How to boil water in the microwave: tips for properly boiling water for tea in the microwave

There are a lot of rumors and speculations about using a microwave in everyday life. However, few people know exactly how to use it correctly. If to be completely honest, then users usually do not read the instructions, preferring to act on a hunch.

The process of heating water in the microwave

The content of the article

  • The process of heating water in the microwave
    • Is it possible to heat water in the microwave
    • Is it possible to boil water in the microwave
    • Is it possible to boil water in the microwave for tea
  • Detailed instructions on how to boil water in the microwave
    • Choose the dishes
    • Choose the optimal mode and temperature
  • Tips for boiling water in the microwave

A simple action - to boil water is not at all as harmless as most people think. On early models of microwave ovens, there was even a special sign warning about the dangers of this activity. Now it is gone, this means that it is possible to boil the liquid in the microwave, but observing safety measures.

Microwave water boilingThe danger of a simple chemical process is how water behaves when heated in an oven.

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During normal boiling, for example, on a gas stove, gas bubbles form. This does not happen in the microwavealthough a temperature of 100 ° C has already been reached. Bubbles of air appear at the moment when a person does not expect this - when moving the container from a place or when placing a spoon in it.

ATTENTION! Improper boiling of the liquid in the microwave oven can lead to the explosion of the vessel, strong boiling out like a geyser and shorting of the household appliance.

As a rule, people do not know this and wait until the water in the usual sense begins to gurgle. A powerful overheating of the liquid occurs, it becomes a kind of bomb, ready to detonate at the slightest impact. It is enough to recall the soda, which was well shaken in the bottle, the same thing happens here.

Is it possible to heat water in the microwave

The answer to this question largely depends on the specific microwave model. The manufacturer in the instructions gives useful tips on how to properly heat the liquid and not lose the stove. There are no single recommendations for absolutely all types of microwave ovens, but safety rules exist and should be strictly followed.

Is it possible to boil water in the microwave

You can boil tea water in the microwaveYou can boil the liquid in the microwave, but if there are other ways to make a cup of tea, it is better to use them, because the risk of getting burns is great enough. With improper operation of the oven, you can lose both the dishes in which the water boils, and the microwave itself.

Is it possible to boil water in the microwave for tea

To brew tea, you need a high temperature, so it is better to refrain from this activity or boil water with all safety measures. Otherwise, the tea party will be hopelessly ruined.

ATTENTION! Do not put tea bags in a cup. The clips that are on each of them will provoke sparking and damage to the microwave.

Detailed instructions on how to boil water in the microwave

The choice of mode for boiling water in the microwaveStep-by-step instructions for safe fluid heating:

  1.  Pour water into a clean cup (more than half a cup, but not full) without covering it with a lid, otherwise an explosion will occur.
  2.  Place a small wooden spoon or stick inside the mug, for example, from sushi. If you don’t have such an item, take a cup with chips inside, this will allow gas bubbles to form freely.
  3. Put the tank inside the stove and set the desired heating parameters. Press the start button.
  4. Stop the microwave from time to time and gently mix the liquid with a spoon.

Choose the dishes

To safely heat up, you must first select the right cookware. It can be made of glass or ceramic. It is better to take an old, chipped, scratched container, gas is better released in it.

Remember, do not use metal cups and plates, they cause serious microwave damage and fire.

Do not take plastic dishes for warming up, even if it is intended for a microwave. Plastic cannot withstand such high temperatures. It is likely that it will either melt or start releasing hazardous chemicals.

ATTENTION! Never place purchased containers of mayonnaise or yogurt in the microwave; melting the plastic can lead to a short circuit and hopeless damage to the microwave.

Choose the optimal mode and temperature

Choose the correct mode will help the instruction manual for the stove. If it is not there, you will have to find out the time and temperature of safe warming up experimentally. First, try to warm up the liquid for a minute and, taking care, evaluate the degree of its readiness. Usually this time is enough for heating at high power, less productive models will need up to 3 minutes.

Tips for boiling water in the microwave

If there are people in the family who prefer to heat the liquid in the microwave, they should be protected, otherwise sooner or later a burn will happen.

TIP! A special thermometer will help to avoid trouble. When heating water, you need to strictly monitor its readings; when it reaches 100C, immediately click on the “stop” button.

Boiling water in the microwave according to all the rulesA few simple rules will help you safely boil water in the microwave:

  • You do not need to take out the mug immediately, wait half a minute and only then carefully put the spoon in it. It is better if it is wooden rather than metal.
  • Tap the cup from the outside with the same spoon. Vibration will contribute to the release of gas, if water does not overflow, it can be taken out.
  • Keep a potholder or kitchen towel ready - usually the container is very hot. Do not bring your face close to the surface of the water, this often leads to burns to the face and eyes.

Sometimes it’s not possible to boil water in the usual way, for example, in a hospital or at work, then you can use a microwave for this, and it’s better to warm a regular kettle at home. Observing the simple safety rules, it will turn out to warm a cup of tea without unnecessary problems. Be sure to teach your children this, because it is they who often become victims of the microwave.

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