Why can burst the door glass on the washing machine: Causes

Why can burst the door glass on the washing machinedoor glass is present in the washing machines with horizontal loading. Included with the door, it prevents leakage of water from the drum. Crack - failure is a rare, but serious, resulting in the inability to further operation of the machine. Glass, and more specifically high-strength plastic, designed for hitting metal buttons, buckles, even at the maximum spin speed.

Why is the door glass may break: Causes

The content of the article

  • Why is the door glass may break: Causes
  • Rules of operation of the washing machine glass hatch

However, even such a material is not immune from the occurrence of cracks due to several reasons:

  1. Manufacturing defects can cause occurrence of a crack due to the hatch mounting defect or a defect in the plastics arising during its manufacture.
  2. Mechanical damage due to falling or the machine powerful impact with a heavy object on the hatch, with both the outer and the inner side.
  3. The presence of a metal object with a substantial drum reloading.
  4. Violation of the uniform movement of the drum, the laundry increases the pressure on the hatch door.
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Important! When the faint crack, the glass should be replaced immediately in order to avoid serious defects during washing at high mode.


Rules of operation of the washing machine glass hatch

Expert opinion of the service center (SC):

"25% of faults are eliminated after reading the instruction manual. And if you read it once, then another 60% of faults never happen. "

To hatch to protect it from damage, it is sufficient to carry out a few simple rules of operation:

  1. Choosing a place for the washing machine with the condition of the free opening of the door, without contact with other standing next to objects.
  2. Before washing, check the pockets.
  3. Metal buttons, zippers zip up before washing clothes and turn out in such a way that they were inside.
  4. If the damage to the door gasket to replace it as soon as possible.

Important! You should not try to seal a crack or solder it yourself. breakage during spinning can lead to unpredictable results.

If the machine is on the warranty, please contact the service center for a free repair. In case of refusal can go to court, who will appoint the examination.

Representatives of service centers believe that the glass is rarely self-destructs, being beaten users due to mishandling.

Expert Opinion SC:

"By the nature of lesions can be obtained with high probability to establish the cause of damage. Then you can contact the manufacturer and it is possible that your problem will be solved. "

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