How to set up speakers when connected to gadgets?

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Homemade speakers.When purchasing this or that device, you need to have knowledge that will be useful directly in the connection process. Thus, in this article we will consider the principle of connecting the column to the main equipment. In addition, we will find out options for possible problems.

Instructions: how to connect a speaker?

The content of the article

  • Instructions: how to connect a speaker?
  • How to set up a column correctly
  • What to do to not buzz

Depending on the method of setting up communication between the two devices, an algorithm for the sequence of manipulations will be determined. Therefore, below we consider the method when using a bluetooth speaker.

  • The presented opportunity is considered truly universal, since both a personal computer and a cell phone can be equipped with wireless technology. So, first you need to activate the unit itself by pressing the appropriate button.
  • Then you can go to the notification menu and hold on to the icon characterizing the bluetooth function.
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  • Next you need to apply the "search" key. This automatically starts searching for nearby devices.
  • A list with various device names will be available on the display. At this stage, you should find your own unit and mark it by clicking. After that, pairing will occur. Perhaps a special code will be requested first, which should be entered into the string. It can also be found on the back of the column.

REFERENCE! In the future, the connection will be carried out independently.

If the equipment is equipped with wires, then a slightly different algorithm should be followed:

  • First you need to take care of the availability of the necessary power source. Next, you can proceed to activate the invention.
  • Insert one part of the cable into the headphone jack. As for the other, this is a connection with a 3.5 mm jack.
  • In confirmation of reliable actions, a window will open on the screen with the text "audio jack connected." Thus, from now on there is the opportunity to enjoy the reproduction of various works.

How to set up a column correctly

yfcnhjqrfIf you are a user of a personal computer or laptop, it is recommended to adhere to the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to turn off the PC, that is, turn off the power source. At this stage, it is worth connecting the cable from the speakers to the main system.
  2. Now you can turn on the device and go to the "control panel".
  3. Next, you need to go to the section under the name "sound" and begin directly to configure it.
  4. This happens due to parameter changes. To do this, refer to the "levels" section. In case you are not satisfied with the sound volume or the balance, it is advisable to adjust it manually. Using the switch in the configuration menu, you can independently determine the indicators. In addition, you can notice a few other ways that will also help the user achieve perfect sound. Along with the “levels” there are other meanings. In any case, you will have to experiment and change the parameters using various methods to achieve the desired result.

What to do to not buzz

jblIndeed, sometimes you can notice the characteristic noises that come from the equipment. In such situations, first you need to determine the source of the problem. If you feel vibrations when touching the wire, then the cable may not have been shielded. To do this, you need to purchase a new one.

But in the absence of the possibility of purchase, it is recommended to wrap it in foil. But it may be that the fault lies in the board. Then only internal disassembly of the structure will save. In this case, it is worth determining for the presence of swelling and unsuitable contacts. Upon detection, it is worthwhile to reproduce the repair and recheck the performance of the structure.

REFERENCE! The occurrence of noise can be associated with neighboring magnetic fields, which interfere with the functionality of the speakers.

So it makes sense to install the unit higher from extraneous equipment. If you have special speakers that should be on the floor, it is important to take care of equipping certain furniture. It is she who will limit the impact.

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