Can I put the TV on the microwave: installation tips and what to look for

Modern kitchen is inconceivable without electrical appliancesFacilitating life housewife: refrigerator, stove, microwave, multivarka and, of course, television. And here size kitchen facilities left much to be desiredSo it turns accumulation of household appliances, is fraught with the emergence of adverse effects. Particularly controversial is the question: Is it possible to put the TV on the microwave.

TV in the microwave

The content of the article

  • TV in the microwave
  • What to look for
  • The possible negative consequences
  • Tips for installing a TV in the microwave

TV on a microwave - a fairly common phenomenon in many small kitchens. The furnace is in this case serves as a TV stand.

However, such a juxtaposition of equipment that generates electromagnetic radiation is highly undesirable in a residential area. Of particular danger is the direct contact of them.

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What to look for

This proximity of electrical appliances possible, though not desirable, subject to certain conditions. So, it is necessary to pay attention to:

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  • The degree of heating of the microwave oven body. In contact with the hot cover, a television stand hot and may melt. At the same time there is the likelihood of damage to the chip;
  • Opening the door. Puffs of steam escaping from the chamber in which food is prepared, and warmed up, can fall directly onto the screen, and the probability of damage of the screen template;
  • vibration. If the lower device unreliable fixed, the opening and closing of the door can cause vibration that could provoke damage to the TV and even its fall;
  • The presence on the lid and the sidewalls of the microwave ventilation holes. Typically, manufacturers are encouraged to provide free space around the unit for the operation of the ventilation system. Since when blocking the vents during operation the oven may overheat and fail. From these holes emit hot air, so between the wall and the oven should be no obstacles;
  • TV model. Older samples with cathode-ray tube characterized by high weight and relatively bulky, in modern plasma models in the weight affects the size of the diagonal.
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The possible negative consequences

Most microwave manufacturers directly indicate in the operating instructions necessity place the microwave oven as far as possible from TVs and radios. Despite the fact that modern stoves meet all the requirements regarding the elimination of radio interference, some interference may still occur if the oven is too close to the TV. It is recommended to put them as far as possible from each other.

Attention!It is worth considering not only the mutual influence of standing next to household appliances, but also about the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

After all, every single unit generates harmful radiationAnd installing multiple units in a row, we just strengthen their impact. That, in turn, in a limited kitchen space can affect the health of people conducting a lot of time here.

Tips for installing a TV in the microwave

If you still can not avoid placing the TV in the vicinity of the microwave, it is necessary to minimize the possibility of simultaneous operation.

Well, if microwave It will not be used for cooking, but only for heating food.

Attention! the older generation of TVs do not fit for positioning directly on the top panel microwave.

They are too massive and heavy, due to this can happen punching the stove top cover, Excessive leakage of microwaves.

televisions desirable hang of microwave and mount with special brackets in the wall, or put on a separate shelf. This arrangement will eliminate the unpleasant situations and be able to extend the work of art.

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Many users explicitly say they do not appear to be any side effects from the close location of the electrical appliances. However, it says only that the negative effects are not immediate to the fullest. Therefore, as far as possible it is recommended not to install the TV directly on the microwave.

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