What is the difference between a trimmer and a clipper: specific differences and what to choose?

what does it look likeThe trimmer is a modern tool that is designed to get rid of hair on a particular part of the body. It is sold as a separate device and as an auxiliary element to an electric razor or hair clipper.

The device is characterized by its appearance, which is clearly different from the typewriter. This device is several times smaller than a classic clipper. Its weight is small, and it works from built-in batteries or from batteries that can be changed. The trimmer looks compact and it is convenient for travelers. Due to the presence of a special nozzle, the mechanism is allowed to be used as an electric shaver.

The tool is able to simulate a haircut with a small working area. So the implementation of specialized work is not a problem: thanks to him, successfully created unique fragments in hairstyle, whiskey trimmed, whiskers formed, shaped beard and mustache. Please note, with the help of special nozzles it is possible to get rid of unnecessary hair from the auricle and nostrils.

Description of clippers

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The content of the article

  • Description of clippers
  • The main differences of the trimmer from the machine

The most important tool that will help in creating a male hairstyle at home is recognized as a hair clipper. Having decided to use this device, you can smoothly and at the same time gently cut your hair without being a professional in hairdressing.

IMPORTANT! The choice of this type of equipment depends on the type of influence of the engine of the device, because they are of rotary, vibration and battery type.

clipperThe rotary installation is operated thanks to the presence of a built-in motor. Models of this type are regarded as better and more expensive, which indicates their premium performance. It is noticed that in beauty salons, which value their reputation, they use rotary-type equipment, since they are durable and designed to work with heavy loads. They perfectly cut thick and coarse hair. The blades in these devices can be removed.

Vibration systems are more affordable and are used for home use. The device operates on the basis of a vibration coil, and therefore makes a strong noise during operation. Models of this type have low power, so the equipment is able to be in continuous working condition for a quarter of an hour, and after that it is turned off for cooling. It is impossible to remove the blades in them, which adversely affects the process of caring for the device.

Battery mechanisms please quiet operation, compact size and light weight. Their main advantage is network operation. Any model of the machine is equipped with nozzles for adjusting the length of the hair.

The main differences of the trimmer from the machine

a haircutDifferences of one device from another are quite clearly visible during operation:

  • The trimmer is smaller in size and weight than the machine, and therefore convenient in storage and transportation. It contains the functions of a depilator and a razor.
  • The machine has many functions. She can cut off any hair quickly and at the highest level, which is beyond the power of the trimmer.
  • It is more difficult to look after additional nozzles of the machine.
  • With the help of a trimmer, curly haircuts are created on the head, thanks to it it is possible to remove hairs in difficult to reach places.
  • Work with the machine can be carried out both with the help of a battery, and with connection to an electric network.

Having learned all the features and differences of the trimmer from the machine, you can make a choice in favor of a particular device.

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