How to remove odor from thermos. Methods of getting rid of the odor in a thermos

Remove the scent from a thermosThermos - indispensable "friend" of the family. And tea in the trip to take, and coffee, and herb for steamed broth, and so much more. However, the unpleasant smell and moldy may occur during operation.

Normal wash under running water, do not do the task. To not have to throw more good unit and spend money on a new thing, it can and must be saved! In this article you learn about how to get rid of the smell with a minimum expenditure of energy and monetary units.

Remove the fetid scent from a thermos - the best ways to

The content of the article

  • Remove the fetid scent from a thermos - the best ways to
  • nontraditional methods
  • Shop or home remedies, what is best?
  • A few tips for care of a thermos

Every housewife knows that the means at hand - this is the most cost and effective ways to solve problems. There is no need to run for the chemistry in the shop, because everything that you need, for sure, is in the house.

Sodium bicarbonate (in common - the food or baking soda). Multifunctional assistant, worth a penny and does not pose a risk to human life. Method of Use:

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  • pour boiling water in a thermos, and add one or two tablespoons of baking soda;
  • tightly close the lid, wrap up in warm clothes. Leave for 2-3 hours;
  • rinse thoroughly, dry;
  • soda will help remove the smell, and clean the inner surface of the mold.

Lemon acidacid derivatives (Citric acid, vinegar essence, lemon juice). There is a choice of three positions, they are equally effective, the only difference is that: vinegar has a pungent smell and a lemon - the high cost. Application method:

  • Add two tablespoons of thermos acid, dilute the cup of boiling water;
  • tighten cap, shaken vigorously for 3-5 minutes. leave on 1-1.5 hours;
  • pour the contents. Rinse well and dry;
  • mustard powder. Perfectly cope with the task.

Important! Mustard paste will do.

Cover dry powder into the flask to fill with warm water, screw cap.

  • shake 10-15 times. retain 1.5-2 hours.
  • open, pour the contents, rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • salt. Another effective way to eliminate bad smell:
  • 5 tablespoons of salt fill in a thermos and add hot water.
  • leave a brine solution for 12-24 hours.
  • pour the solution, and rinse the thermos.

riceYou can use any kind of rice: Round, long grain, brown, white - no matter what. Rice can remove a slight odor:

  • 4-5 tablespoons of rice pour boiling water;
  • Close and shake for 5-10 minutes;
  • Rinse with cold water and dried;

nontraditional methods

Carbonated drinks. It is best to use a Coke.

To bring the liquid to a state of boiling, then poured into a thermos bottle, a cap wherein spinning is not necessary.

Leave on for 10-12 hours.

Rinse the inner surface rinsed with cold water and dried.

Dishwashing liquid. It helps if the cause of the bad smell was the mold. Special brush for washing utensils should be washed thermos, until such time as the smell does not change to flavor agent used. Then pour boiling water unit and gradually lowering the degree and at the end of the water must be very cold.

Bleach. He will cleanse the surface of the mold and mildew. This method can not be applied, if the thermos made of stainless steel, otherwise the seams will disperse, and utensils will lose their properties. Pour small portion of bleach into the vessel, add hot water and let stand for 30-45 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and repeat the procedure, leaving the bleaching 20-25 minutes.

Attention! Only a small concentration! The large volumes of bleach is dangerous!

odor absorbers. The easiest way - to put inside an object that absorbs odors. For example, the bread crumb black, activated carbon, tablets, sachet black or green tea. Items are put on 3-4 hours the replacement in the future. Ideally, the absorber should be changed 5 times.

Shop or home remedies, what is best?

ThermosOn the shelves in the shops there is a wide range of household products. However it is better to use traditional methods of safe, proven over the years. The word "chemistry" speaks for itself, in such media is full of chemicals that do more harm than good. If bad rinse detergent, it can cause irreparable harm. Think about it before you buy such a product, it affects the fate of your gastrointestinal tract.

A few tips for care of a thermos

That never had to deal with this problem, try to keep a thermos clean. Simple rules:

  • wash the dishes immediately after applying;
  • use with soap solution;
  • the cap is also in need of care;
  • After washing the Thermos need to dry for days;
  • it is best to wipe dry and then leave on a dry towel;
  • even if the unit you do not need in the near future, it is impossible to close the lid tightly, otherwise the smell can not be avoided.

The fight against the stench and moldy - it's quick and easy! Timely wash the dishes, and then in the future, these problems will never overtake you. If there were urgent cases, no time to wash, then unscrew the cap, subsequently it is much easier to clean.

28.08.2017 at 10:19

Only for a soda! Bleach to wash if it is possible to throw out the thermos, I do not know what about the differences of joints, but the smell of chlorine still need to display, so do not bring such vehicle to use. Lemon juice or acid solution is also acceptable, and if the smell remains, it is not irritating, and even pleasant. As for drying - a topic at least one day in an open manner and with the best in the closet with the door closed to prevent dust from getting into the flask.

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