fiber, proteins. If you correctly prepare a remedy based on this plant, then you can restore the digestive system in a short time and restore the salt metabolism back to normal.

Who should not be used to conceal?

This plant is well studied, from the pharmacological point of view. Therefore, it can be stated with accuracy that hiding has a number of useful properties and has no contraindications. An exception is the individual intolerance of certain components that are present in the composition. With extreme caution, you need to eat grass to pregnant women and young mothers who breastfeed.

In order to avoid negative consequences, before you begin to take it, you should consult a doctor. After the prescribed procedures, the doctor will tell if you have an allergy to this plant.

It is also not recommended to drink broth from the lump on an ongoing basis. Despite all its advantages, long reception can negatively affect the general condition of a person. You also need to carefully combine the herb with other medicines.

Rules of harvesting for winter

In order that the herb does not lose its healing properties, you should know how to collect it correctly. Observing the basic rules, you can get quality raw materials that will retain their abilities until next year.

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Requirements for collection and storage of plants:

  1. For medicinal purposes, only young shoots and deciduous plates should be selected that have an average size.
  2. Collecting parts of the bush should be done before the buds begin to appear. The best time to collect blanks is the month of May.
  3. Leaves and shoots of the plant can not be washed. Contact with water, can reduce the number of useful components.
  4. Dry the plant only in partial shade. The room where the blanks will be stored should be well ventilated. Lay the grass should be a thin layer on the towel. If rainy weather persists for a long time in the street, then the final drying should be carried out using an electric appliance.
  5. Keep the prepared raw materials in a paper bag. This will preserve the medicinal properties until the end of the year.

As for the preparation of roots, then it should be done right after the bush is blossoming. Use for making infusions can be any underground part. Root the roots and rinse well under running water. On their surface there should be no dust and dirt.

Prepare the roots by placing them on a paper towel and holding them at room temperature for several hours. This is necessary to make them a little dry. Then grind them with a grater. You can also use a meat grinder.

Do not dry grass in a glass container. Long stay in such a container, can lead to the spread of dangerous fungi.

Dry the resulting shavings in the oven at about 350 ° C. You can do this, also in the dryer. Store the prepared roots only in a wooden container.

Snyat in cooking

This herb is not only often used in medicine, but also used for food. To create dishes, you should take only young shoots and leaves. They give the vegetables a special flavor and an unusual aftertaste.

The leaves for cooking dishes should be a brother of a light green hue.

Food with this herb is incredibly tasty and healthy. In its composition, the leaves have a large number of vitamins and trace elements, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestine.

In order to use it for food in the winter, it is necessary to wipe the young deciduous plates with a small amount of salt. Mix the mixture tightly in a jar and put in the refrigerator.

Such a workpiece can be used for cooking:

  • salads;
  • stew potatoes;
  • okroshki;
  • sauces.

Prepared in this way to conceal does not lose its healing properties and has no contraindications. It goes well with meat and fish. It is also good to use the billet for soups.

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Medicinal properties of the joint for the treatment of many diseases

A plant is used to alleviate the condition with different pathologies. To achieve the desired result in treatment is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the rules of use and the stages of preparation of the remedy.

To create this recipe, you need to use the root part of the plant. It can be either dried or fresh.

Main Ingredients:

  • one liter of vodka;
  • 300 grams of the plant.

To prepare the mixture, you need to grind the roots. This can be done with a grater or a meat grinder. Cut the scrap into a jar and add the vodka. Cover the container tightly and put it in a dark place. Keep in this state you need for 14 days. After two weeks, you can take the tincture. Drink liquid for 20-25 drops 30 minutes before eating. Use three times a day for a month.

In diseases of joints

It is not difficult to prepare such an effective remedy. To get rid of the pain in the joints, you need to connect half a glass of chopped grass with 200 grams of boiling water. The resulting mixture is put on a water bath and cook for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of this period, move the container to the table and allow some time to cool down. Concentrate the broth strain through gauze, and then dilute with boiled water in an amount of 200 ml. Drink fluids during the day. The course of treatment is from a week to ten days.

This recipe is also the best way to get rid of diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Face mask for face skin

This plant is very often used in cosmetology. Thanks to a set of useful components, the skin of the face will become tender and very soft.

To prepare a mask you need to use:

  • juice from the leaves of the plant;
  • natural honey (liquid);
  • fresh cucumber.

Start cooking with the grinding of the vegetable. Wash cucumber and grate on a fine grater.

In the container put the chopped vegetable, honey and juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. You need to do this with a wooden spatula. The resulting gruel pour into gauze and in this form to attach to the face. Keep mask for 20 minutes. With the systematic conduct of such a procedure, the result will not be long in coming.

Useful properties, photos and recipes based on the grass, which are described in this article, once again confirm its relevance. This plant is the best way to improve your health in the shortest possible time.

Video about the healing properties of the snyti

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