Easy ways to clean a gas stove grating

During daily cooking on the plate surface fall different food substances and fat. Therefore, for the device required constant care. And if the work surface cleaning does not cause issues and problems, the putting in order of the lattice can cause difficulties.

Lattice gas stove made of different materials and clean they need in different ways.

As is easy to clean the grille gas cookers

The content of the article

  • As is easy to clean the grille gas cookers
    • Cleaning cast iron grates
    • Shoe steel grates
    • Shoe enamel grates

Before proceeding to wash the product, you need to prepare the appropriate cleaning agents. Very grate must be removed. So the water and detergents do not get inside the burners.

grill before and after

Clean the product requires a careful, so do not hurry. When exposed to high pollution temperatures much hot for on the surface of the product, therefore, require soaking.

Cleaning cast iron grates

This material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Cast iron has excellent thermal conductivity so reduces cooking time. At the same time it is a very brittle metal, which is highly resistant to mechanical stress. It can not be hit and cleaned with a brush made of metal.

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cast iron grill

Clean this option in the following ways:

  • The heating. This procedure is preferably carried out in an open space. If this is not possible, it is necessary to include the hood and to open all windows and balcony doors. The calcination is required to carry out over an open fire. During heating, the most basic pollution will disappear. Remaining can be easily removed by conventional cleaning means;
  • In the automobile sell special tools for engine wash. They can also use to remove dirt. They are completely safe and at the same time an excellent job with the dirt;
  • Hot steam. This procedure can be performed using the steam generator. If not, then we can take the pan, pour water into it, and put in the oven. Then put it bars. The product should be left in the oven for about 15 minutes.

Shoe steel grates

steel grating

Steel grating is made of stainless steel, which is resistant to mechanical stress. Its easy to clean in the dishwasher. But it is not always available. Therefore, you should use the following ways:

  • Since the product is resistant to abrasion, it is possible to use river sand, soda and a metal sponge;
  • There are cleaners, acid content. They need to be applied evenly over the entire surface and leave for a few hours, but better - at night. After that, you simply need to thoroughly rinse it under running water;

To the following procedure was possible light, you can cover the grille with a special solution. We need to take a powder, PVA glue and baking soda in the ratio 1: 2: 6. Mix all the ingredients, they need to put on the product. The next time the product is required simply rinse under water, because all the dirt will settle on a solution.

Shoe enamel grates

enameled grill

The enamel is very soft material, so it easily gets scratched. It requires careful treatment and use gentle cleansers. can be used for cleaning:

  • Sponge of melamine. Despite the fact that it is quite expensive, the sponge is able to remove easily and efficiently the existing contamination. It needs only to wet it and carefully wipe the surface of the product;
  • You can also use mustard powder or 9% vinegar. You need to prepare the appropriate solution and soak in it the product. After 2-3 hours it is required to get it and rinse it under running water;

From whatever material neither has been made grille, with its cleaning is necessary to follow a few guidelines:

  • During the procedure you need to use gloves. Domestic Chemicals detrimental effect on the skin;
  • All cleaning agents must be used according to the instructions on the package. To achieve the desired effect, apply they must be evenly and fairly thick;
  • Desirably wipe product after each cooking. So dirt does not have time to dry out and it can be removed quickly and easily;
  • Lattice required provide dry, as to wet the surface of dust and dirt adhere much better;
  • Prevent pollution will help to selected dishes. For example, the pan is desirable to take a high bumpers, and use the cover during cooking. So fat will not be sprayed on the surface of the plate and hot for her.
  • It is impossible to excessively press a metal sponge. Otherwise, there are scratches;
  • Cast grates contraindicated soaked in liquid solutions. This material is extremely bad in contact with water, this can lead to cracking;
  • Clean only need to cool the bars;

After the procedure is completed, the bars need to be dried. If this is not done, to wet the surface very quickly nalipnet new layer of mud.

If the time to carry out cleaning and follow all recommendations, the board surface will always be clean, and the resulting pollution can be removed without any special effort.

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