How to divide sound into speakers and headphones: one sound source, different sound sources

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How to split sound into speakers and headphonesA sound reproduction system is one of the most important things in a computer, without which its use will become many times less comfortable. To play sound, you can use both headphones and speakers - both of these accessories are suitable for almost all models of modern devices. But is it possible to include them at the same time, to divide? What will be required to complete this task and will it be possible to cope with a beginner? You will learn about all this in this article.

How to connect speakers and headphones at the same time

The content of the article

  • How to connect speakers and headphones at the same time
    • Single sound source
  • Different sound sources

First you need to figure out why you need to connect speakers and headphones at the same time. This may be necessary if a lot of notifications or other system sounds, and they constantly distract from listening to music or watching movies / other media files.

A great option would be to turn on notifications in the speakers, reducing the sound to a minimum, and listen to the desired tracks exclusively using headphones or vice versa. But is it possible, in general, to do this? How exactly?

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There are two ways an ordinary user can apply, far from the secrets of technology.

Single sound source

This method is suitable for those cases when you need to play one sound track on multiple devices at once. For example, if you want to listen to music with a friend, but a child is sleeping in the next room, or several people are going to watch a movie with headphones at once.

Accessories can be used by anyone - both headphones and speakers, everything that is currently connected to the computer.

IMPORTANT. The advantage of this instruction is that you will succeed even when using two different sound cards. They can be external and internal.

Please note that for such a “disconnection” of sound, you must first download a special application to your computer - Virtual Audio Cable.

 Virtual audio cabl

An important point will be to save the file to a folder, which rarely anyone pays attention to, but sometimes users still change the location of the file. It’s better not to make the program work correctly.

After installation, if everything was done correctly, a new device will appear in the list of connected devices, with the help of which the recording will be played. After that, you need to open the folder with the file, click on the first line that opens and select Line 1 as the input device.

Inbox, select one of the desired devices. Then create another similar repeater and select the second device as the output. Thus, you can easily listen to the same track using different accessories.

 Virtual audio cable

Different sound sources

In order for different sounds to be played in the headphones and speakers, you will need another application - Auduo Router. It resembles a standard Windows system mixer, but has a significantly larger number of useful features.

On the download link you will find two versions of the program. Choosing the right one, you can get to work. No installation is needed here, so you must immediately copy the received files to a folder created in advance.

Then you need to start the software, and all connected devices and programs will appear on the screen.

IMPORTANT. In order for this or that application to appear in the system, you must run it. It can be a player for playing video or a file from a browser - in any case, turn it on first.

Then click on the rectangle under the desired program and click Route. Select the device with which you plan to play the track. The same thing needs to be done with a second program or browser.

Auduo router

So, it’s just possible to achieve an incredible result, as it seemed quite recently, to use not only headphones or just speakers at the same time, but all of this together. Installing the right applications does not require any special skills or experience - any PC user can handle it.

Auduo router

After that, you can enjoy movies or music without distracting others or, conversely, doing it with them, using several computer accessories at once.

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