Why do Europeans keep car keys in the microwave?

In the modern world, almost every family has their own car, and sometimes several. Buying a car is a pretty serious purchase, because in addition to the initial investment, expenses for diagnostics and troubleshooting will certainly follow.

Car keys

In addition, many car owners, regardless of the age of their car, are afraid of such a thing as theft or theft of certain components.

Why put the car keys in the microwave at night?

The content of the article

  • Why put the car keys in the microwave at night?
  • Does being in the microwave harm the keys?

Sometimes scammers work so cleanly that they don’t even leave damage on the car, which even more scares car owners. For example, a whole wave of thefts swept across Britain in 2017: about 89 thousand owners lost their cars. Not surprisingly, inventive Europeans came up with their own methods of protection, albeit not quite ordinary.

Now almost every car is equipped with a contactless access system, which allows you to start engine or open the car door with a simple push of a button on the key fob while at a decent distance from her. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient. Especially in the cold season, when it is necessary to warm up the car in advance before the start of the trip. But also contactless access has several disadvantages:

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  • suddenly the battery in the key fob may run out and deprive you of access to the car;
  • the radius of the signal will not be enough for the distance at which you are.

microwaveBut the second drawback can turn into a real problem, because with the help of special devices it can be expanded not only by the owner himself, but also by hijackers. These devices lengthen the signal and increase the range of the radio wave. One part of the device is located near the car, and the second is near the intended location of the key fob, for example, at the front door, because many store their keys in the corridor. Thus, fraudsters cover the distance from the house to the car and without much effort gain access to the car.

Special safes for keys and other devices help protect yourself from this kind of scam, but you can not find them everywhere. Instead, you can use household home appliances: any technique that blocks radio waves due to internal isolation is suitable. Of course, you can simply wrap the keys in a couple of layers of aluminum foil, but it’s much easier to just put keychain in the fridge or microwave for the night, and in the morning as if nothing had happened go to their affairs.

Important! In the case of a microwave, the main thing is to accidentally not use it for its intended purpose while the keys are inside.

Does being in the microwave harm the keys?

key storageMany are still worried about the question of whether microwave radiation is harmful and how it affects the warm food and the human body as a whole. At one time in the USSR and in Germany, these devices were even banned for the following reasons:

  • It was believed that waves affect the molecular composition of food;
  • Electromagnetic waves have a great effect on the human body;
  • In food, preheated in a microwave oven, many beneficial substances turn into carcinogens.

But today, all manufacturers use high-quality insulating materials that provide reliability and reduce the harmful effects of the device. In addition, radiation affects objects inside the microwave oven only when it produces direct heating, which means that the keys in the idle device are safe and this is not at all harms them.

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