Secrets of application and healing properties of cedar essential oil

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The most powerful natural antiseptics have always been esters derived from pine trees. However, the leading position among them is cedar oil, the properties and use of which have been known since ancient times. From the wood of this majestic giant our ancestors made furniture and dishes. In such containers, the food was stored unusually long, with the milk seldom sour. Cedar cabinets have been and remain very valuable for many, because they do not start a moth. The etheric vapors that this plant exudes as fire are afraid of different insects, especially mosquitoes, flies, and also mites. It is noteworthy, but in order to disinfect the air of a metropolis, only one small grove of these trees will suffice.Thanks to its antiseptic properties, cedar essential oil is worthy of application in both cosmetology and pharmacology.

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A very fatty oil is obtained from pine nuts. One tree can give up to 50 kg of fruit. In such a vegetable oil contains several times more vitamin E than in olive oil.

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For the treatment of many diseases, gum, that is, pitchwood, is used. Of course, you can prepare it yourself. However, it is worth considering that the life-giving "juice" instantly dries up and hardens. Therefore, many recommend to dissolve it in sunflower or olive oil. To do this, warm up to 50 ° C fat mixture with a piece of golden resin. It is interesting, but with such heat treatment, all useful substances remain in the resin. The resulting solution is ready for use.

Gilberries of cedar in cedar oil have a real therapeutic effect on the body. Being in such an environment, resinous compounds activate all their potential. Thus, a unique "duet" of valuable substances can be used when:

  • varicose veins;
  • polyarthritis;
  • fungal diseases of nails and skin;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis;
  • trophic ulcer of skin;
  • herpes;
  • inflammation of the mucosa (mouth, eyes, nasopharynx and genital organs);
  • eczema.
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In this case, the most important thing is to plan the course of therapy correctly. Among other things, these drugs can remove toxic substances, cholesterol and various kinds of slag.At the same time, such solutions (5%) are used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, angina, pharyngitis, adenitis and tonsillitis.

Some experts say that cedar ether is easily absorbed by the body. However, you need to be careful, because its components can cause allergies. Therefore, inhalations, baths, compresses, massages - the most optimal option for those who have a sensitive body.

Competition itself Rapunzel

The crown of beauty is young, and elderly, women are served by her magnificent curls. Unfortunately, terrible ecology, exhausting diseases and stresses have a negative impact on the body of lovely ladies. To, despite all this, look good, most girls use essential oil of cedar for hair. With its help, many overcame various diseases of the scalp, including seborrhea and dandruff.You can get the desired result only if you correctly prepare the recipe and regularly conduct the necessary procedures. In addition, it is necessary to choose a successful complex of plant components, which is suitable for different types of hair.

Basically, cosmetic companies produce esters by processing fibers of wood, bark, as well as unblown shoots of cedar trees.

Down with dandruff

According to one study, such problems are observed in young people under the age of 25 years. This category also includes those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines. However, even in the XIX century, a French scientist, investigating dandruff under a microscope, found in her fungal spores. They are the main cause of the progression of the disease. Do not reject the hormonal balance of a person, as well as his genetic background and the condition of the sebaceous glands. Nevertheless, the healing properties of cedar oil and its use will help to forget about the "snow cover" on your head for a long time. Here is one of the effective recipes:

  • pour a teaspoon of cedar ether;
  • the basis should be made of a strong alcoholic beverage (cognac or vodka) and strong tea, pour each component into 1 tbsp. l .;
  • drip three drops of essential oil (beaten laurel).
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Traditionally, a woman must carefully rub a slightly warmed oily liquid into the roots. Then she wraps her head with polyethylene and a terry towel. After one and a half hours the mask is washed off under the shower. The procedure is repeated every 5-7 days. As a result, two months will not pass, as the result will become obvious.

Light burning is considered normal with this therapy. However, severe itching, redness and loss of whole strands are the main signs of allergy.

Active growth

After a woman decides problems with dandruff, she needs to stabilize the work of hair follicles. Of course, it is important to understand that the hair has several stages of life. Moreover, every day a person loses a hundred of his hairs. To curls grow faster, you can make a mask:

  • in a tablespoon of kefir (yogurt) dissolve the same amount of sea salt;
  • make there 2 hours. l. honey;
  • add cedar and grape oil (best obtained from the stone) to 30 ml each;
  • Introduce drops of lavender ether (2-3 drops).

Massaging movements apply the resulting liquid to the head. Wrap it with a dense material and leave in this state for 60 minutes. To wash off this mask it is desirable a greater or big quantity or amount of shampoo with the subsequent use of balm. The use of cedar oil thus promotes intensive growth of curls.

Secret recipes from Humpbacked Horse

For centuries people have been striving for beauty and youth. Many sages told their ideas through the children's fairy tales. Of course, cook in boiling water, and then dip several times in the icy water - now dangerous. Today it is easy enough to make a suitable face mask with cedar oil, and many problems are solved in a couple of months. Some of these mixtures can moisturize, and others - to remove fat. But two of them will be of interest to every woman.

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Eternal youth

Wrinkles near the lips and eyes are imperceptibly smoothed out after only 30 days of intensive use of such a masochka. The interval between the procedures should be from 3 to 5 days. However, the course of therapy should continue in the following month. The skin will become velvety and smooth if you mix the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of honeycomb;
  • ten drops of the main ether;
  • raw oatmeal - 15 g.

Then the woman should evenly distribute the mixture over the face. Gently lay the liquid near the eyes. It is desirable for someone else to do this, for example, a friend or daughter. At the end of 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with summer water.

After such procedures, the skin may turn red, but it's not scary. Irritation is removed with a tonic or greasy cream.

Youth without acne

Because of these terrible formations on the delicate skin of a teenager, there are so many problems. Perhaps, complexes and self-doubt are only half of them. But the skin diseases that they cause, can spoil the child's life. Therefore, it is better to deal with them in advance using a mask with:

  • decoction of chamomile (Art. l.);
  • cedar (10 cap.) and almond (5 cap.) oil;
  • ether cloves, as well as grapes (bones) on 2-3 drops of each.

Lubricate with such a healing elixir is followed by the whole face. Keep the mask is no more than half an hour. Repeat the procedure is important every 3 days. When rinsing it is recommended to use water saturated with lemon / lime juice. A month of such therapy will help a teenager look impressive, enjoying his youth.

Wipe the face after flushing the mask is not necessary. If desired, it can be soaked with a paper towel.

To achieve such amazing metamorphosis is possible only thanks to competent application and unique properties of cedar oil. Still, too much to get involved in these procedures is not worth it. A break between therapy should be at least three months.

Cedar Oil Cooking - video

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