How to keep carrots and beets for the winter

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Roots grown on private plots are traditionally used not only in summer, but also laid for storage. This is facilitated by the unpretentiousness of crops and their yield. The easiest way to save carrots and beets for the winter is to use collars, cellars and cellars.

In conditions of a lowered temperature, the root crops have a rest period, the growth of the foliage stops or stops, the need for moisture and nutrients is no longer needed.

But how uncharted the culture was, over the months of storage, beets and carrots inevitably lose moisture, can be rotted and infected with mold fungi. A rise in temperature in the storage area activates growth processes. In addition, not all root crops are equally well preserved. Their ability to retain moisture and to withstand spoilage is influenced both by the collection time, and by the initial quality of the crop. How correctly to store beets and carrots? Which root crops will last a many months stay in the embankment or basement, and how to deal with the remainder of the crop?

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When to clean carrots and beetroot?

In order to provide yourself with juicy carrots and beets for the winter, you should start by choosing the time of picking the roots, because the mature, thin the surface layer can not serve as a reliable protection of the pulp, and the root crop itself does not have time to accumulate the proper amount of reserve nutrient substances. Because of this, not ripe beets or carrots fade faster, is mechanically damaged and is affected by microorganisms. Therefore, summer roots are good only for early use, not storage.

In rainy weather, when harvesting beets and carrots for laying for winter is also not worth it, root crops accumulate moisture and are more prone to rot.

In the middle lane, carrots can be harvested from the second half of September and until October, the main thing is that the harvest should be harvested before the onset of stable frosts. This step, compared with the early harvest of root crops, will allow reducing the shrinkage by 10-20% over the winter months.

Timing of beet harvesting, rising above the soil level and more exposed to frost, occurs a little earlier, when the foliage is yellowing and drying up. Usually this time falls on the first half of September, and you should not hesitate. After all, it is impossible to forget about the activity of rodents that do not shy away from root crops on quickly empty beds:

  • When it is time to harvest, root crops are gently digging, for which it is more convenient to use a shovel, not a fork.
  • Then for bundles of leaves, hand carrots and beetroot are extracted from the soil.
  • Leaving short, up to 2 cm long petioles, immediately remove the greens.
  • Roots are allowed to dry out, and after sorting they are sent for storage.
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How correctly to store beets and carrots?

Beets are less demanding on storage conditions than carrots. Therefore, if there are ventilation in the basement or cellar, temperatures within 2-6 ° C and humidity of 85-95%, maroon root crops are perfectly stored on a par with potatoes in bundles, boxes or containers:

  • However, beets, like carrots, can be stored for the winter in containers, where the vegetables are layered with sand layer by layer. To prevent the development of pathogenic flora, up to 2% of chalk or slaked lime is mixed into the sand.
  • At home, layers intended for storing beets and carrots can be laid with thick paper or corrugated cardboard.
  • Well resist the drying of carrots and beets, and also the reproduction of bacteria and fungi fresh wood sawdust, phytoncides and essential oils of which oppress parasites and pathogens of putrefactive processes.

Well-preserved root crops, pre-treated with a mushy composition of clay mixed with water. After immersion in such a facility, carrots and beets are removed, dried and stored in the basement, and thanks to the clay layer, which retains moisture, the crop is guaranteed to be protected from withering and spoilage. How correctly to store beets and carrots, if there is no possibility to use sand and clay? In refrigerated storages carrots and beets can keep freshness in dense plastic bags, with a capacity of 20 to 50 kg. Vegetable-filled bags are not tied up, but vertically placed on racks.

As a result of the respiration of root crops inside the containers, high humidity and a concentration of 2-3% of carbon dioxide are formed. And at a temperature close to zero, and high humidity, there is no evidence of rotting or development of mold.

It is noticed that small and ugly roots during storage lose moisture by 10-20% more than select carrots and beets. But what if the ideal vegetables do not always grow in the beds? How to store such carrots and beets for the winter? To throw out the harvest is not worth it, because not even the most beautiful and large specimens can benefit and get on the table in the form of home preparations. Beets and carrots can be frozen for the winter, and in several original ways. Roots are dried perfectly. These vegetables are salted, pickled and brewed, sweet roots yield tasty jam and jam, juices and candied fruits.

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Is it possible to freeze beets and carrots for the winter?

Fast freezing of fresh carrots and beets allows to preserve all the gustatory qualities of these vegetables, and their useful properties.

In the simplest case, peeled and sliced ​​root crops are dried on a paper towel, and then they are divided into portions in packages, closed and sent to a freezer. Beets and carrots, frozen for the winter, can be added to any dish, if necessary, at the stage of heat treatment, be it soups, side dishes, gravies or roast.

Since both beets and carrots require a long cooking or quenching, before freezing the roots A few minutes of blanching, and then pour cold water, which improves the taste and speeds up the process cooking.

If the vegetables are crushed, then puree from carrots and beets can be frozen for the winter in batch molds:

  • The resulting cubes are convenient to use
  • They do not take up much space in the freezer.
  • In this form, the useful properties of root crops are preserved until the next harvest.

Similarly, for the winter you can freeze beet and carrot juice, if desired, from which you can make a bright vitamin ice cream, adding yogurt, a little honey and orange juice.

Storage of beets and carrots in dried form

No less simple and affordable way to store beets and carrots - is the drying of root crops for the winter. Pre-vegetables carefully washed, cleaned and cut at the discretion of the hostess. The thinner the beet and carrot slices, the less time it will take to remove moisture. To dry root crops it is possible both in an oven, and in a special dryer, the main thing that slices are not stuck together and not burnt. Therefore, the raw material from time to time to tune and make sure that the temperature does not exceed 60-70 ° C.

Properly dried vegetables do not lose the original color and inherent properties of fresh crops.

Such carrots and beets can be added to your favorite soups, vegetable stews and other dishes. Storing beets and carrots in this form does not require much space, and in a glass container closed flakes remain unchanged throughout the year.

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Salting and storage of beets and carrots

For pickling, it is best to take medium-sized root crops, which after cleaning are cut, blanched and laid out on clean jars, leaving a little space at the neck. The tanks are filled with a boiling 2% brine, making sure that the liquid occupies all the cavities, and no bubbles remain in the jars. Then the pickles are sterilized and covered with lids. Keep beets and carrots in this form is better in the cold, in a domestic refrigerator or basement.

Homemade billets from carrots and beets for the winter

Home preparations from beets, carrots and other vegetables in the winter seriously add to the menu and help to cope with the lack of vitamins in the diet. Many people know and love beet and carrot salads and snacks. Root crops are perfectly combined with other garden crops, for example, cabbage and tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant, sweet pepper and herbs.

Cubes of pickled beets and carrots - this is a good help for cooking vinaigrettes and other healthy snacks. Beetroot and carrots can be as old as possible, fermented with white cabbage, as well as separately.

Indispensable in winter and a pre-prepared bright dressing for borscht, where, except carrots and beets, add onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes, garlic, dill and parsley.

  • Peeled and crushed carrots and onions are fried.
  • Then fry and simmer the beets, at the half-ready stage adding diced sweet peppers and tomato cubes.
  • Vegetables are combined, seasoned with salt, vinegar, all necessary spices and herbs.
  • The dressing is laid out on cans, sterilized and closed.

Such a summer harvest not only saves time, but also gives the borscht a truly summer taste and aroma. Yes, and the whole grown crop of root crops goes into business and benefits until the next season.

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