Choose the right time when it's best to clean carrots and beets

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During the onset of the long-awaited pore harvest, gardeners expect a reward for their hard work. To use the gifts of the land throughout the winter, it is important to know, for example, when to harvest carrots and beets.

It may seem that everything is very simple: went out to the garden, pulled at the tops, folded into the basement and enjoy life. In fact, negligence can lead to the loss of a precious crop. What will help to keep root crops until the spring, without losing their valuable properties? Wise approach to the performance of garden works.

The right time

In one wise book it is said that a hasty man is in need. Indeed, haste always leads to disappointment. The time when picking carrots and beets should be selected, given the weather conditions.

This is especially important if there is no precipitation for a long time and the land is too dry. In such a situation, you can not rush to harvest root crops, so that they are not fibrous and dry.

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In dry weather, beds can be shed 14 days before harvesting. This contributes to the juiciness of beets and carrots.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the air temperature. If it heats up to 15 degrees, then the metabolic processes between the tops and roots in carrots are still quite active. For beets, the permissible temperature is 8 degrees. Harvested vegetables in this weather will quickly wither, which brings grief to the toilers of the fields.

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In occasion of when to clean carrots and a beet, there are different opinions. Some truck farmers focus on their neighbors, while others adhere to the standard - the middle of September. Someone thinks that it is better to wait for the roots to prepare themselves for the winter, remaining in the ground.

Do not wait for frosts below minus 3 degrees. The frozen vegetables are not stored for a long time in the basement. They will have to be used as soon as possible.

The driving force at the beginning of the harvest should be the full ripeness of root crops.

Some gardeners are guided by the wilting and yellowness of the leaves of vegetable crops. With this approach, important features should be considered:

  1. Yellow leaves may imply a lack of moisture in the soil during droughty periods.
  2. Withering of the "tops" indicates the disease of the plant.
  3. The dried tops are often caused by damage to root vegetables by pests.

As can be seen from these factors, one should not be too categorical, but be flexible.


With a long and warm autumn, carrots and beets can re-germinate. Such root crops lose flavor and quickly rot. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the plant in order not to miss the right moment.

For example, unripe fruit will become sluggish, and in the basement they will immediately rot. How sad it is to put up with wasted time and strength. To avoid disappointment, it is important to follow simple advice.

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Carefully harvest the crop

Given the various factors, agronomists believe that the most suitable time for harvesting carrots and beets is the last week of September or the first of October. It is at this time that the roots are fully ripened and ready for wintering.

The best time to clean carrots and beets is dry weather.

First, it is better to dig up beets, the fruits of which can be on top. So it will not suffer from unexpected frosts.

In order not to damage the root crop, it is better to use forks. The fruits extracted from the soil are released from the tops, leaving the rootlets one and a half centimeters. Collected beetroot, put in small heaps, so that it is ventilated and dried.

Do not remove the adhering soil from root crops, hitting them, against each other. So you can damage the tender peel, which will affect the storage period. It is better to do this with your hands.

If the street is sunny, the beets should be dried in the shade. Otherwise, it will lose moisture and quickly fade.

As for carrots, this root is completely in the ground, so it does not frighten a little frost. And if you still eat the tops, then you can sleep peacefully.

Dig up the carrots can be a shovel, and if the soil is soft - pitchfork. Do this carefully so as not to damage the root crop hidden in the ground.

Read also:Useful properties and contraindications for the use of red beets

The leaves of ripe carrots are cut in different ways:

  • with a tail up to 2 cm;
  • under the fetus;
  • cut the head on, see.

In this case, everyone decides for himself, considering the methods of storage. But it is forbidden to wash or peel the roots. In this form they will "die" after a few days.

It is desirable not to dry carrots from the soil in the sun. It is better to hide it under a canopy to dry it. Damaged fruits are used immediately, and good ones are transferred to a storage room.

A reliable place for wintering

To root crops do not lose useful substances, you need to keep them right. Many gardeners put vegetables in special pits or cellars. If they lie in the cellars, then preferably away from the fruit.

An effective way of storing is to dip each fruit in clay and carefully fold it into a box. You can also simply fall asleep with the sand.

The optimum temperature for storage should not exceed +3 degrees.

If you process the harvested crop with lime, it will not suffer from rot or "unsolicited" pests. Before consumption, such vegetables should be thoroughly washed.

In order not to lose the joy of the fruit of their hands, reasonable gardeners listen to wise advice. They know exactly when it is better to remove beets and carrots, and how to preserve the crop.

Video about the timing of the harvest of carrots and beets

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