The device of the Russian stove: with the names of the elements and the scheme, the principle of operation.

Russian stove.The Russian stove has a fairly simple device, although it has many components that perform different functions. The principle of its work has been verified for centuries and remains unchanged to this day. As for the design, it is constantly being improved. What are the features of the device of the Russian stove and how does it work?

The device of the Russian stove

The content of the article

  • The device of the Russian stove
  • The principle of operation of the furnace
  • Types of Russian stoves
  • How and how to heat the Russian stove
  • Pros and cons of Russian stoves

Even a couple of centuries ago, it was difficult to find two identical stoves. This was because each owner made small changes both in the internal structure and in the exterior decoration. The design of a traditional furnace was constantly changing and becoming more complicated. The entire structure is placed on the foundation, which should be located at a certain interval from the wall (usually about 17 cm).

The names of the main elements of the structure - you can clearly see them on the diagram:

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  1. Podpecheye - a place used to dry logs.
  2. The guardianship is the foundation of the structure.
  3. Pechurka is a groove in the front and top that improves heat transfer. It is used to dry things.
  4. Crucible - is a so-called cooking chamber, in which various fuels are burned, and then food is cooked. The camera arch is made at an angle to the entrance. Thanks to this, the heated air is kept at the top, heats the stove bench and side walls of the stove.
  5. Damper - closes the crucible.
  6. Six is ​​a special compartment in front of the mouth, which is located in front of the crucible. The lateral walls of the mouth are called cheeks.
  7. Hailo - is located in front of the mouth over the sixth. It is a bell into which smoke escapes during the operation of the furnace. From this zone, smoke enters the exhaust pipe.
  8. Under the bottom of the crucible. It is built under a certain bias towards the camera. This is done for the unhindered passage of kitchen appliances inside. The surface of the hearth should be smooth.
  9. The weir is a separate depression where smoke is collected. A smoke exhaust pipe passes over it.
  10. View - a plate of cast iron with a hole that is closed by a lid. Located in the chimney. Thanks to it and the gate valve, traction can be controlled.
  11. The lounger is an area where you can sit down to relax. It is located on the back of the chimney. In the process of kindling the stove, this place begins to heat up quickly.
Scheme of the Russian stove.

The principle of operation of the furnace

The mechanism of action of such a device is quite simple. Air moves not only under the influence of natural draft created by the chimney, but also due to the characteristics of the fuel combustion process. Cold air from the outside passes at the mouth and meets with a mass of smoke going towards him. When meeting, they do not touch and do not mix - air goes above, smoke - below. Having met at the mouth and mouth, air masses exchange heat with each other, and natural gas-air heat exchange occurs.

REFERENCE! Those who want to build a stove need to know how it works. Heated air enters the combustion zone, and flue gases leave it from above through the firebox. They exit through the mouth and hail, and then into the chimney pipe. This happens, of course, not instantly. The combustion elements make a couple of circles inside the space of the firebox and finally burn out. At the same time, they give off heat to the surface of the stove. This is because the camera is built at an angle and has a sill in it.

Types of Russian stoves

The main types of buildings are distinguished:

  1. Classic stove with stove bench. This is a common variant of such a structure.Russian stove with a stove bench.
  2. A stove with a stove is a more modern and convenient design. A stove bench is not provided for in it. In summer, the main purpose is the process of cooking, and in winter, the main application is warming up the house.
  3. Mini stove. This type of mechanism is very small in size and is used only for cooking.
  4. Heating device with fireplace.

How and how to heat the Russian stove

Coal or firewood is usually used as fuel. It is better to use logs made of pine or birch. They are characterized by longer burnout and heat preservation. Now coal can be bought at various stores, but you can make it yourself. To get good charcoal, you need to pick up firewood of a similar size and cut down knots and processes as much as possible. They are laid in the shape of a well, and sprinkled with a splinter on top. This is done to quickly tan them. To obtain uniform coal, it is necessary to heat so that the heat persists for a long time. For this, the device is heated with a large batch of firewood.

IMPORTANT! The daily heating of this unit has its own individual characteristics. For example, the ignition site should be located as close to the mouth as possible. Then, when it flares up well enough, it is advanced into the crucible. Here you need a special dexterity, as in the process of tossing logs.

Usually, logs are simply thrown into the furnace, and then driven into the furnace by a poker. Firewood should be heated slowly and in stages, in several passes, without loading a large amount of firewood at the same time. Wet wood before putting it into the oven should be thoroughly dried, placed in the underfire.

Pros and cons of Russian stoves

Cooking in a Russian stove.One of the significant drawbacks of using this device is its high fuel consumption. This can be a significant part of the family budget. It should also be borne in mind that the upper and middle parts of the structure become very hot. Very rarely, but still, it may not fit into the interior features of the space. The benefits of using the oven are much greater.

Advantages of modern furnace systems:

  • prolonged heat retention;
  • wear resistance (average life - about 30 years);
  • reliability of use;
  • beneficial effects on human health;
  • the ability to heat large areas;
  • convenience in cooking and much more.

The stove not only makes the home special - in terms of design, but also benefits. The food prepared in it is unique in taste, and the heat emanating from it is stored in the house for a long time.

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