This is the health risk of air conditioning: how to reduce risks

In the summer, when it is hot outside, you can only be saved in a cozy and cool place, but it does not always help. The usual air conditioner comes to the rescue, which instantly fills the room with a light and pleasant breeze.

This is a health hazard.

However, despite its simplicity, this device is fraught with great danger. It should be used as carefully as possible, responsibly treating its correct operation.

What is the danger of air conditioning

The content of the article

  • What is the danger of air conditioning
  • How often do I need to clean the air conditioner
  • How else can you reduce the risks

First of all, adults believe that this device can be dangerous for small children, as the air conditioner can blow them off if the children will be under it for a long time. Especially diseases arise in children at the moment when they sweat strongly after active games - in this case there is a very high risk of catching a cold.

However, for adults, this seemingly safe item can be deadly. So, for example, due to severe contamination of the device, there is a risk of the formation of Legionella bacteria, which multiplies in the condensate of a dirty environment.

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Air conditioning

The most famous example of the effects of this bacterium occurred in America in 1976. At that time, in one of the small towns, more than 200 people fell ill at the same time. 35 people on this list could not cope with the disease, and their symptoms were fatal. Later it turned out that this was due to the spread of the pathogen by the air flow.

How often do I need to clean the air conditioner

Modern equipment has become more technologically advanced, but it still requires good care. Despite the fact that the air conditioner is used quite rarely, it must also be cleaned.

If the device is used only for one season, it is enough to clean it only twice. The first one is immediately before use, and the second after the equipment is put into storage until next year.

If the equipment is used year-round in a warm climate, it should be cleaned every month. It is enough for this to simply wipe it with a damp cloth.

Important! If the cloth is saturated with a small amount of alcohol, this will significantly reduce the chances of the formation of harmful microbes on the surface of the device.

Air conditioning

How else can you reduce the risks

To prevent the pathogen from having any chances at all, care should be taken about the general cleanliness of the room. Wet cleaning should be done at least once a week with good detergent. Also, when cleaning, you should wipe any surface from the source of dust, since this environment is the most favorable for the development of harmful microorganisms.

Additionally, attention should be paid to the ventilation of the room. This should be done daily, at least for 5-10 minutes. This is best done before bedtime, in the evening, or in the morning.

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