Air cleaner with your hands: the operating principle, species, usage recommendations

The operating principle of the air cleaner to the house with his own hands, which can make everyone, the same as commercial device - the contaminated air passes through the unit (filter or a single filter) and there is purification process.

The operating principle of a self-made air cleaner

The content of the article

  • The operating principle of a self-made air cleaner
  • Variants of manufacturing devices with their own hands
  • Terms of use of the device

The operating principle of a self-made air cleanerSome filters can be used atypical, rare addition to cleaning - air ionization, processing it with infrared radiation and others. Such supplements are considered unitary (highly specialized) and only partially enhance the cleaning effect of the standard method.

Variants of manufacturing devices with their own hands

Options for the manufacture air cleanerTo produce a filter to clean the air with his hands - everyone can. It is only necessary in advance to determine the conditions under which he will work for you to choose a suitable filler for filtering.

Air cleaner with his own hands for dry rooms. Dry room - the room in which the humidity is less than 30%. It is important to try to raise the overall level of humidity, and in any case - not to reduce it. Take a small water container and fill it halfway.

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Place one end of the container or a computer cooler fan that operates at low speeds. Fix the "air supply system" so that she could not get into the water - it can lead to in-circuit power. Due to interaction (penetration) with water the air is its cleaning, and - increasing humidity occurs the process. Hot water can be poured into the container thus still be satisfied steam room.

For wet rooms. Wet room (the humidity level is greater than 60 - 75%) better not further moisturize. For air purifier, instead of water, as described above, a standard kitchen salt.

salt properties allow it to absorb moisture and to clean. To salt does not scatter from the air stream, it should be covered with gauze or any other material that would not call it disintegrate into fine grains.

With the charcoal filter. Cleaner with a carbon filter with your hands you can do if you have a sufficient amount of activated charcoal. Place charcoal inside the container and then make small holes in it (you can use the corner).

"Fan" should be placed so that it blows air out of the container, rather than stream is injected into it. Further, the container should be covered with a cloth to "fan" blew just the air that can flow through the small holes and where coal is located.

Important! For greater effectiveness, this cleaner can be raised, so that it was easier to take in air from the bottom of the container. Coal does not affect the humidity indoors.

Terms of use of the device

Terms of Use homemade air purifier
  1. The device should not be too noisy to work; Loud noise is evidence of the difficulties with air supply (the motor "suffocating" and begins to operate at higher speeds). Also, it may indicate failure of the fastening of the fan.
  2. for filtering the filler must be changed periodically; Do not forget this! Homemade filter will not be able to personally remind you about this process! It is recommended to put a notice on your mobile phone on the date of replacement of the filter material.
  3. Avoid leaving homemade instruments to clean the air unattended. Any appliance (especially homemade) requires special vigilance and care during its operation and, if possible, must not be left unattended. As for homemade cleaners for the air - they must be under the supervision of the entire period of their operation.
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